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Russia digs a 100km ditch along the border with Ukraine

Over 40km of obstacles have been erected and around 100km ditches has been dug along the Russian-Ukrainian border in Rostov region. Referring to the regional frontier department of the Russian Federal Security Service, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports the state border is being fortified to ensure stability in Rostov region and to prevent arms trafficking.

According to the source, since the beginning of the year, frontier guards stopped more than 60 attempts of illicit cross border trafficking in arms and ammunition in Rostov region. Over 40 pieces of arms, nearly 6,000 ammunitions, over 200 grenades, 100 shells, and over 30 mines were confiscated. Over 130 illegal border trespassers and around 300 violators of the frontier regime were detained.

Russian frontier guards had to use weapons to stop illegal actions on the border, including the ones that threatened the security of the Federal Security Service officers and local residents, five times.

Earlier, Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk promised to complete the project “European Wall” to arrange the Russian-Ukrainian border till the end of 2018. The project costs around US$500 million.  These funds will be spent on counter-tank installations (385.7km), obstacles (90km), 7 strong points, drag road (214km), and belt road (214.5km)

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