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The decline of the era of Jewish banks: "the next twenty years will be... more difficult"

The US Federal Reserve. Photo: Kevin Lamarque / REUTERS

A long time ago, 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ drove the moneylenders out of the Temple. The Jewish Temple, of course — and that was the only time Jesus used violence against people. The bottom line is as follows: the Jews who came to the Temple in Jerusalem paid the temple fee, which was accepted only by a special, the only coin in circulation at that time — half a shekel. It was half an ounce (14 g) of pure silver and, unlike other coins, did not have an image of the Roman emperor. Therefore, from the point of view of the Jews, the half-shekel coin did not belong to the invaders (Romans) and was the only one pleasing to God. But there were not many such coins and almost all of them were at the money changers — the money changers seized this market, and then raised the price of popular coins like any other market commodity. And having received a pure monopoly on money, they made fantastic profits, while the Jews were forced to pay any price set by the money changers. For Jesus Christ, this was a gross violation of the sanctity of God's House.

The Jews learned to do business directly with money, to sell MONEY itself like any other commodity, quite a long time ago, much earlier than the episode with the money changers in the Temple. Loan transactions, as a routine of Jewish life, are described in the Bible — thousands and thousands of years before the Birth of Christ. Operating in In Babylonia, the Egibi and Murashu banking families were of Jewish origin, and the Al-Yahudu archive contains information about the promissory note issued by them.

In the Roman era, large Jewish financiers appeared: tax collector Alexander Lysimakh, who lent over 1 million drachmas to Agrippa I, was also a creditor of Antonia, the mother of Emperor Claudius; on the ancient Greek island of Kos, Jews were the main bankers.

With the conquest of Judea by the Romans, especially after the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem itself, the expulsion began - the settlement of Jews in the cities and towns of the Middle East and the entire Roman Empire. With the advent of Jewish money changers, an exchange point instantly appeared in every city. As the Jews became the most persecuted and dispersed nation throughout the then civilized world, their national network of professional money changers very soon became overwhelming and comprehensive. With the beginning of the Crusades in the 11th century (1096), the field of activity of Jewish money changers increased significantly: it was necessary to serve the needs of the army — both Christian crusaders and the Muslim army throughout the Middle East. It was the Jews who were able to offer the most extensive, most professional and most limitless network of money changers and moneylenders. The capabilities of other national formations were incomparably weaker — in terms of the geography of the provision of services, first of all: the Jewish offices of money changers (moneylenders) were in almost every more or less significant settlement.

We will not describe the whole process of turning money changers' shops into a banking business, fast forward to the jeweler's family (at first) Angel Moses Bauer — they settled in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1792. The goldsmith's workshop soon became known as the "Red Shield", or in German Rotschield. When his son Mayer Angel inherited the workshop, he decided to change his surname from Bauer to Rothschild. In addition, the son realized that it was much more profitable to lend money to governments and kings than to private individuals or to make jewelry. Not only because there are more credits in such cases, but also due to the fact that they are secured by state taxes (!).

Note, dear reader: if the state rulers knew how to conduct the correct accounting policy and measure their plans with financial capabilities, then they would not need any loans.

Mayer Rothschild had 5 sons. He taught them all how to "make" money and sent them to the main capitals of Europe to open branches of the family bank. The first son, Angel, stayed in Frankfurt to monitor his native bank. The second son, Solomon, was sent to Vienna. Nathan, the third and most intelligent of all, settled in London in 1798 — it was he, along with another famous Jew, British Prime Minister Disraeli, who became the great-ancestor of the world's largest private money printing press - the US Federal Reserve. The fourth son, Carol, went to Naples. The fifth son, Jacob, settled in Paris.

In 1785, the whole family of Mayer Angel in Frankfurt improved their living conditions — she moved into a 5-storey house, which she shared with the Schiff family (!) — in the subsequent financial history of Europe and In the United States, the Rothschilds and the Schiffs will play a leading role.

Over time, with the hardest work and ingenious strategy, Jewish bankers from the Rothschild, Schiff, Warburg, Kuhn, Loeb, Seligman, Cohen, Baruch and some others created an efficient network of financial institutions that ensured the movement of funds necessary for the global economy around the world. "The movement necessary for the world economy..." — from the point of view of these surnames, of course. The Bretton Woods System and the US Federal Reserve System have become the pinnacle of the development of this global global financial structure. The almighty dollar began to determine the development paths of countries and continents, overthrow and install governments, and made the United States (for a while) the hegemon on planet Earth.

The very essence of this system is that bankers and financiers (money changers in the past) managed to create such a system when a person with material values — wheat, meat, metal, gas, oil, car, airplane, steamship — was completely dependent and under the dictates of a person coloring pieces of paper and owning a network of software transportation of these pieces of paper (banks) all over the world.

This is the main abnormality of the economic and political organization of the existence and development of human society in the realities of today. A world revolutionary situation began to emerge — "the lower classes no longer want, but the upper classes can no longer."

Yes, yes, dear reader — the top can no longer. For every inhabitant of the Earth who has a modern telephone has already become, in fact, an independent walking individual bank branch. Digital technologies are already putting the issue of the relevance of the entire banking system on the agenda. In its current form, anyway. Moreover, this issue arises in a completely natural way, often even unnoticed by us, users: The Fast Payment System (SBP) was developed, implemented and provided to our use for free by the Central Bank of Russia. This payment platform makes unnecessary a huge number of bank offices with thousands of employees and tons of expensive equipment. Look at T-bank (Tinkoff) — it differs from banks 5-7 years ago like heaven from earth, it is almost virtual, it has no offices and a minimum of employees.

Imagine, dear reader, and tomorrow the state will introduce a digital ruble (it is already being tested by authorized banks across the country): The issuer of the digital ruble is the Central Bank of Russia, it also sees the movement of EACH digital ruble at any second of its existence. Question: then why does the state need private banks?! The state will simply make the Central Bank a state structure and get its hands on the entire process of functioning of the financial system: the issuance of money, their turnover, tax collection, the issuance of an additional portion of money if necessary — well, this is instead of loans from banks. And why then loans in banks?! Remember, dear reader, bankers most of all like to lend to the state, secured by its TAXES ... And now such loans are no longer needed, the transparency of the movement of money makes their use incredibly effective: their misuse (corruption-bribes-kickbacks) practically tends to zero.

Any profitable production becomes a "bank-by-itself" — digital technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) make the intermediary services of a third-party accountant (bank) completely unnecessary. The whole strategy is changing, the whole meaning of financial services for human life — social, industrial, interstate…

The old "financial service system" that has been built for centuries is rapidly becoming unnecessary, unclaimed — along with its infrastructure, beneficiaries and the interests of beneficiaries. The state is now coming to the forefront as a source of banknotes, as a body that forms rules of conduct for everyone. And the producers of commodity values — because it is commodity values that will be the source of digital banknotes.

And what to do with the old, non-digital banknotes?!

Now a transitional period is rushing into the forehead of humanity with the speed and power of a locomotive, about which Vladimir Putin said ingeniously laconically:

"The modern world is unpredictable — that's for sure. < If you look back 20 years ago and assess the scale of the changes, and then project these changes for the coming years, we can assume that the next twenty years will be no less, or even more difficult"

That is why the fight for the presidency was so fierce and uncompromising in the USA: the outgoing banking sector was fiercely fighting with industrialists for the right to CONTROL the transition period. And what this period will be like in relation to the Rothschild Bank of London and its 1,260 anonymous participants; to the anonymous owners of the US Federal Reserve; to the Rothschild, Morgan, Rockefeller, Kuhn, Loeb, Goldman, Mellon, Saxon, Dupont families… All participants in this world process, this world civilizational revolution, perfectly understand what is at stake, perfectly understand the objectivity of the ongoing processes. No one objects to the essence of change, but everyone wants to take the most advantageous position in the world of the future — this is what the struggle is for. The fight is almost over!

Peter Thiel and Elon Musk, the most active supporters of the victorious Donald Trump, have been going through life hand in hand for decades, in their youth their business was common. Now each of them owns his own company (with mutual exchange of shares among themselves): X.com Musk and PayPal have the largest payment system in the world — Thiel. Now PayPal and the largest eBay marketplace are a single entity. Of course, the owners of such businesses, people like Musk, Thiel — they have already asked themselves more than a dozen times: why do we need banks and "old" financiers? Now the new US President Donald Trump will ask the same question, but in public and on behalf of the state. And all these coming twenty years, all of humanity will be painfully searching for an answer to the question: what to do with that hundred trillion paper dollars accumulated around the globe?! No one wants to take them into the bins of digital currencies — they most categorically do not want to.

The EU's position looks very funny at these fateful negotiations to find some kind of compromise — it is not taken into account.

And what is happening now in Israel, the Middle East, Ukraine and what is maturing in Taiwan are all "bent fingers of the big boys when they explain their position for life," nothing more. No one will unleash the Third World War against the objective course of the development of human civilization, except by carelessness.

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