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Yevgeny Rublev: Brexit as a local victory over globalism

“I will ask the governments to cooperate, to recognize that sovereignty is an illusion — that sovereignty is an absolute illusion that has to be put behind us. The days of hiding behind borders and fences are long gone. We have to work together and cooperate together to make a better world.” Peter Sutherland

What is globalism? It is a drive for a more open world, where commodities, capitals and labor resources move freely, where business thrives and where people are well-off, a world where economic cooperation prevents conflicts and wars and where borders are a formality. This is a world where different nations and religious groups peacefully co-exist and cooperate for the welfare of whole humanity. In this world, there is no hatred and hostility, people can be whomever they want, industry is environmentally friendly and food is organic.

In other words, this is a Utopia. People have dreamed of such a world since the times of the French Revolution. But in the 1960s, this idea became global. Its proponents were the first generation that grew up in a post-war world. They knew no hunger and privations and they thought this could last forever. It was the time when religion was proclaimed to be a prejudice and when science began discovering the world. It was the time of sexual revolution. In 1968, pacifists managed to stop the US Government’s war in Vietnam.

In 1969, the European Economic Community began expanding. At that time, it comprised Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France. The UK, Denmark and Ireland joined it in 1976. Greece, Spain and Portugal a bit later. In 1993, the community was reorganized into the European Union.

Later the EU admitted almost all European countries. As a result, ordinary Europeans could enjoy free movement and employment opportunities, a single currency and unified labor and immigration laws.

Later the new immigration rules affected lowly qualified workers in developed EU countries. For business, it meant cheaper labor resources and higher competition. For ordinary citizens, it meant cheaper babysitters and gardeners, for municipalities, cheaper street cleaners and bus drivers. Landlords were happy to see rents growing, unlike those who had no houses of their own.

At one and the same time, it became much harder to visit a doctor and to find a place in a school. High immigration resulted in no-go zones in most of European cities and in a demographic shift: in 2012, just 45% of Londoners identified themselves as white British men and women. By the way, only 40.1% of Londoners voted for Brexit. Quite natural for a city ruled by transnational elites.

People tend to believe something they hear many times. They tend to trust public opinion more than their own experience. From evolutionary point of view, social reality is often more vital than objective reality. Sometimes, this results in social unrests, skyscraping prices, freakish cults and even mass suicides.

Post-industrial society is ruled by global business and socially-oriented utopists. They keep assuring the world that the children of immigrants are no longer immigrants, that the population in Europe is aging and that the only way for them to pay pensions to old Europeans is to get young workers from the third world. All this is backed up by cultural relativism, saying that all cultures are equal.

They say that there is only one thing that is worse, European colonial culture. If there are two people and one of them has one dollar and the other has ten dollars, it means that the one having ten dollars has oppressed the one with one dollar. Consequently, rich countries are rich not because they have been developing for centuries but because of racism.

They say that if a boy is grown up as a girl, he will identify himself as a girl. They say that biology restricts mind and that culture and traditions are a prison for a free man. They say that a traditional paternal family prevents the world from moving ahead. So, they propagate homosexuality and trans-genderism and welcome women growing up their children alone.

All this was in the same package with the opportunity to move in Europe without visas but, of course, this was not mentioned during membership referendums in applicant states.

Over the last years, the British people have faced growing pressures from globalists, who accused of racism and warn of economic collapse those who objected to mass immigration and even sent their leader Barak Obama so he tried to convince the British that the EU is the best choice for them. Most of the polls said that most of the British people support the EU. This is why the June 24 morning was a shock for the world. The first signal was received on June 17, when Switzerland decided to withdraw its application to join the EU.

The British have voted for the chance to preserve their cultural and ethnic identity and for the ability to carry out their economic and immigration policies on their own. Of course, they have lots of problems to solve. Already today, they can’t say what cultural values determine their identity. And there are millions of people in their country who do not regard themselves as British and do not want to be assimilated.

It is not yet clear if the UK will break away from the EU as a result of this voting or there will be one more “correct” referendum. Economics may prove decisive here. But let’s not forget the words of one of the founders of the EU Jean Monnet: “Europe’s nations should be guided towards the superstate without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation.”

Obviously, globalism will not give up easily, especially as international corporations and conglomerates have huge resources and enormous influence on politicians and mass media worldwide. Still more and more Europeans and Americans are beginning to realize that the policy that has been carried out over the last 50 years was not for their sake. One of the key anti-globalists today is Donald Trump, who annoys not only the US authorities but the whole international business.

The idea of globalism will fail in any case as it is based on misperception that human beings are just a labor resource and that welfare and security can last forever. The very concept that human beings are something like a mineral resource or a capital and can be freely moved according to economic purposes is very unhuman. The only question here is how this change will happen – in a soft evolutionary manner or as a result of a collapse that will turn Europe and the United States into a third world.

Brexit has given us hope for the better scenario.

Yevgeny Rublev, specially for EADaily

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