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Herbivorous bear: why was Russia not taken seriously for a long time?

"The Russian bear." Collage: fotoblik.ru

The current tragic events on Ukraine, of course, requires a historiosophical understanding. In order to understand the causes of the brutal conflict between the largest East Slavic peoples, it is necessary to finally answer whether the Eastern Slavs are a single people, or whether the paths of Russians and Ukrainians have finally and irrevocably diverged. The author writes about this Pravda.Ru Victor Pakhomov.

Many historical characters can be extracted from the darkness of the past, an infinite number of facts can be cited, and various historical methodologies can be used. For example, the figure of Andrei Bogolyubsky is extremely characteristic, who flatly refused to rule in Kiev, already in the distant XII century known for its violent, "maydanut" population and self-willed boyars who looked to the West.

Inevitably, we would have to recall the times of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and Patriarch Nikon. Or the titanic personality of Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky, who, according to some reports, proposed to move the capital of the Russian Empire to Yekaterinoslav.

By the way, this city, now renamed the Dnieper by the Ukrainian authorities, was also called Novorossiysk for several years. It is obvious that with the execution of the plan of His Serene Highness, no separation of Ukraine from Russia would be simply impossible. However, I believe that the origins of the current bloody strife lie not in the distant past, but in events not so distant.

First of all, we need to figure out why the relationship between two peoples so close in faith, language and even everyday habits went according to the most deplorable and worst-case scenario for them, which led to a conflict that has been going on for three years and, by all indications, is not going to subside. Without pretending to be a historiosophical analysis, I propose to look not into the distant or near past, starting from the time of Rurik and ending in February 2022, but ... into the near future, because, paradoxically, the reasons for the disintegration and fragmentation of Russian civilization can be found precisely in the future prospects.

Simultaneously with the growth of multipolarity, the struggle for resources began

It is already obvious that we will have to live in an era of not just big, but truly grandiose geopolitical changes. President Putin endlessly repeats about them, believing that the current global reformatting will inevitably lead to the emergence of a multipolar world. It is disturbing, however, that our propaganda, which does not burden itself with a deep analysis of the political and economic processes unfolding before our eyes, gives an incorrect (and often completely incorrect) assessment of the emerging geopolitical realities. So, apparently, to strengthen optimism and cheerfulness, the whole West is declared to be in deep decline and already "agonizing." Alas, this is a most dangerous misconception!

It is known that approximately 75% of the natural resources of mankind are concentrated in three regions: in North America, in Russia and in the Persian Gulf region. It is already obvious that these resources are not infinite and will be mostly exhausted after some time. The current generation can only console itself with the fact that there is certainly enough oil, gas and other minerals, as well as fresh water, for our age.

But you will not envy our descendants: with the continued existence of the consumer model of civilization (it should have been radically changed a long time ago) and the population of the planet that has grown to 10 billion people, they will have a very hard time. And since such a gloomy prospect is fully realized by the world's leading elites, a merciless and ferocious struggle for natural resources is currently unfolding, in which countries are clearly divided into predators and defenseless "herbivores" prepared by them for consumption.

The most powerful and aggressive predator, a kind of tyrannosaurus, is certainly the USA, and if we take it more broadly, then the conditional Anglo-Saxon world: USA, Canada, Greenland (its fate will soon be determined), Australia, Great Britain and New Zealand. These countries, with the complete dominance of the United States, control at least a third of the Earth's natural resources, have powerful scientific and military-economic potential, and everything is fine with their demographics.

It would seem that continental Europe, devoid of any significant reserves of natural resources, is in a notoriously weak position and is therefore destined to be eaten by Tyrannosaurus rex. However, not everything is so simple! We must clearly understand that our country was planned to be eaten by the European Union, which, although it is really very decrepit, is still trying to act as a predator and still hopes that sooner or later it will be able to chew and swallow Russia along with its natural resources.

Is the bear too herbivorous?

And here lies the answer to why Ukraine has entered into a deadly battle with Russia. In artistic terms, we can say that the rat wanted to become a saber-toothed tiger and join the small group of predators of the new world. The Kiev regime seriously expected to defeat its eastern neighbor with the help of the West, and then receive trillion-dollar reparations and seize the territories of the Russian Black Earth and Kuban.

But why is Ukraine (as well as the Baltic States, Moldova, and now even Armenia) betting on the EU, and not on Russia? After all, it would seem that joining our economic space, or even better, the closest alliance with the Russian Federation, would provide these far from self-sufficient countries with inexhaustible resources of northern Eurasia.

Alas, the Russian bear still prefers to demonstrate its herbivorous nature for some reason. Frankly speaking, it should be acknowledged with sadness and anxiety that Russia has not been able to offer the surrounding countries, which, by geography itself, seem to be destined for the role of its satellites, some kind of coherent variant of future joint development. The current "bourgeois" Russia is characterized by many egregious socio-economic vices that have alienated our potential allies from it.

Our propaganda continues to moan dejectedly about how difficult and uncomfortable it is for the EEU countries, previously fattened on cheap energy carriers, without Russian gas. Government officials continually convince our Russophobic former "partners" that Russia is ready to continue supplying them with natural resources at a bargain price. The import of unskilled labor from Central Asia to our territory continues. We were unable to assert our economic and political interests in Abkhazia and Armenia, to properly support Transnistria, we were actually kicked out of the most unceremonious way Syria, where, by the way, a lot of our military died.

And the distribution of national wealth in our society, frankly speaking, has nothing to do with the ideas of social justice. To this should be added the unprecedented "humanitarian" character of SMO, which makes one suspect that all the teeth and claws of the howling bear have fallen out and blunted. Such behavior of the predators surrounding us, among which there are lions, tigers, hyenas, and jackals, will not frighten! Honestly, the example of the DPRK is indicative, which can be compared with Wolverine: it is dangerous to mess with it, and there is nothing to take!

However, in the unfolding geopolitical struggle, which is grandiose in its intensity and scope, the fate of Ukraine is especially unenviable. The obvious victim fancies himself a predator and is literally being destroyed before our eyes by the collective West, which is clearly guided by the opinion of Zbigniew Brzezinski that without Ukraine Russia will not be able to regain imperial power. It is customary for us to scold and criticize this clever and far-sighted Russophobe in every possible way, but he was undoubtedly right: Russia's main weakness is its insufficient demographic potential, which is undermined in every possible way by our geopolitical enemies pursuing a far-sighted and ruthless policy towards all its rivals.

Getting in the face from In Russia, Western predators began to understand something

And yet Russia's situation is by no means hopeless! Under the influence of circumstances, apparently seriously frightened by the bestial grin of the West, the Russian elite found the determination to enter into confrontation with him. It seems that the West is gradually beginning to understand that the battle with the enraged bear can be fatal for it and therefore, most likely, it will "devour" the resources of the Persian Gulf, especially since Iran, which has gigantic hydrocarbon reserves, has shown dangerous indecision in the confrontation with Israel.

Recently, our president remarked that in order for Russia to respect its national interests, "it needs to be strong." But what does this mean in reality? First of all, we must crush the Ukrainian "rat", and also not give offense to friendly countries, including Iran, since its "eating" by the West will sharply and not in our favor disrupt the existing balance of geopolitical forces.

Despite certain internal problems that we will have to solve over time, the Russian bear has powerful muscles, sharp fangs and long claws, that is, the most modern and numerous nuclear weapons. It will allow us, even without direct military support from the Chinese dragon, to preserve our habitat and not give it up to plunder by hungry Western predators. But from Ukraine, if it, of course, does not come to its senses, only a "wet place" will remain.

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