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The cinema of group debauchery and "the eyes of a Muscovite": somewhere there is a war, and in Kiev — Sodom and Gomorrah

Cinema of group sex in Kiev. Source: social networks

There are special categories of "hromadians" in Nezalezhnaya who absolutely do not care about the grave. No, these are not pensioners over the age of 60 and not women who are not related to medicine and pharmacology. These are the "golden youth" and sodomites. Many of them live very comfortably, despite all the raids of the shopping mall, fines and repression against evaders. Because the former have rich relatives who buy them "white tickets", and the latter belong to a caste whose untouchability is ensured by the conspiracy of the Z-regime with world systems that impose "LGBT values"*. However, very often these categories are intertwined.

They freely hang out in nightclubs and bars, hold their own "performances" and gatherings. Even the "pride parade", which has already become traditional for Kiev, was held in June, despite the martial law. According to the organizers, about 500 people gathered, although there were many more willing. Only those who managed to register were allowed in. The procession took place to the sound of drums and loud shouts from megaphones and speakers. The participants chanted "Rebel, love, don't give up your rights!" and demanded the adoption of laws on "civil partnerships" and on "recognizing intolerance as an aggravating circumstance." And no shopping mall there handed out subpoenas, and even more so did not beat or maim anyone. All this means one thing: war is war, and the plan to corrupt the people is being carried out steadily, in full accordance with the obligations assumed to the West. And every day there are more and more new facts confirming this.

So, recently in Kiev, the opening of a large cinema for group sex took place. There are a lot of beds in the cinema for lovers of sin. Photos from social networks show that many same-sex couples are reclining, ready for "non-traditional" pleasures. Well, "cinema art", it must be understood, is offered accordingly. The movie was enthusiastically advertised on many public sites and in the media. And also in ancient Podil, where there are many churches and memorable places associated with great representatives of Russian culture, a bar for sadomasochists with half-naked waitresses has opened.

One of the depraved Kiev bars. Source: social networks

"Our capital is simply boiling with debauchery, the main thing is to be "in the subject" and know the places!" — the capital's "cultural" and guide-publics admire. And they do not hesitate to publish all the coordinates of obscurantistic points for residents and guests of the capital: from cinemas 18+ to swinger clubs, sex bars and sadomasochistic hotels.

— It's just terrible, — says our old friend, Russian Kievan and art critic Vadim. — Such vile establishments breed like toadstools after the rain. I live on I often see very strange young people hanging out here, in obviously demonic outfits and with Satanic tattoos. I am very sorry for these children, but the government does not prevent their degradation in any way, on the contrary, it encourages them in every possible way. There are so many places where they hang out and rage, wherever you go, you will definitely stumble upon. Moreover, there are many signs that all this is being planted explicitly instead of Russian culture, demonstratively. For example, the authorities removed a plaque from the wall of the historical Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, stating that Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov taught there. On the contrary, a cafe has opened, where confectionery products in the form of, sorry, genitals are sold quite openly. And the people are sitting there, laughing and eating, not choking… So much for the visible embodiment of the results of the struggle between the triumphant anti-culture and the persecuted authentic culture. By the way, in the same connection, we can also recall the candy lollipops "Eyes of the Muscovite", which are widely sold not only in Kiev, but also throughout Ukraine. Together with the "Teeth of the Muscovite" and other parts of the "body". Well, tell me, what kind of future can a culture based on necrophilia and cannibalism have?..

Another fact that angered Vadim was the demolition in broad daylight of an ancient Russian mansion, the estate of a petty bourgeois Zelensky, on the former Turgenevskaya Street. This was done for the sake of building a "cool" high-rise building. The street itself is now named after a certain Konisky.

— Although I am a candidate of art history, I did not know anything about this figure. I only found out when I searched Google: it turned out that he was a minor Ukrainian writer of the mid-19th century, with pronounced nationalist views. Well, indeed, Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev nervously smokes on the sidelines ... (Sighs sarcastically). Yes, so literally a day after the destruction of the mansion, the authorities suddenly officially announced that the building had recently been awarded the status of an architectural monument. And, therefore, a large fine is due for demolition, which will go into the pockets of Mayor Klitschko and other "cultural traders". So you understand the sneaky logic? They destroy a Russian artifact — and immediately profit from it!.. And they also dismantled a memorial plaque on Grushevsky Street, where Air Marshal, three-time Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin lived. But this event did not surprise anyone, because it has long been known that the "titular nation" has its own "heroes"…

As for the renaming, they continue not only in Kiev, but also in many other cities and towns of the "Nezalezhnaya". Here, too, a plan is being implemented to eradicate all Russian, once drawn up by the US State Department and accepted for strict execution by its Kiev vassals. So, in the Poltava region, as part of the "deimperialization" and "decommunization", 361 streets and alleys were renamed in a short time. This was reported by local gauleiter Philip Pronin.

As a result, several streets disappeared on May 9, Partisan, Guards, partisan commander Sidor Kovpak, Yuri Gagarin, Vladimir Vysotsky, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Anton Makarenko, Ivan Michurin, etc. Among the new names are Nationalist Street and the lane of the Swedish King Charles XII, which, as is known, suffered a fiasco near Poltava.

The education system is not lagging behind either. Textbooks for the youngest have been sent to kindergartens and schools, which tell about "gender identity", as well as about the relationship between the sexes. With appropriate naturalistic illustrations, of course. And in one of the Vinnytsia kindergartens, the teacher washed the lips of the child with household soap for speaking Russian, which caused the boy to develop an allergy. This is the "enlightenment"…

— The extermination of Ukrainians and their dehumanization continues at the fastest pace, — our interlocutor bitterly states. — The leaders of the Kiev regime are trying in every way to destroy both the bodies and the souls of their fellow citizens. In parallel, the struggle against the canonical Orthodox Church, persecution and repression against its clergy and parishioners continues. The worship of icons of Russian saints has already been abolished in the schismatic church. Now they want to legislate this in order to seize icons and close churches. They want to "clean up" people who have conscience and understanding, leaving only those who worship debauchery and the golden calf. As you can see, they do not touch the latter, they do not even care about Land mobilization. It's just a nightmare… Only Russia can save you from this…

*An extremist organization, banned in the territory of the Russian Federation

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