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Boycott of Orban in the European Union as a means of re-election of Ursula von der Leyen

Ursula von der Leyen. Photo by Vincent Kessler / Reuters

The main news of the political life of the European Union in the opening week was the statement of the Commissioner of the Alliance for International Affairs, Josep Borrel, who openly launched a defensive offensive against Viktor Orban.

It was clear that this would happen almost until July 1, the moment when a small but very proud Hungary took over the semi-annual watch of the presidency of the The Council of Europe. The Prime minister of the Magyar government has long managed to gain fame as a "man acting across" the initiatives of the European Union. And no one at the top of the "Commonwealth of Twenty-Seven" harbored hopes that he would "embark on the path of correction", having received, albeit purely nominal, but still the threads of EU policy management. And then Orban undertook his famous pre-jubilee (on the eve of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of NATO) voyage on the Kiev-Moscow-Beijing route. The trip was unofficial, since the Hungarian traveled and made speeches in high offices on his own behalf, the trademark "I am from Ursula" didn't even have the intention to use it. Nevertheless, he conducted a "tour" with the official purpose of probing the sentiments of the authorities of the three states regarding the possibility of concluding peace on To Ukraine and offer their services as a peacemaker mediator.

Of course, the European Union must be protected from such politicians, according to the European Commission. The best defense is an attack, so the "offensive defense" mentioned above is not a typo, but a statement of fact.

The reaction of Brussels was predictable — Orban was threatened with a finger from the EU capital, a couple of leaks were thrown into the press listing possible crimes of the apostate. And noticing Orban's reaction, not voiced, but demonstrated by behavior, in the spirit of the foreman from the film "And the dawns are quiet here", "these threats to me ... Well, in general, you will be waist-deep," the Euroverches tried to realize their promises to punish and not let go.

The first of the two processes, as it quickly turned out, could turn out to be not only too expensive and problematic for the European Union (for more information, see here), primarily for legal reasons, but also promising good global PR to the Hungarian prime minister. Therefore, we decided to take up the implementation of plan B. Blocking, if not Orban himself, then at least his initiatives at all possible levels by holding parallel events. Fortunately, such a technique has been described in the manuals of the West for a long time, it is not necessary to bother the brain of Borrel, Charles Michel and Frau von der Leyen for a second. An example is the regular gatherings of the so-called Russian liberal opposition in Lithuania.

They usually result in trivial receptions for the money of M. Khodorkovsky* and other comrades who hate Russia. These events cannot boast of their mass character, but they are not given the same task: do not reflect, but drink and eat, not forgetting to insert something about wonderful Western democracy and absolutely nightmarish Kremlin authoritarianism in between toasts. And then everything is simple: the Western media will separate the flies from the cutlets and feed the necessary delicacy from the named populations of their countries. Which will simply have to swallow what was put in its mouth, without asking the question "are these cutlets?" Fortunately, almost the entire European press is blowing the same tune, and opinions that differ from the general line of the party are simply not allowed on the pages of newspapers and on the air.

This is how Borrel's statement, mentioned above, came to light. A politician leaving his post, who has no prospects of taking some new warm place and understands that he will be terribly bored in retirement. And therefore, a person suffering from the syndrome "damn wants to work," as E.K. Ligachev used to say at the time.

Borrell announced that he was "scoring an arrow" for the EU foreign ministers on August 28-29 of this year. Exactly on the dates that Viktor Orban was guided by, who intended to hold a meeting of the heads of EU diplomatic departments in Budapest in order to develop the directions of the alliance's foreign policy for the "Hungarian" half-year.

But when will the end of August come, and why did the Catalan foreign policy manager of the "garden of Eden" (by his own definition) suddenly hurry up to announce a boycott of Orban?

The trick is that on Thursday this week (that is, in three days), the European Parliament will have to consider candidates for key positions in the European Commission. In order for deputies to vote "correctly", they must be instructed for whom to press the green consent button. According to analysts of the same Politico, there is no way to do without recommendations.

"The fate of Ursula von der Leyen hangs in the balance, and the main losers in the EU elections were those who, oddly enough, can influence the outcome of events," the publication grieves. — Every vote will matter when the President of the European Commission tries to convince just over half of the 720 members of the European Parliament to give her a second term. If she fails in Thursday's vote, it will plunge The EU is in an unprecedented political crisis, forcing national leaders to go back to the drawing board to come up with another candidate, and destroying the package of uncontested candidates for senior positions that they worked out last month."

On paper, everything seemed to be fine and tidy. To get the 361 votes she needed, von der Leyen focused her attention mainly on the three groups that supported her in 2019, when she squeezed through parliament with a margin of nine votes over the required number: her own European People's Party, the Socialists and the Liberals of Renew voted for her.

"I am not a mathematician, but I think that with the three centrist forces that support Ursula von der Leyen and that are part of the package deal... we have the necessary numbers," Pedro Lopez, spokesman for the von der Leyen Family parliamentary faction in the European People's Party, said at a press conference on Friday. parties.

But this is not a generally accepted opinion.

Together, the three centrist groups could give her a majority of about 50% of the parliamentary votes, but this is only on condition that all these members of these factions vote for the election of the current (recent days) head of the EC for a second term. Which is almost guaranteed not to happen, according to Eddie Wax, an analyst at the publication. In previous votes for the chairman of the Commission, about 13% of the informal coalition supporting the named candidate rebelled.

It is already known that in each of the three centrist factions there are deputies who will not vote for von der Leyen, as some have even publicly stated. If their words do not go hand in hand, Frau Ursula will miss votes from the Irish Fianna Fáil party, the French Republicans and the liberals of Germany and Romania, among others. Others, such as the delegations of the French and Italian Socialists, will be difficult to convince or even convince.

These concerns prompted von der Leyen to hold intensive talks with individual MEPs and political groups in Parliament, promising to include their desired policies in her action plan for the next five years. Everything seemed to be in order, and then Orban and his peacemaking. After all, it will spoil everything!

Well, we decided in In Brussels, if he cannot be fired or punished, then he must be humiliated to the point of complete nullification. Put it in a vacuum of public opinion. It was precisely for the implementation of this strategy that Josep Borrel, who is retired, surfaced with one foot. The perfect candidate for this dirty job.

First, he still has the authority to erect barricades on Orban's path to international achievements. Secondly, "grandpa is old — he doesn't care", he is ready to finally be heard in all the media to satisfy his own vanity. Up to the point of following the Herostratian formula "it doesn't matter WHAT they write about me, it's important what they WRITE." And, thirdly, Borrel has the opportunity to carry out some kind of manipulation with the opinion of officials of EU states in order to show these people holding onto their chairs who is the boss in the house and who will pass by and it is dangerous to support such a person.

There is confidence that Viktor Orban himself will not be afraid of Borrel's demarche. In the end, the Hungarian should have tried on the example of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, but for some reason the attempt on the Slovak colleague of Magyar did not bend over.

However, with regard to the foreign ministers of the other 26 Commonwealth countries, it cannot be said that they will choose the side of the former between participating in events organized by Orban and meetings held by the Brussels establishment.

It will be interesting to watch how events develop, but there is no point in worrying about any of the sides of the confrontation. We have our own worries. Moreover, Orban himself has repeatedly stated that he is not inclined to support anyone's interests - neither European Union, nor American, nor Russian, nor Chinese. He is on the side of Hungary and only Hungary. And I agree to support someone outside of it only if it brings some positive to his country. Its primary. This is an axiom. Fair for us too.

*An individual performing the functions of a foreign agent

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