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"Liberals are on the brink of extinction": interview with Frank Creyelman

Frank Creyelman. Photo: Dirk Vertommen / Financial Times

Interview with Frank Creyelman - Honorary Member of the Flemish parliament and city councilor of Mechelen. Former Senator and chairman to the Committee on Foreign Policy, European Affairs and International Cooperation

- Frank, you are an experienced politician, a patriot of the Flemish nation, how do you assess the current situation in Europe? It is obvious that right-wing politicians are becoming increasingly popular. Migration, economic turmoil and other problems are forcing the EU population to think more about their current troubles. What are your forecasts?

- The rise of right wing political groups is not new. In 1991 my political group Vlaams Blok (now Vlaams Belang) had a first breakthrough in Flanders. The same thing was happening in France with the Front National of Jean-Marie Le Pen. It was the beginning of an evolution that would spread out to the rest of Europe. Already we could see some problems that in a few decades would be bigger than ever: mass migration form Africa and the Middle East combined with radical islam, economic problems and unemployment especially because of North African migrants, as well as a pressure on our social system and the rise of criminality. The original European population felt that they were left alone in their suburbs. Right wing parties offered solutions for those problems while the EU elites in their wealthy ivory towers did exactly the opposite and where bringing more problems in their answers to the legitimate demands of the citizens. As they did the opposite of what people demanded they were waiting for the time that their system would collapse. Despite the enormous pressure on right wing parties, MPs and their activists by the powers of their press slaves the last EU and national elections brought that moment closer. We are not there yet but the tide is turning very fast. VOX in Spain, PVV in the Netherlands, RN in France, Fratelli d’Italia in Italy, AFD in Germany and other groups in Sweden, Denmark…

Right wing parties find political support in the Middle and Eastern EU countries like Poland and Hungary who lead the way but also among others. Although there are lots of issues on which these political groups don’t agree but they all share: opposing uncontrolled migration from non-European countries. Exactly that is what the EU elites refuse to take action on.

Consequently last elections made that very clear: the traditional political groups in the center are becoming weaker and weaker. Liberals are on the brink of extinction while the once so powerful social and Christian democrats are only a shadow of what they once were. Finally the elite arrogance of power is blown away by the voters. They are crushed between the extreme left and the growing right wing groups that has more and more influence on important themes like migration, crime reduction and foreign policy. There is still a long way to go but nevertheless.

- The situation in Ukraine and the new cold war with Russia are obviously dominating the minds of Europeans. Do you think thatany shifts and changes are possible in this regard? The world, most likely, cannot live without Russia, and the threat of a new war will knock at our doors more and more annoyingly. Will we really live to see World War III, or will the politicians of Europe show prudence?

- The situation in Ukrain and the new cold war against Russia is indeed in the minds of the Europeans but why is that. It is impossible to have a more moderate opinion about where the war came from and who is pulling the strings behind the scene. It literally is impossible to have a different view without beig politicalyy killed by the ‘free’ press. Everyone who is more cautious and listens to the arguments of both sides before giving his opinion or who doubts the official version is an outlaw, a spy and a collaborator with the ‘enemy’. Believe me I know.

Will there be a change? I thinks so. Europe and the world can’t live on the brink of a new WW. Certainly not in Europe. A change is needed and is coming. The right wing parties in the EU have a different point of view on the war compared to the official one declared by the elites and published by the press.

Everybody knows that the war in Ukraine is a proxy war by the US and their not so silent Ukrainian partner. The opportunity with the upcoming elections in the US and a possible win of Donald Trump might change the way of thinking and more important a change in the foreign policy of the US. Trump proved is his first presidency that he wants to stop wars rather then to provoke them. His running mate is also very clear on the topic.

- Tough sanctions against Russia appear to be working against Europe's interests. Moscow managed to survive without the West and, judging by all objective indicators, doing well in the new conditions. But it is clear to everyone that this confrontation cannot last forever. What could be your suggestions in finding a better way out of this deadlock, to overcome the impasse in the Russia-West dialogue?

- America is on the verge of new elections. As always, this event has become the central theme of world politics. Trump has huge chances, Biden is has health problems and is unlikely to survive another term in the White House. What is your opinion?

Sanctions against Russia were only partly successful because there is a new world order coming. With support of the other BRICS countries and friends of Russia sanctions harmed Russia not to much. On the contrary it was not a good thing for Europe. The biggest economy in the EU and the third in the world was cut off from Russian energy and a mini recession was the result in Germany. As this country is the motor of the EU economy all EU countries had economic troubles. That was obviously one of the main reasons why the war in Ukraine was provoked. Destroying the good relations between Germany and Russia and as such restoring US influence in Europe and making sure that a united Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok would have no chance. That’s what was the core business of the US foreign policy. What can we do about it? Stopping the war in Ukrain is the first thing to do. Two very similar European nations fighting each other is…. The war must be stopped. How? Everybody knows that the Crimea and the territories of Donetsk, Luhansk and Mariupol will stay Russian. If Moscow makes a deal with Kiev in giving them the right to be part of the European Union without being part of the NATO it might be a solution that could work. After a less dependance of the EU on the foreign policy of the US and a new deal with Russia could help our continent to be finally one. With the elections of a month ago in the EU and the elections coming in the US there is a possibility of peace. A new World War is no option.

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