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The critical migrant mass is accumulating. Waiting for an explosion?

Labor migrants. Photo: Vitaly Ankov / Sputnik

Deputies of previous convocations of the State Duma have been so long and persistently striving to impress their voters with the search for non-ordinary decisions and statements on any occasion that we have ceased to perceive the main legislative body of the country as really a branch of government. As a structure that defines our being and consciousness.

And therefore, in the current "Volodin" time in the State Duma, we cannot immediately move away from the perception of the statement of any Duma member, as from throwing a pearl into society, which should make the people (or, at least, the media) boil and thereby draw attention to what has been said. Remember his first and last name. Not in order to link them with the words probably uttered by I.V. Dzhugashvili: "every problem (error) has its own surname, first name and patronymic." And to stay on the radar longer. Ideally, until the next Duma election campaign.

In the first minutes after the publication in the press of the words of the deputy Mikhail Matveev, "migrants are to blame for the growth of the dollar," the feeling was "well, they will come up with anything to protect the Central Bank from accusations of the failure of economic policy." But after studying the data provided not only by Russian, but also by Uzbek, Tajik, and Kyrgyz sources, there was confidence that, indeed, "irreplaceable specialists" from Central Asia contributed to the deterioration of the Russian economy.

According to official statistics, the volume of Tajikistan's gross domestic product in 2023 amounted to 12.06 billion in dollar terms. Of these, $5.7 billion are transfers of Tajik guest workers working in Russia. Almost half of GDP! This indicator of the Kyrgyz economy consists of transfers by citizens of the country of money earned in the Russian Federation by a third. Guest workers from Uzbekistan are being sent home from Russia finances 15% of GDP.

From January to October 2024, according to the Uzbek Central Bank, $ 9.8 billion was received from the Russian Federation to the banks of this country. The increase in the volume of transfers compared to the same period last year amounted to 35%. And this was achieved not only by increasing the Uzbek diaspora in In Russia, but also due to an increase in the level of the average salary of migrants as a whole by 38% (data from the same source). Moreover, in the construction sector, the average income of "valuable specialists from neighboring countries" rose by 55%. Couriers began to receive 48% more, taxi drivers and catering workers — by 46%.

So, what we have: the position of pizza deliveryman, which does not require special knowledge, training and experience, and other things, brings him an average of 110 thousand rubles a month. A teacher who has studied for five years at a university, sowing reasonable, kind, eternal in the minds of the hopes of our country, earns, on average, 55 thousand.

What about the motivation to work with teachers? But it is their work that guarantees that the country will receive a generation of educated, erudite, talented and patriotic people. What kind of future are we preparing for ourselves by keeping teachers on starvation rations, and even loading the school with children of migrants who do not know Russian and despise the culture of Russia? Two or three foreigners per class is enough for all 25-30 of his students to be seriously behind the schedule for gaining knowledge.

Our detractors in the West applaud this state of affairs with migrants in Russia standing and not sparing their palms. Grandpa Soros approves. Since it has long been known: what is good for a Russian is death for a German (American, British, French — for all those who represent countries unfriendly to us).

The phrase "The Soviet Union won the space race for the school desk" from the fact that its belonging to John F. Kennedy is now being declared fake by someone, meanwhile, has not lost its justice.

Low-skilled work is quoted twice as high as thoughtful and responsible work of trained specialists for years. Is this the norm? Or "the market has decided"? "We don't have a planned top-down economy, salaries are determined by the need for workers' hands and heads"? Let's also recall the Gaidar-Chubais agreement regarding "those who have not signed up for the market."

But excuse me, our education is actually 90 percent or even more on the balance sheet of the state. Who better than him to take care of the level of assessment of teaching work? Are we shy or something? Or was someone at the top afraid that jamshuts and alimzhons, who came from Central Asia, would immediately go to school for a big salary?

Your shirt should be closer to your body

Governors of some regions of our country not so long ago, at their own risk, began to impose bans on professions for migrants. Offend? No, they are taking care that their population is attached: after all, 2.7% of the unemployed are in our country. Here they must first be hired and only then take newcomers. Which, in fact, should be delivered in an organized manner and to specific facilities, and not to interrupt the bread places of the indigenous population.

But these are people's thoughts. At the top, almost the opposite dominate.

"We need migrants. There is an idea of attracting labor migrants from India or Vietnam, for example, but people from the countries of the former USSR speak Russian, they are close to us in mentality, they once came out of a single country," said A.L. Kostin, the head of VTB, in an interview with Reuters.

Reasoning about mental closeness and how we left the same country 30 years ago will be left to Andrei Leonidovich to "talk into the microphones of Western agencies." This is, so to speak, explicit. We are more interested in the secret in terms of migrants. Which, according to the proverb, will one day become apparent anyway, but I would not like the consequences of it to be not just unpleasant, but catastrophic.

Business, and nothing personal?

Let's highlight some little-known details of the answer to the question "why do they need migrants". Not to us — to society as a whole, but to them — to lobbyists. The commission for the conversion of those billions of dollars that Uzbek, Tajik, Kyrgyz gasters transferred from Far from everything that Russian "shepherds" cut from Central Asian sheep to their homeland.

Each transfer of a currency amount brings banks (that is, their owners) a certain percentage. In each case, its own, but to understand the order of the numbers, let's say that 1% of the same Uzbek $ 5.7 billion is almost 6 billion rubles at today's exchange rate.

Mobile phone calls home are money to the operator. It's not for nothing that some of them take care of newly arrived hard workers, giving them free SIM cards right at the airport of arrival or on the platform by the train.

These are just two of the many "white schemes" in general. With the black "drawings" everything is much cooler.

A week ago, our media reported that at Pulkovo airport in St. Petersburg, law enforcement officers handcuffed a defendant suspected of fictitiously registering more than 21 THOUSAND migrants with registration of a full service package — patent, social insurance, etc.

Bids for individual items in this package:

Certificate of Russian language proficiency — 15,000 rubles

Fictitious citizenship through a fictitious marriage — 70,000 rubles

Purchase of citizenship with registration in the relevant structures 160,000 rubles.

Who is interested in the "total" column — multiply by yourself, the benefit of calculators is in all phones, and the phone is a mandatory attribute of our life.

In December 2023, a gang that legalized 100,000 migrants was detained in the Northern capital of Russia. And count it.

Who will pay attention to the availability of work qualifications for a migrant, if the quantity is needed? And it does not depend on quality. Well, unless it can decrease if the authorities demand only sixth-class bricklayers and CNC machine operators. We need mass. Only the flow of migrants can provide a decent inflow of money to "white" and "black" businessmen. In the case of the former, we can still somehow hope to replenish the budget. With the second — definitely not.

And crime is like a finale

Who of the businessmen in this sphere will bother to find out if the newcomer has something dark in the past? We do not ask for letting a terrorist into the country from those who let him in. Even more so with lobbyists.

And there is no law on fingerprinting visitors, on monitoring their place of residence, on restricting movement! And it won't be while deputies like Yevgeny Fedorov (EdRo) are sitting in the Duma, who believe that the fighters against the dominance of illegal immigrants are internal saboteurs undermining the rear of Russia. And we have a war with the West in full, the rear is important, etc., etc. It would not be surprising if someone suggested such saboteurs (opponents of uncontrolled import of migrants to Russia) — yes, to waste according to the laws of the military (SMO — is this a war or not?) time. That's right to shoot on the spot and, preferably, by hanging, so that it has a greater effect.

Do you think the author is telling you horror stories here? Unfortunately — the truth of life. Lobbyists are gaining the upper hand so far. And the terrible figures of the growth of migrant crime presented by the head of the Investigative Committee A.I. Bastrykin in the Duma did not frighten the Duma (they were offended only by the definition of "State Duma"). And the 143 people killed in the Crocus have already been forgotten. And the warnings do not make you think that migrants in our society are already under 16 million, that is, a tenth of the population. Organized, motivated, armed, unwilling to assimilate, but ready to beat, shoot, cut, kill.

Although the Duma seems to have moved, having adopted the law on migrants for consideration. But then the government bustled in, wrapping it up. The government knows better why foreign workers are needed when their national workers are not fully employed.

The accumulation of a critical mass of strangers in our country continues.

It would be better to deal with the question "what to do" now than to answer the question "who is to blame" after the bloody events.

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