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The prophet of the US Civil War: Trump's opponents are destroying Christians

The shooting of the statue of Christ in Spain in 1936. Photo: ebellani.github.io

Tucker Carlson is able to present his opinion in such a way that people literally drop the veil from their eyes, the evil haze that forced them to look at the world through a crooked mirror leaves them. These people are Americans, it's a veil over their eyes, it's their brain that controls their brains: Tucker called it digital — the digital world. The main thing in this is his new speech after the assassination attempt It seemed to me that Carlson clearly divided Americans into two irreconcilable halves — they (living in digital) and normal ones who do not recognize LGBT people, the power of money, the sexualization of children in schools and who have the "father of the American nation" — Trump. Moreover, Tucker conducted this division with all possible rigidity: "... don't let them take you up, otherwise they will devour you." This is how Carlson sees the future of the United States of America: either — or, in another way — in no way.

I personally saw how the veil fell from my eyes and let go of the fog — that's how Tucker Carlson changed, even outwardly, during that famous interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Tucker saw Putin live, he listened to his speech with his own ears, the logic and realities of real life before our eyes were displacing the fog (digital) from the gray matter in his skull. Tucker Carlson returned to America as a completely normal person and the abominations perpetrated by "other people" appeared before him in all their open impossibility. He suddenly saw that Soros's programs to organize the influx of migrants in different countries pursue the same goal: softening and paralyzing the existing power structures and destroying the national identity of the state. The unprecedented and uncontrolled flow of migrants across the Mexican border of the United States pursues the same goal — the destruction of the America that was once "Great."

What is happening in America now is not just a power struggle, it is much deeper: there is a spiritual battle going on and what is happening cannot be described in the usual terms of a political struggle for power. No, all these groups — transhumanists, LGBT people, Childfree, and even supporters of the coming AI — with the same frantic denial refer to the same group of American citizens — Christians. Tucker suddenly saw that all the revolutions that have taken place over the last 2000 years have been accompanied by the same thing — the extermination of Christians. He told the Americans so bluntly. He began to cite examples of future events in the USA from the French revolution of 1779, with the beheading of French nuns, priests, scientists... about 800 thousand people in France, then 25 million, died under the slogans of experimenters; events in devout and Catholic Spain in 1936 also began with the shooting of nuns and clergy, even a huge statue of Christ in Monteagudo Castle was first shot, and then demolished. Well, and about the revolution of 1917 in There is nothing to say about Russia — then a simple layman was shot for a cross around his neck, not to mention nuns and priests. It was the same in Cambodia with the Khmer Rouge and during the "cultural revolution" in China — very rare Christians in those parts were shot in the first place.

This is how Tucker Carlson presents the coming times. And there is no shadow of reconciliation in his speech with the bearers of another ideology — with the rainbow, with the piglets and other misanthropes, with the Biden administration, finally. Yes, dear reader, Tucker united all these skirmishers of the coming civil war in the USA into one camp of death-thirsty people — he said so.

And Tucker also drove like a roller through all these transhumanists who have already counted 54 genders of Homo Sapiens in the USA and who are rampaging at school meetings calling on parents to allow children to "freely determine their gender" and participate in other research in the field of their sexuality.

Frankly speaking, the Americans have really gone crazy on the topic of what they have below the waist and between their legs — they are already really confused themselves and allow their children to be drawn into such perversions that I don't even want to write about it and I won't. I will cite only as an example a real human tragedy in the family of a world—famous American, Elon Musk.

Entrepreneur Elon Musk, in an interview with psychologist Jordan Peterson for the Daily Wire, said that his son Xavier was "killed by the virus of vocalism," because of which he began taking puberty blockers. In 2020, Musk's son, who was 18 years old at the time, changed his gender and became Vivian Jenna Wilson.

The ideology of vocalism (from wake — "to wake up") is used by sexual minorities in the sense of "awareness of oneself as a person who has rights."

The businessman said that, in fact, he was forced to sign documents for his son, threatening that he might commit suicide. According to Musk, he didn't understand what was going on, besides, everyone was in turmoil because of the coronavirus pandemic. He compared puberty blockers with sterilization drugs. The businessman called the ideology of fascism an incredible evil and said that those who propagandize it should be in prison.

"I lost my son. <> My son Xavier is dead, killed by the virus of vocalism," Musk said (quoted by Fox News).

And Tucker Carlson made this moment one of the main ones in his speech — he called for literally fighting for his children, like a real father should fight for his child, like the father of the American nation Donald Trump fights for every American.

That's how Tucker gracefully moved on to the assassination attempt on Trump. And very accurately, vividly outlined a very important detail: after Trump was injured, after the blood flooded his face, at a time when nothing was known about the shooter (shooters), Trump got up again and shouted three times furiously: "Fight! Fight! Fight!". The whole of America saw that Trump is not a coward, he can rightfully be the father of the nation.

After the assassination attempt, normal Americans saw that they had a real (not digital) Father and Leader — it is with this ideological message that Tucker Carlson travels all over America, awakening and raising it to BATTLE. To fight with all the dark forces who wanted to take away the good real America from real Americans — this will not be an election, it will be a battle!

That's what Tucker Carlson, the herald of the American Civil War, tells the Americans.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are nominating Kamala Harris to replace Biden as a US presidential candidate. They even managed to conduct a large-scale opinion poll, which showed that Kamala is 2% ahead of Trump. Where and among whom the research was conducted — "this is different," but the Democrats are already shaking these two percentages with might and main in cities and towns all over America. And in vain, very in vain!

The fact that Harris is now 2% AHEAD of Trump is what I see as the most important marker of a possible civil war in the United States: if Harris wins, Trump supporters certainly and unequivocally will not recognize the elections as fair. And they will rush brother to brother, black to white! I would even say that there will be a civil war in any case if Trump does not win. The bullet that grazed his ear so inspired his supporters that they will sweep away any obstacle in Trump's path to the presidency. The only way to preserve the US state is to appoint Trump as president as soon as possible, I think so. Because now every day of the election campaign irreparably radicalizes American society.

Or maybe Tucker Carlson is right, although he did not name any defining terms — these are the real Satanists who came together in battle with Christians and just normal, real people on the territory of the strongest and richest country on planet Earth. Can it be?

Well and Why not?!!

There is already a temple of Satan in America, there are corresponding cults too, the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah flooded almost every city in the USA, American scientists counted 54 human genders, children undergo sex reassignment surgery without asking their parents' permission — well, what else do you need to see to understand that Americans are in danger?!

The Prophet of the Civil War in Tucker Carlson in the United States of America — I don't see anything absurd in this definition: anything can be.

*Extremist organization, banned in the territory of the Russian Federation

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