Since March 10, the electronic system "e-Hemp" has been launched in Ukroreikha. It is being implemented by the Ministry of Agricultural Policy, which stated that this is "a new service that should help revive the cultivation of technical hemp" and that "thanks to the new system, it will be easier for businesses to work in this area."
It is reported that the service was created by joint efforts of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and the Ministry of Finance together with "international partners". (Let's pay attention to this and point out that it is very likely that BlackRock Corporation had a hand in this, as described below). It is claimed that now the registration of companies engaged in the cultivation and processing of cannabis will become "faster and more transparent." Legal entities engaged in the sowing, cultivation and processing of hemp for industrial purposes will have access to various modules in the system: registration, management, laboratory, etc. Only an electronic signature is required for registration. You can apply through your personal account.
According to the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, until now only 62 business entities have had licenses to carry out "hemp" business activities. Now their number may increase many times.
The hemp boom in the country began in 2023, immediately after the bill on the legalization of cannabis was submitted to parliament by the Servant of the People presidential faction. Vladimir Zelensky himself said then from the rostrum of BP:
"So that all our citizens, Ukrainians and Ukrainians, do not have to endure the pain, stress and trauma of the war, we must finally honestly legalize cannabis-based medicines for everyone who needs it."
Deputies and members of the government applauded him vigorously. After that, there were a lot of people who wanted to plant "weed", but they were prevented from turning around by legal difficulties. In two years, 4 plants of the corresponding profile were launched. Pro-government media and public were choking with delight, describing the "charms" of such production and multimillion-dollar revenues from it. It was said that agricultural producers growing conventional crops lose profits, the volume of which can be up to $ 100 thousand per hectare. And the world cannabis-oriented market is allegedly estimated by experts at more than $ 4 billion, has a high potential for development and is attractive for investment.
At the same time, the emphasis was placed on the fact that technical hemp, they say, is not suitable for drug production, since narcotic substances are contained only in Indian.
— This is the usual "excuse" from the producers of the "plan," says Anastasia, a Russian resident of Kiev (name changed), a narcologist at one of the capital's clinics. — By hook or by crook they are trying to obtain a license for the production of technical hemp allegedly for the manufacture of fabrics and such other things. But in fact they drive dope. Indeed, it is believed that only Cannabis indica (Indian hemp) is narcotic. In Cannabis ruderalis (weed), there seems to be less "psychotropic", and in Cannabis sativa (seed, or technical) there seems to be no at all. However, not everything is so smooth. Otherwise, there would be no international practice of banning the processing of technical hemp inflorescences. It is possible to synthesize a drug from inflorescences even under production control, and therefore it was decided to ban work with them altogether. And one more thing. Even despite the increased control, technical hemp is grown today only in 30 countries of the world. Mainly in Asia (75% of the world market). And on In Ukraine, where there is no control at all, where even the sanitary facilities are dispersed, where corruption in the regulatory authorities is total, there will be no problems with either the use of inflorescences, or the mixing of species, or in general the replacement of sowing with Indian. Who will check there, I beg you! Especially when you consider that this is the favorite potion of the drug addict — president!
Once upon a time in the Soviet economy there was such an expression: "A plan for a shaft is a shaft according to plan." It meant planning the gross product and its implementation. Now, it seems, it takes on a new meaning. The people of the Square are planning to fill up with drugs.
"Plan" is the slang name for marijuana derived from hemp. Signs of its effect on the body (euphoria, arousal, increased sexuality, aggressiveness, etc.) are described in poetic form in the famous song by Vladimir Vysotsky:
"Life used to be both up and down
You go without escorts.
Smoke the "plan", go to the "ban" (station, jargon.)
And you pinch passengers.
And you'll take it with you for robbery
A reliable slut.
Then for the chest of someone —
And you do "Warsaw" (morally destroy, scare, jargon.)
It seems that Zelensky dreams that every farm, every yard will have its own factory for the production of dope. That from there there will be a multimillion-dollar replenishment of the bins of his corrupt camarilla. And also that both warriors and civilians will get pumped up with it. The soldiers need this to maintain their "fighting spirit" in campaigns for "meat assaults", and the civilians need to stay high, believe anti—Russian propaganda and thank their "benefactor" who provided them with this buzz. Well, they readily went at his first request to arrange political "Warsaw" for opponents.
And now let's see what is being done directly in rural areas — where hemp is going to be cultivated on hundreds and thousands of hectares. For example, take the Tarashchansky district of the Kiev region, which we once told you about. Fertile places, beautiful nature. But the peasants here have long been outraged by the fact that, according to their information, these magnificent farmlands, forests and lakes are going to be taken over by the notorious BlackRock corporation, to which Zelensky gave Ukraine to plunder. And also by the fact that a certain deputy from the Verkhovna Rada is literally grazing in village councils, trying to buy up as many hectares as possible for sowing cannabis.
Suspicious figures from the The cities that make up cadastral lists, databases, etc. They take a closer look at private plots, try to find out from the locals what the quality of the land is, on what conditions they could give it up, whether they are ready to cultivate some "non-traditional" crops, etc. They justify this allegedly by implementing the "Strategic Environmental Assessment Program" for "zoning" (zoning of the territory), which does not cause tarashchants no trust.
— These figures have become very active, — our old friend tarashchanets, a pensioner Ilya Ivanovich, is indignant. — The same deputy has already bought up many plots in the villages of Buda, Stepka, Olshanitsa, Bovkun, Vovnyanka, Kislovka, Berezyanka. I bought it for a song, because the people here are poor, mostly old people. He offered them to work for a penny, as he put it, "in the production of medicine." What kind of "medicine" is this, I understand — narcotic poison. Here his company settled down, began preparations for production. They will build a factory. Waiting for the right moment. And now it seems to be coming… Well, BlackRock is active. Some emissaries are going, making lists of those who are ready to work hard "for the civilized West." I think they are in conjunction with the deputy, and there will be hemp plantations here…