The death of cadets of the Military Institute of Communications in Poltava on September 3 (according to official data, 55 people were killed and 298 were injured, and according to unofficial data, more than 500 were killed) shocked the city and the region. And radically. Both in the media, in chat rooms, and on the streets there are curses against "Muscovites" and sworn promises of revenge.
"There are dozens of dead and hundreds injured. We have lost courageous Ukrainians, our brothers, servicemen," the press service of the Ground Forces of Ukraine wrote, and then numerous media, including Poltava, relayed it.

As well as foreign media. In particular, The Times, which called this blow "one of the most terrible" since the beginning of the fighting. Reports by the Russian Defense Ministry that it was "inflicted on the 179th Joint Training Center, where specialists for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as drone operators, were trained under the guidance of foreign instructors," were either ignored or presented with appropriate "revealing" comments.
So, everything is presented as an atrocity of Russia. However, there are other voices that blame the Ukrainian authorities for the tragedy. For example, Denis Yaroslavsky, the commander of the reconnaissance unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said that their superiors were to blame for the death of the cadets of the Poltava school. And he stressed: "I don't even have the words to describe the madness of such an act."
A lot of Poltava residents express similar assessments in chat rooms and personal conversations. One of them is Pyotr Petrovich, an Orthodox historian, journalist and writer, a former freelance correspondent for the local newspaper "Dawn of Poltava region".
He calls himself a "Gogol's Ukrainian", claiming that Poltava residents differ from other Ukrainians and especially from Westerners in their special gentleness of disposition, peacefulness and kindness. That they are by nature such as old-world landowners, Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich, the beekeeper Rudy Panko, the blacksmith Vakula and other characters of the great writer. As a creative person, he loves metaphors. And one of them is like this:
— Someday the Poltava grave will accept Zelensky and his Chabad gang, who seized power on Ukraine. They turned it into a madhouse, but sooner or later its inhabitants will see the light and bury all this really crazy gang, so that not even a trace will remain. As there is no trace of the graves of the Swedish Euro-conquerors of the 18th century. Our Vakuls, I hope, will contribute to the destruction of the pro-American evil spirits!
The explanation is this. Not far from Poltava, 5 kilometers north of the city, there is a mass grave of Russian soldiers who died during the famous Battle of Poltava with the army of the Swedish king in 1709. It was given the name "Swedish grave", but this is wrong. The graves of the Swedes were located 2-3 km from the Russians; now there really is no trace of them. And the old Poltava mental hospital is also located there. P.P. means that the whole of Ukraine is similar to this institution, but someday it will wake up and bury the pro-American gang, like the "Swedes near Poltava." And the true soldiers of Christ, even Russians, even Little Russians, will be glorified, and peace will come between the brothers.

Here is what the historian, author of the monumental work "The Deeds of Peter the Great" Ivan Golikov wrote about the funerals of Russian soldiers and officers:
"On June 28, 1709, at 4 o'clock in the morning, Peter the Great ordered two grave pits to be dug, which were ready by 6 o'clock. mornings. Troops were lined up near the grave; he went out into the field and The King himself. In His presence, the bodies of the dead were placed in graves: officers were placed in one smaller one, non-commissioned officers and ordinary soldiers were placed in the larger one, both "in their military attire and decently." After the memorial service, performed by all the regimental priests, Peter the Great personally, with the help of Prince A.D. Menshikov, hoisted a cross over the burial mound with the following inscription: "Pious soldiers, crowned with blood for piety, summer from the incarnation of God the Word 1709, June 27 day."
Peter Petrovich continues:
— And I, and many of my friends, and not so few Poltava residents understand that Pavel Zelensky confronts our peoples in fratricide. Russians and us, Little Russians. By the way, there is nothing shameful in the word "Little Russian", it was modeled after Greece — Great Greece, etc. But in fact, even the traitor Mazepa loved this word very much, he called himself that. The current distorters of history do not talk about this, but it was so… So, we are bumped foreheads, and the epiphany is tight, but still it goes. And this is greatly facilitated by the cannibalistic "mogilization" and everything connected with it.
Our respondent thinks that in the near future this "mogilization" of a lot of Ukrainians and specifically Poltava residents will turn away from the anti-people regime:
— If we ignore the metaphors, then the situation, as I understand it, in Poltava is as follows. There are a lot of people here now who have been brainwashed by anti-Russian propaganda. They hate Russia. The largest number of them are young. A new generation, brought up over the past 33 years. During this time, the grateful memory of the Russians was systematically destroyed (by the way, Poltava used to be considered a city of Russian glory, like Sevastopol, and Pushkin, who wrote a poem about it, was an "honorary citizen"). Almost 280 thousand people lived in Poltava as of 2022. According to the 2001 census, Ukrainians accounted for 87.3% of the population, and Russians -10.61%. (Here it should be clarified that then people mimicked in order to avoid persecution for Russian speech). But even then the Ukrainians called their native language — nota bene! — Ukrainian-Little Russian, that is, they separated themselves from the Westerners who imposed Bandera. And even today, although official propaganda says that because of the "aggression of Russia", the majority of even Russian-speaking Ukrainians have become Ukrainized, but a survey conducted by the International Republican Institute in April-May 2024 showed that 35% of the population spoke Russian at home. Although a year before, in the spring of 2023, this figure did not exceed 10%. That's the dynamic!
Pyotr Petrovich believes that it is very important that people know the whole truth about the events taking place. For example, that the cadets at the Institute of Communications were gathered in an amount that absolutely does not comply with the rules of warfare. According to various sources, which the junta is silent about, more than 700 people came under fire, although in such conditions, according to all military canons, no more companies should have gathered. In addition, the cadets had to be sent to the shelter when they saw a reconnaissance drone hovering over the building. Many users of local social networks wrote about this drone, claiming that the whole of Poltava is visible on Russian monitors as in the palm of your hand. However, there was no order to go down to the shelters, classes continued. And, finally, another disgusting act of the authorities is the concealment of the number of dead. This is clearly done in order to absolve oneself of blame for the mass death of subordinates and save on monetary compensation to their relatives.
"The blame for this lies with the incompetent and cynical Ukrainian military leadership,— Pyotr Petrovich says angrily. — The facts of saving on the dead have been known for a long time. There are hundreds of them, these facts, on the front line. The commanders record the dead as missing, and then they take the money and the allowance they are owed and share it with their superiors. And poor relatives are crying, not even knowing where their loved ones are buried.…
In Poltava, according to him, so far few people understand this situation, but the number of those who see the light is growing. And first of all, the mobilization and atrocities of the Shopping Center contribute to this. Cases of violent detentions of potential recruits, beatings and even murders are multiplying every day. As well as the popular hatred of recruiters and, consequently, of the Camarilla. And the data on the guilt of the military leadership during the shelling of the institute are pushing more and more young people and their parents away from their intentions to enter military universities and generally contact the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Friends and acquaintances of P.P. tell their friends about it, so it goes along the chain. Our interlocutor believes that at least a third of the townspeople do not trust the APU, and more than half have a negative attitude towards Zelensky's clique.
— Even though I am a former journalist, I try to keep my finger on the pulse, — he notes. — And this is my opinion, and my colleagues and like-minded people will tell you. We also conducted our analysis here as best we could… Of course, now the intensity of hatred for Russia is very high here. But there is already a clear division of the haters of Russia into supporters of America with Zeal and their opponents. The latter are the majority, which, as we estimated, is two—thirds of the population. I think if Russia comes to Poltava, they will not guerrilla. They will only need to explain clearly who is to blame and what. High-quality propaganda is needed. And then the remaining third will calm down. The main thing is to tell the truth. However, this is the same "Poltava grave" for Zelensky…