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A year of Dodon's rule: "Successes are still to come"

The most significant and successful achievements of the Moldovan president are still to come, the head of state Igor Dodon said, assessing the year of his work in office. Dodon thanked everyone who had trust in him, who went to the polls and entrusted him with the presidential mandate.

"Every day of my tenure as head of state I never cease to defend the interests of voters and realize their hopes", Dodon said. He noted that during this period "it was possible to lay the foundations of a number of political and social projects that will be implemented in the future.”

The country's leader assured citizens of the republic that he would remain open to the public and bring to a victorious end everything that had been started in the field of foreign relations, restoration of the country's territorial integrity, and strengthening of the Moldovan statehood and identity.

"Contrary to all those who have tried and are trying to impede my activity as president, I will continue to honor the mandate entrusted to me by citizens. The past year was only the beginning, and the most significant and successful achievements are yet to come," concluded Igor Dodon.

On November 13, 2016, for the first time in a long period, the Moldovan president was elected by direct popular vote. Today the parliamentary form of government is in place in the republic, the president is limited in the rights of approval of cabinet members, as well as in determining vectors of domestic and foreign policy.

Over the past year, the political confrontation between the president, parliament and government has escalated into a systemic crisis, as a result of which Moldovan ruling elites split into two camps: some advocating preservation of the leading role of the parliament and European integration; others advocating introduction of presidential form of government in the republic, dissolution of parliament and orientation towards the Eurasian Economic Union.

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