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Igor Levitas: The reason for the conflict on Ukraine — in the mentality of its inhabitants

Pots on the Maidan. Photo: VO Svoboda / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY 3.0

Probably, it is clear to any sane person that Trump, inviting Ukraine to become part of a deal that would bring the long-awaited peace, made some proposals to the Overdue and his GOP chapel. We do not know what he promised Ukraine — money, weapons, patronage… But Trump, however, like so many, does not understand the mentality of Ukrainians.

I myself do not like this word "mentality", but it takes a long time to write "worldview, worldview, which are determined by ethnic and national customs, lifestyle, thinking, morality." So let's use the word "mentality". Although what I will write about below is most likely something else.

Nikolai Gogol, despite the fact that he wrote in Russian, in his spirit, in his mentality, is undoubtedly a Ukrainian writer. Because he, like no one else, understood the attitude of the Little Russians. We are somehow accustomed by the school, especially the Soviet one, not to see certain works of Gogol. For example, how many of you remember all the works from the collection "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka"? And there is a story called "Terrible Revenge." Read it, especially the parable with which it ends. This parable will tell a lot about the worldview of Ukrainians and will also help you understand why talking about peace with Ukraine in the way the West sees it is impossible.

In this parable there are two named brothers, one of whom, Ivan, performs the task proposed by the king. And here (further quote):

"As Ivan received his salary from the king, on the same day he divided everything equally among himself and By Peter. Petro took half of the royal salary, but could not bear the fact that Ivan received such an honor from the king, and harbored revenge deep in his soul."

Does it remind you of anything? Yes, yes — this is Russia and Ukraine. Two brothers, one of whom shared his wealth with the other. Note — from the bottom of my heart, from the kindness of my soul. And what about the other one? Instead of "thank you", he decided to take revenge. For what? For the fact that the other was kind, generous, honest! This is the mentality, worldview, way of thinking, call it what you want, a typical Ukrainian.

And another quote from the same place: "... there is no greater torment for a person than to want to take revenge and not be able to take revenge." That's the most important thing — during the years of Soviet power, Ukrainians dreamed of taking revenge on the Russians for, in their opinion, being humiliated by the kindness and wealth of Russians, and it was a torment for them. Hence the Maidan slogans, hence the hatred of the Russian language, Russian culture, and everything Russian. Hence, here is an episode that I took from the media:

"The riders were asked if they believed in a ceasefire for a month. Most of them expressed doubts about this. And he is not going to cede the territories that he occupied RF Armed Forces. "If we don't stop them now, we won't stop them ever, and there's no choice but to do it by force."… Either victory or death," said one of the militants."

They don't want peace — they only want revenge. Do you know how maniacs, serial killers, rapists, repeat offenders grow up? They come from childhood. There, in childhood, it seemed to them (and sometimes it didn't seem to them) that they were being offended, they were not appreciated, that someone was better, smarter, more beautiful. And they have the idea that it is necessary to take revenge for this. And here you have a ready-made serial offender. Give him anything, even paradise, but he doesn't need it — just let him take revenge. I will say more — for the sake of revenge, they are ready to destroy the whole world. They are not interested in this, just as they are not interested in their own life — only revenge.

Therefore, so that Trump or the entire collective West does not offer Ukraine — no matter what gifts he makes — she does not need anything — only to take revenge on Russia. Not a single generation of Ukrainian residents has been educated on this. I am writing to the residents, because not only Ukrainians are captured by this desire for revenge. Russians, Jews, Armenians, Georgians — living on Ukraine has dissolved into its worldview. They hate everyone.

Europeans do not understand that they will not stop taking revenge on Russia. They will remember Europe how humiliatingly they begged her for money and weapons, how they literally begged for help on their knees and... will begin to take revenge on her for humiliation. Remember how they dealt with Poles, Hungarians, Jews in the middle of the last century. There is a category of people who cannot survive when there is someone richer, more successful, more intelligent nearby. This causes in such people a furious anger and a desire to kill such a neighbor. And if this feeling is fueled for many years, if you incite a neighbor, if you maintain this hatred all the time… Then it will turn out what is now on the Ukraine.

Of course, not all Ukrainians are like that. But, unfortunately, the vast majority. And this is a very big problem. For the post-war future. The one that will come after the military and political victory of Russia.

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