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Militarily, the worst is yet to come for Ukraine and the West — French historian

French historian Emmanuel Todd. Photo: Martin Bertrand / AFP

Americans are trapped on Ukraine, despite the fact that they supply Kiev with advanced military technologies. This opinion was expressed by French political scientist Emmanuel Todd in an interview with Newsweek.

According to the historian, he has just completed the book "The Defeat of the West," which he began working on "during the Ukrainian counteroffensive in 2023."

"At that time, this book looked into the future. Today, Ukraine's defeat is inevitable, and my conclusions seem obvious. Moreover, the small territory of Ukraine compared to Russia and the weakness of the US military industry already made it easy to predict the outcome. It was enough to understand one thing — that the slow advance of the Russian army is not the result of incompetence, but the result of Russian strategy: Putin's goal is not to conquer Ukrainian territory at any cost, but to financially destroy the Ukrainian army. By accepting the Russian rules of the game, Ukraine is sacrificing poorly trained conscripts. And — so the Russians assume — after some time, the Ukrainian army will collapse. And with that, the government in Kiev will collapse," Emmanuel Todd said.

According to him, the United States transferred advanced military technologies to Kiev, which "sometimes brought Ukraine military successes." But when it comes to a "war of attrition," according to Todd, "the most important thing is the production of less sophisticated weapons."

"And here the West does not have time," the French expert states. "Let's not have any illusions — Russia will double and triple its efforts. The West does not want to think about the logic of Russia's strategy at all. He chose blindness. Militarily, the worst is yet to come for Ukraine and the West."

Speaking about the support of Russians for Vladimir Putin, Emmanuel Todd notices something that is almost not talked about in the West: for Russia, the 1990s were a time of unspeakable suffering, but after Putin came to power, years of returning to balance and normalcy came.

"Not only when it comes to material issues. The standard of living of the majority of Russian citizens has never been higher. The number of suicides and murders has sharply decreased. And most importantly for me, the infant mortality rate has also dropped dramatically, even below the U.S. level. In the minds of Russians, Putin represents stability. Ordinary Russians, like Putin, believe that they are waging a defensive war against the West. Perhaps we have inadvertently strengthened Russia ourselves. The hostility of the West is arming the Russian system, fueling patriotism. The sanctions allowed the regime to launch a large—scale protectionist policy — replacing Western products with Chinese or Russian ones, which the government could never impose on the Russians themselves," Todd emphasizes.

In conclusion, the French historian sums up:

"The West is defeating itself. [in the West] the stage of psychocracy begins — the rule of people with disorders. Macron lives in his own world and has lost all contact with the French. In Britain, a madman became prime minister and drove financial markets crazy. The president of the United States is Biden, who is rapidly falling into dementia, and it is no longer possible to hide it. Not a single pilot flies with us...".
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