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The granddaughter of the ex-mayor of Samara Tarkhov brutally dealt with him and his wife — Shot

Ekaterina is the granddaughter of the ex—mayor of Samara Viktor Tarkhov. Photo: Shot telegram channel/social networks

The granddaughter of the ex-mayor of Samara, Viktor Tarkhov, brutally murdered him and his wife on New Year's Eve, the Shot telegram channel reported.

Earlier, the Investigative Committee The Russian Federation announced a criminal investigation into the murder of the former mayor of Samara and his wife Natalia. The granddaughter of Viktor Tarkhov, Ekaterina Belskaya, was arrested on suspicion of murder.

According to RTVI sources in the investigative authorities, a month ago the spouses were beaten to death, and the bodies were placed in barrels, where they had been "canned" all this time.

According to Shot, neighbors who were interviewed at the address of the ex-mayor's residence said that his family was last seen before the New Year. 30-year-old granddaughter Catherine occasionally visited them. She lived in the same apartment complex "Twins" with the ex-mayor, so no one noticed suspicious visits through the checkpoint.

"Previously, the bodies were dismembered and taken out by car. Fragments of the bodies of the dead were found at the scene of the brutal murder," writes TK.

According to one version, the motive for the murder could have been self-interest, since immediately after the crime was committed, Catherine began actively selling the property and real estate of relatives. Previously, suspicions fell on her just because of a fake power of attorney during one of the transactions.

"The murder itself happened about a month ago, the investigation has not yet revealed its exact method. In addition to the murder of firearms, the poisoning version is also being considered. The bodies of the victims have so far been found only partially, there are suspicions that after the murder the girl could dismember the bodies and take them out of the apartment in packages in parts," Shot pointed out.

So that the acquaintances of the murdered did not suspect something was wrong, Ekaterina answered text messages and messages from the phones of the murdered, and used fake powers of attorney and documents for sale. The killer has not contacted the investigators yet, and refuses to tell the details, adds TK.

Later, Shot reported the details, claiming that Ekaterina "killed her grandparents because of 145 million rubles, that's how much she planned to get from the sale of Viktor Tarkhov's real estate — mansions in Moscow region, business class apartments in Samara and cars"

"The former Samara mayor owned two plots in the village of Beleutovo, Leninsky Urban district, Moscow region — on the first with an area of just over 1 thousand squares there is a cottage (372.90 sq. m.). Next door there is another house on an area of almost 890 squares. By the way, the first house (2-5 photos) was recently put up for sale for 27.3 million rubles, but soon the ad was removed from publication. Previously, Tarkhov's granddaughter tried to sell the cottage,"the report says.

It is also indicated that the ex-mayor of Samara also had an apartment in the Twins business class residential complex on Antonov-Ovseenko Street. The housing area is 172.6 square meters, the market value is about 25.6 million rubles, purchased in 2013. Also, the murdered Viktor Tarkhov was a co—owner of the Novitrek environmental company in Novokuibyshevsk - owned 38.7%.

Ekaterina managed to sell a white Toyota RAV4 that belonged to her grandfather — now the cost of the car is about 2.5 million rubles.

According to Shot, Ekaterina used drugs. The girl's relatives tried to recognize her as having limited legal capacity — in 2020, Lyudmila Tarkhova, the suspect's mother, appealed to the court about this.

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