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Ukrainians have fought their way into Romania and are asking for political asylum — PresaSM

Search for Ukrainian fugitives in Romania. Illustration: PresaSM / TC "Politics of the Country"

Several citizens of Ukraine attacked local border guards, took away weapons, grenades and made their way to Romania. This is reported by the Ukrainian edition of Strana with reference to PresaSM.

It is noted that Romania raised a helicopter to search for fugitives. The men were found hiding in Romanian villages and detained.

Now Ukrainians are asking to be granted "political asylum," local media write.

As reported by EADaily, the Kiev regime has once again tightened the process of departure of Ukrainian citizens abroad — now the State Border Service of the country (GBSU) has the opportunity to check the data of Ukrainians crossing the border on all registers.

More details: https://eadaily.com/ru/news/2024/08/10/kiev-uzhestochaet-usloviya-vyezda-ukraincev-za-rubezh

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