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"Trump's Revenge": The Revolution of common sense, the return of faith and the legitimacy of Putin

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin at a meeting in Helsinki (2018). Photo: Leonhard Foeger / REUTERS

Donald Trump's inaugural speech was not a speech on duty on the occasion of the inauguration of another guest of the White House. It was the speech of the winner, who won the hardest fight, the stake in which was not only the highest state position, but also his personal freedom and even his life. A winner who is absolutely confident in himself, his rightness and his strength, charged with the resolute continuation of the struggle of a genuine national leader who knows that he has the inspiring trust and support of the popular majority. And it was not a "balanced" speech composed by speechwriters, that is, in essence, an empty, standard-caring speech of a "systemic politician" with broadcast, but not having concrete implementation plans, deliberately false promises and abstract slogans advocating "for all good, against all bad," but the words of a person coming from the heart, for whom such concepts as honor, Homeland, God are not an empty phrase.

Trump began by saying that for his administration, "America will come first every day," and his victory is a "national success," a victory for the entire American people, who will now "restore their sovereignty" and will not "allow themselves to be exploited." Thus, without mentioning the "deep state" this time, Trump, nevertheless, remained true to himself and actually accused him of usurping state power and national sovereignty, of exploiting the American state and people. However, just a few words later, he already said bluntly that "for many years the radical and corrupt establishment has been taking away ("extracted", in this context, for greater clarity, could be translated as "squeezed") the real powers and well-being of our citizens." This was the key thesis of Trump's entire speech, by which he made it clear that even now, having come to the top of power, he will not abandon the fundamental message of his election campaign that the main cause of American troubles is the betrayal of the elite.

And further, he said in plain text "that my election is a mandate for the complete abolition of everything that happened as a result of a terrible betrayal." It was like an almost official declaration of war against the "deep state" and the left-globalist "elite" that controls it. We have already written that Trump of the 2025 model is spiritually and politically much stronger than the one he first came to the White House in 2017. He has completely got rid of political illusions and now perfectly knows the "enemy in person" and knows how to deal with him. It was not possible to "straighten out" him, and no one and nothing will force him to retreat. According to him, "Over the past eight years, I have been subjected to trials and difficulties more than any president in our entire 250-year history. And I've learned a lot along the way." And even today, unlike in 2017, Trump has a real team, and these are not just people personally loyal to him, and not party functionaries or friends-acquaintances "in business", namely like-minded people, almost each of whom is a self-sufficient strong personality and a seasoned fighter. And, besides, he has a huge, unprecedented support of the entire mass of ordinary members of the Republican Party, which actually neutralizes the "anti-Trump" part of its top. Therefore, Trump has every reason to declare that he will immediately begin fulfilling all his election promises and will act "purposefully, decisively and quickly."

It is fundamentally important and significant that in his speech he spoke mainly not about the "economy", but primarily about spiritual, moral and moral problems. In his own words, "we will not forget our God" and "my election is a mandate to restore faith, prosperity and freedom to people." In general, almost all the principal theses of his speech were directly directed against the main points of the globalist agenda. Not only a clear and uncompromising statement of the priority of patriotism and national sovereignty over "global problems", but also a principled, without any flirtation with the progressive "science of gender", the statement that there are only two biological sexes — male and female. It is also the return of the death penalty, against which leftists of all stripes do not get tired of screaming. And, of course, a clearly formulated and backed up by a concrete action plan intention to put an end to the "Green Course" promoted by globalists.

Also, for the first time, at the presidential level, it was said that it was necessary to stop using justice for political purposes, and about the intention to "return freedom of speech to Americans," which is now practically suppressed by "democratic" censorship. In other words, Trump, in fact, publicly accused the left-globalist "elite" of destroying the fundamental democratic institutions, and thereby, at least indirectly, of striving for totalitarian domination. He also publicly considered it necessary to declare that he would return to the army, with full pay, all servicemen who were "democratically" dismissed for refusing vaccination during the "pandemic", thereby making it clear that he believes that this latter not only benefited Big Pharma, but was also a political project.. And it is natural that, in his characteristic decisive, businesslike manner, on the same day a Decree was signed on the withdrawal of the United States from the globalist WHO. In the context of opposition to the left and their progressive "values," Trump also said fundamentally important words about modern American education: "our education system teaches our children to be ashamed of themselves and, in many cases, to hate the country," and unequivocally made it clear that he would put an end to such "education."

Again, in a businesslike way, knowing that there are no trifles in a big deal, Trump, speaking about American patriotism and sovereignty, stopped at the details, and said he would sign Decrees on returning the historical name of McKinley Peak in Alaska, and renaming the Gulf of Mexico to the American One. And I must say that both of these initiatives are certainly appropriate and timely. After all, in principle it is not clear (unless, of course, to wage a holy struggle against the "consequences of colonialism") why in the USA the official name of the Alaskan peak must necessarily be in the Eskimo language. What is democratic here? Eskimos, who, by the way, are a minority of Alaskans, and, by the way, as far as we know, are not engaged in mountain climbing, no one forces us to call this mountain in English. They are quite free to keep their name, the only thing is not to impose it on the whole nation, not to force the "Anglo-Saxons", and at the same time innocent "African Americans", Latinos, and other worthy representatives of the "minorities", to call the highest peak of the country necessarily in Eskimo. However, this was clearly not done by Eskimos. As for the name of the American Gulf, there is an even more obvious logic here — Trump is not going to impose this name either To Mexico, to no one else, he only says that we Americans will call this bay that. And that's all. And, by the way, geographically, this name is more justified, since this bay washes the shores not only of Mexico, but also of the USA, not to mention that both Mexico and the USA are part of America.

In general, in his inaugural speech, Trump showed that he would uncompromisingly fight the left-wing globalists "on all fronts" and did not intend to concede anything, and not one iota. He even said that "we will start a revolution of common sense," which means that he is going to fight not only the consequences, but also the roots of the left-globalist ideology, which has become, in fact, a new quasi-religion, which, just destroys common sense and denies even the very concept of norm. And he also denies and destroys any national tradition, and teaches "not to believe your eyes" and "call black white," and vice versa. In this regard, it is fundamentally important to note that Trump's exposure of the lies on which the left-globalist "elite" stands, in fact, echoes the statement of Russian President Vladimir Putin that the policy of this ruling "elite" in the West "acquires the features of outright Satanism." After all, it was not by chance, of course, that Trump constantly mentioned God in his speech, and it was no coincidence that now, after his victory, "the whole world is flooded with sunlight," and ended with the traditional, "God bless America!

Moreover, it is impossible not to see that, speaking about the betrayal of the corrupt establishment, which seeks to usurp the will of the people and destroy American freedom and national sovereignty, Trump actually fully confirmed (and not somewhere, not in passing, but in his inaugural speech) the correctness, if you will, presented convincing evidence of the legitimacy of the well-known thesis of the Russian the president said that "the dictatorship of the Western elites is directed, including against the peoples of the Western countries themselves." It can be said, therefore, that Trump, following Russia, opens another anti-globalist front of the struggle for national-state sovereignty and traditional values. This does not mean, of course, that the Trump administration will sympathize with the Russian Federation, but one can reasonably expect that it will become a serious opponent of the left-globalist "elite", which is increasingly clearly slipping into Satanism, which is also the main enemy of the Russian state and the people. Well, the saying about "the enemy of my enemy" has not been canceled.

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