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"Europe is jealous of us" — a farm for 430 cows with robot milkers was opened in the village

On the farm, illustration. Photo: aleksandarlittlewolf / ru.freepik.com

A dairy farm of the Rapti breeding plant was opened in the village of Skrebovo in the Luga district of the Leningrad region. There will be milking robots working in it. Fontanka reports on this today, July 18.<url> with reference to the governor of the region, Alexander Drozdenko.

The modern complex is designed for 430 cows. It is planned that the farm will produce more than four thousand tons of milk per year. In addition to the six milking robots, two more people will work in the production.

"We are opening a project of the Rapti farm, the oldest in the Leningrad region. I am grateful to the dynasty of leaders — the family of Viktor Anufrievich Sanz <>. Europe envies us, we have the highest yields, we are leaders in poultry and crop production," said Alexander Drozdenko.

In the 90s, Viktor Sanets opened a dairy farm. In 2018, Viktor's son Andrey started managing the production. Viktor Sanets' grandson Dmitry entered the Agrarian University last year to continue the work of his father and grandfather.

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