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The Anglo-Saxon War with Europe: who actually blew up Nord Stream

Nord Stream 2 as the foundation of the European Union. Photo: Yuri Belinsky / TASS

In 1328, the last king of France from the Capetian dynasty, Charles IV, died. The dynasty was interrupted, and the French very carelessly chose Philip VI as their king — the reigning King of England at that time, Edward III, was the chosen king's own grandson, the direct heir practically. The English aristocracy was somewhat overexcited by the new prospects, immediately declared its king also the king of France, and landed an army corps in the north of France — in Picardy. So in 1337, the Hundred Years' War began in Europe, it lasted a terrible 116 years, until the surrender of the English garrison in French Bordeaux in 1453.

The war began as a war between England and France for the French throne, in fact, if we take into account all the allies of both France and England, then the war was going on all over Europe; one way or another, but in the bottom line — England was at war with the whole of continental Europe. Terrible losses, a plague epidemic, a terrible expenditure of resources and no decent, tangible result, and even a fratricidal civil war of Scarlet and White Roses in England itself immediately after the end of the Hundred Years' War…

From this war, the Anglo-Saxons drew several conclusions that formed the basis of their subsequent, age-old principles in foreign policy. As a matter of fact, the Hundred Years' War shaped the foreign policy of the Anglo-Saxons, which they have not changed so far (!).

The laudable constancy of the Anglo-Saxons: they were once beaten in a brutal fight, and they drew conclusions for the rest of their lives. And they drew the following conclusions:

— united Europe is a strong opponent, it cannot be defeated. From now on, "divide and conquer" is an obligatory and main principle of the entire foreign policy of the Anglo—Saxons.

— France became the leader of Europe during the Hundred Years' War, it managed to unite and rally many European states around itself and prevent the hegemony of England in Europe. Conclusion: the leader must be identified and destroyed in the bud.

— England urgently needs to look for new ways of expansion — importing cheap raw materials and exporting its goods. It will not work to use Europe for this — the Europeans will not allow it. And if the Anglo-Saxons do not solve these issues as quickly as possible, then the Europeans will strangle them with a blockade on their own small island.

— England is an island. For expansion, it needs delivery vehicles — it needs a fleet.

Dear reader, if you look at the history of Europe after the Hundred Years' War through the prism of the conclusions made by the Anglo-Saxons, then everything will stop in its place, all events acquire their own logic and logical sequence.

The first serious contender for pan—European leadership after the Hundred Years' War, who announced plans to unite Europe in the struggle for world domination — Holy Roman Emperor Charles V Habsburg - received the same terrible and bloody Thirty Years' War in Europe in the period from 1618 to 1648. The British were so skilful in their intrigues in that war that every state in Europe fought on the principle of "all against all". The idea of a single European Union was destroyed at the root, and England itself started a new war — against France and Spain, for hegemony on the sea and colonies in the Americas.

In this struggle, the English Crown almost died in a severe financial crisis — it was saved by the Jews.

Assistance to the English Crown was provided by Jewish moneylenders through their representative William Paterson — in There has never been anti-Semitism in Great Britain, and representatives of the Jewish capital communicated freely and on equal terms with the English aristocracy and those in power. As a result of their communication, a New English Bank was opened on July 27, 1694. In addition to the king, the bank's shareholders included another 1260 participants, their names were not disclosed — this was another unprecedented condition for the creation of the bank. The second and main condition was that the bank received the right to give a loan of 10 pounds sterling in paper receipts for every pound of gold stored in its cellars. This is where the bankers got stuck: their cellars were large, no one could check the amount of gold stored there, and the British crown suddenly became fabulously rich — the world's first real paper money in the amount of 1,200,000 pounds sterling was issued against the "gold" of the New Bank of England. The King of England personally guaranteed the exchange of pieces of paper for their face value in gold or silver — those that were allegedly stored in the cellars of the New English. The British called their paper money that way — "bank note" — a bank record. That is, the bankers wrote on paper that they have 10 pounds worth of gold in their basement for each such piece of paper — "the word of a gentleman!".

The clever, elegant and audacious trick of the financiers of the New Bank of England has remained in the memory of the English aristocracy forever: it was really very cool at that time — to paint pieces of paper and change them for cannons and sails of ships, for salaries for soldiers and for bread grown by peasants by the sweat of their brow. But not only that: this is how financiers — moneylenders and money changers, as they were called in those days, were co-opted into power in the UK.

Dear reader, I am not inventing anything: this is how the emergence of the Bank of England and the victory of Great Britain over France and Spain was the founder of geopolitics, Rear Admiral Alfred Mahan, in his research on the relationship between states.

And in the 18th century, England continued its successful struggle with France and Spain for hegemony on the expanses of the world ocean and for the possession of American colonies — the result is known: Spain has left the list of world powers forever, and France has no colonies in any Americas. The Anglo-Saxons, on the contrary, managed to build the most powerful state on planet Earth in North America.

England has never left Europe without its attention: the pan-European leader Napoleon Bonaparte, who appeared at the beginning of the 19th century, immediately collided with a powerful coalition organized by the Anglo-Saxons and disappeared, rotted alive on the island of St. Helena. The new European leader that emerged after the Napoleonic Wars — the Russian Empire — received the Crimean War and a bloody wave of terror from Narodnaya Volya and other outright bastards raised in England. Well, and the war with Turkey in addition.

Meanwhile, a new leader began to form in Europe — Germany. A powerful statesman friendly to Russia, Bismarck, was growing rapidly in Europe. The Berlin—St. Petersburg axis was taking on ominous outlines for the Anglo-Saxons, the continent of Eurasia was slipping away from the influence of the British Crown.

The Anglo-Saxons performed miracles of lies, unscrupulousness, stepped over the blood of political murders — and the Russian tsar Nicholas II entered into an alliance with France and England, and then into a war with Germany. How the Anglo—Saxons managed it - I can't imagine! Having a German wife, Wilhelm II's uncle, absolute political benefits and interests in Germany, the tsar declared war on Germany. There was neither Germany nor the Russian Empire — there were no empires left in Europe, only Great Britain.

After the end of the First World War, the Anglo-Saxons began to rule the world.

Then Churchill concluded a new alliance with France and the USSR and again managed to push the Germans against the Russians… The whole of Europe was set on fire by the Anglo-Saxons again in the terrible Second World War, after which the Marshall Plan laid the heavy hand of the Anglo-Saxons on the bent, slavish neck of the whole united Europe for several decades. Anglo-Saxons from Great Britain and the USA began to suck the juices of Europeans with pleasure — in every more or less noticeable enterprise in any European country there was their direct economic interest. Each enterprise is focused on them and pays them a share. However, the serene happiness of the Anglo-Saxons did not last long.

In 1968, the Soviet Soyuznefteexport and the Austrian company Osterreichische Mineralolverwaltung OMV signed an agreement for the annual supply of 142 million cubic meters of natural gas. The barrier was broken, and the following year, following Vienna, Moscow has signed similar agreements with Italy and France.

The most important partner of the USSR in the field of gas trade was the Federal Republic of Germany, which lacked raw materials and energy resources for its actively developing industry. According to the gas—pipes deal concluded in 1970, West German companies provided the USSR with high-quality large-diameter steel pipes (which at that time were produced only by the Germans and the Japanese in the world), from which the gas pipelines stretching from Siberia were built.

Before the Anglo—Saxons, their eternal nightmare loomed again - the friendship of Russians with the Germans on a solid mutual benefit.

Despite the fierce opposition of London and Washington, the supply of Soviet natural gas to Europe has increased 35 times in 20 years. By the end of the 1980s, already 15% of all gas burned in France was from the USSR, in Germany this figure reached 30%. The Soviet Union put Europe on a gas needle, but at the same time provided it with rapid economic growth, far ahead of the same indicators in the UK.

On November 8, 2011, the first Nord Stream was added to the existing pipelines, supplying cheap energy resources from Russia began to play a strategic, decisive role not only in the German economy: from Germany, the OPAL and NEL pipelines stretched to Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, France — and further, throughout Europe. Along with Russian gas, Russia's influence came to Europe, and with it the growing friendship of the Germans with the Russians became noticeable — this scared the British the most. Both the UK and the USA saw perfectly well that the European economy is growing by leaps and bounds on Russian resources, and the growing economy of Europeans makes them free and independent. The Anglo—Saxons did not need such a Europe - the ashes of the Hundred Years' War were knocking on their bloodthirsty hearts.

In March 2012, London at the EU summit refused to sign the so—called Budget Pact, lobbied by Berlin and Paris and introducing strict rules of financial discipline - the UK began the procedure for leaving the European Union. And to put it bluntly, the British decided to undermine the growing potential of Europe, the emerging terrible alliance of Germany and Russia for them. The final decision on the need to deprive Europe of gas flows from The decision of Russia was made exactly then — in March 2012.

On March 29, 2017, the UK officially notified Brussels of its withdrawal from the European Union.

From that moment on, the Anglo-Saxons' work to disconnect Europe from Russian gas reached the finish line. Actually, there were two main ways of delivering Russian gas to Europe — through Ukraine and along the bottom of the North Sea. Dear reader, here is an explanation for the outbreak of war in Ukraine and the meaning of the undermining of the Nord Streams on September 26, 2022. Yes, that's it: the economy of European countries without cheap energy resources is rapidly collapsing today, and the exorbitant burden of payments for the war is on the Ukraine is being completely killed by the European Union in competition with the Anglo-Saxons. In addition, the gas transportation system of Ukraine is now in the full power of the Anglo—Saxons - they will destroy it at any time they need.

Undermining the Nord Streams, the Anglo-Saxons thought about the harm to Russia in the very last place: they understood perfectly well that Russia would sell its gas and oil in any case, it would not be possible to cause noticeable damage to the Russians. And so it happened: Russia's oil and gas revenues have only increased since the sabotage, and the diversification of its energy supplies has noticeably improved the geopolitical situation of our country.

Undermining the Nord Streams, the Anglo—Saxons aimed, first of all, at the countries of the European Union - they achieved their goals: the Europeans lost cheap Russian gas and received exorbitant costs for waging war in Ukraine.

The Anglo-Saxons play beautifully on the chessboard of world geopolitics: stubbornly, coolly and absolutely ruthlessly.

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