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Soros’s prediction of “Russia’s failure”: 24 days left

A prominent American tycoon, currency manipulator and political activist George Soros has predicted bankruptcy of the Putin regime in 2017. So, Russia has only 24 days left to live up to Soros’s expectations he made public as early as in February 2016.

He said the time would come for foreign debt repayment and political turmoil can come even earlier.

In an article for The Guardian Soros wrote that the fact that Putin’s approval ratings remain high is based on a social compact “compact requiring the government to deliver financial stability and a slowly but steadily rising standard of living.”

“Western sanctions, coupled with the sharp decline in the price of oil, will force the regime to fail on both counts,” Soros noted.

According to him, the Russian government would have to cut the budget deficit to 3% not to let the inflation rate grow. This and other developments would affect the living standards negatively.

That is why, Soros continued, in order to divert from collapse Putin would make the European Union collapse even earlier. To do this the best task is to flood the EU with refugees from Syria.

For obvious reasons, Soros did not remind that refugees from the Middle East and North Africa are being illegally brought to the EU by organizations this or that way controlled by his foundation.

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