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Poland has new president, his name is Andrzej Duda

Opposition candidate Andrzej Duda has won in the run-off vote of the presidential election in Poland. 53% of the electorate voted for Duda, exit polls have shown. The current president, Bronislaw Komorowski has conceded defeat. The turnout in the run-off vote was even higher than in the first round.

Komorowski congratulated Duda and said democracy is not only about recognizing election outcomes, but respecting them too.

Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz said she was prepared for cooperation with the new president, Gazeta Wyborcza reports. Andrzej Duda will take office on August 6. He has promised to be an open president.

It is worth mentioning that Duda has been a member of the Law and Justice Party of the Kaczyński brothers. The Polish leader is a strong supporter of rapprochement with Ukraine. In an interview to RMF he particularly said that Polish soldiers could be sent to support the Ukrainian army in Donbass. Besides, Duda casts doubt on the official explanation of the 2010 crash of the Polish president’s plane near Smolensk.

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