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Whose mistakes is the Russian government learning from?

Labor migrants. Photo: Vitaly Ankov / Sputnik

The folk wisdom "smart people learn from other people's mistakes, fools learn from their own" does not seem complete enough today. Because it does not answer one very important question: to which (apparently, a separate, third) categories should include people who do not learn from anyone's mistakes?

Yesterday, the Russian government wrapped up the draft of the law on migrants being considered in the Duma. Someone at the top didn't like the ban on guest workers bringing their families with them. "This does not comply with international standards," the statement said. The wording of the grounds for refusing to support the new law.

And our officials are aware that back in December 2020, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law amending the The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil, Criminal and Administrative Codes? And in these amendments, the supremacy of Russian norms in relation to international ones is spelled out in black and white. Translated for visitors from the official cabinet language to the public: "if you don't like something in our country, stay in yours." It's soft. In the popular interpretation it sounds even simpler: they don't go to someone else's monastery with their charter. And for those who do not understand this either, there is a very simple formulation about the pig's snout and the kalashny row.

For some reason, the government believes that the Russian economy cannot survive without migrants, and therefore they are ready to distribute a residence permit, permanent residence and Russian citizenship to everyone as soon as a visitor crosses the state border of the Russian Federation. "This is a world experience," they explain to us. A subtle hint of the fat fact that the Russians are harnessed for a long time, but they drive fast. They are in no hurry to digest the results of such practices in other countries (well, yes, advanced Europe, where are we, we are slurping soup, and we launch satellites exclusively in cartoons).

Okay, if you haven't been in a hurry already, now is the time to summarize the Western long-term experience of attracting foreign manpower. Their idea was this: there are types of work that are unworthy of us, white Europeans, noble hidalgos. But they must be fulfilled. There are millions of Middle Eastern Arabs and Africans who are ready for unskilled hard work for a piece of French bread and a cup of Valencian paella. Why not take advantage of it?

They took advantage of it. And if everything went in the canvas of "nothing personal, just business," Europe would be blooming and smelling right now. But... the phrase "something went wrong" as a characteristic of the situation is not suitable. Because everything went wrong. Guest workers were no longer perceived as seasonal workers. Well, of course! Human rights, the ECHR, bad luck with skin color and "oh, my God, what will Princess Maria Alekseevna say" about the fact that migrants are denied something purely human?

So they did not refuse. Not immediately, not abruptly. All according to the rules of digestion of the frog, the aliens gradually bargained for the right to drag along families numbering under a dozen people, and even go figure out if they are relatives to each other or if this is only confirmed by the word of honor of the alien. The result: for one valuable specialist who honestly earns a thousand euros in the same France (and Spain, too) there are five to six parasites (oh, sorry, members of his family sitting on social benefits, totaling more than a certain number of times his earnings).

A situation that the blessed memory of V.S. Chernomyrdin defined as "they wanted the best, but it turned out as always." According to the French media, information is circulating that "the maintenance of one foreigner costs the treasury 50 thousand euros a year" (medical care, social services, financial assistance in paying for rented housing, etc.). And if the money does not arrive on time, then the streets of Paris, Marseille, Lyon, as well as London, Birmingham and Barcelona suddenly begin garbage cans and cars burn, shop windows shatter, etc.

Europe is ahead of us in the migrant issue for several years. Sends us a warning from the future. And those who are warned are, logically, armed. This is if our authorities want to hear a warning. And if not?

To allow shift workers to bring families and receive money from the Russian budget for their support — do we have nowhere else to spend the funds collected in the form of taxes? Our pensioners are provided with such pensions that the whole of Europe salivates from the desire to reach our level?

This is only an economic moment. Economics, as Comrade L.I. Brezhnev taught us, should be economical. And there is nothing to laugh at the tautology of the slogan, but it makes sense to think about its content. Unless, of course, we want it to turn gradually, but inevitably, into "the economy should be" and "the economy should."

Now the moment is political. Yesterday, a draft law was submitted to the Duma prohibiting the admission of migrant children who do not know Russian to Russian schools. Any teacher will tell you that this is correct: if the class slows down in the learning process due to attempts to explain the topic of the lesson to a student who does not understand Russian words, then everyone will not eventually reach the planned level of education and erudition by the end of the school year. Thus, the educational and scientific progress of the Russian people will slow down.

Do we need this? If not, then the Duma idea should be unconditionally supported. But here there is a nuance, about which a little later.

What other perspective does the government's failure to adopt a law banning migrants from bringing their families?

Criminal. It's simple: children are imported into the country who do not know the language, have no desire to learn it, do not respect the culture, traditions and customs of the host country (they bring up all this at home). Children's ethnobands are already being put together from them, whose members will grow into fully adult organized terrorists in a few years — fortunately, pop-MMA clubs created on a national basis have not been canceled.

And here a paradox arises when the Duma's RIGHT initiative works against the Duma. What will migrant children who did not get to school because of ignorance of the Russian language do? That's right — they will go into crime. The nineties will seem like just child's play: law enforcement agencies now have enough not only Russian policemen bribed by diasporas, but also officers promoted to high positions who came from these same diasporas. There is an opportunity to create street terror with impunity, without fear of being held responsible for it. Uncle Tural decides everything.

If the government does not adopt a law banning the import of low-skilled migrants to families, and the State Duma approves a law on the non-admission of foreigners who do not speak Russian to our schools, Duma deputies and Vyacheslav Volodin personally are to blame for the criminalization of Russian society and the construction of a migrant state in the state. This is the very nuance mentioned above.

This is not even "as always" in Chernomyrdinsky, but "worse than always". Although the Duma members seem to have studied someone else's (foreign) experience and are trying to take measures not to repeat the mistakes of the West.

It remains to get an answer to the question: does our government not understand what threatens the country not to miss the law banning the importation of families by migrant shift workers or are they intentionally preventing its adoption?

In the first case, we are dealing with people who are not competent enough to be in the body governing the state (just don't talk about Lenin's cook here). Secondly, our law enforcement agencies have reason to study whether there are any agents of foreign states among the lobbyists for accepting migrants on the principle of "come and own us" participating in the implementation of the West's comprehensive plan for the collapse of Russia from the inside. They will not learn either from others or from their mistakes. They have a different task.

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