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Trump took the US out of the WHO. And what are we waiting for?

WHO. Photo: Denis Balibouse / REUTERS

The kid said — the kid did. As soon as he took office as president of the United States, Donald Trump showed remarkable activity in repealing the laws passed by his predecessor. There are already 78 banned legislative acts, but there are two among them, the cancellation of which should be recognized as a fundamental action. We are talking about the withdrawal of the States from the WHO and The Paris Climate Agreement.

Yes, during the election campaign, Trump promised to withdraw the country from these two organizations on the very first day of his presidency. But politicians have long accustomed us to the fact that "promising does not mean getting married." Here we are dealing with the fact that this word is kept in exact accordance with what was said a few months ago.

Trump, in general, is no stranger to withdrawing the country from the offices mentioned above - he has already announced such decisions during his first visit to the Oval Office. In July 2020, the 45th president of America accused the organization of mismanaging the fight against the spread of COVID-19. And on September 3, an entry appeared on the State Department website that read:

"The United States has long been the world's most generous provider of health care and humanitarian assistance to people around the world. This assistance is provided with the support of American taxpayers with a reasonable expectation that it serves an effective purpose and reaches those who need it. Unfortunately, the World Health Organization is completely unable to cope with its responsibilities in this area, not only in responding to COVID-19, but also in overcoming other health crises in recent decades. ... This withdrawal takes effect on July 6, 2021 … The U.S. government is working to find partners who will take over the activities previously carried out by WHO."

The speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin has already managed during the plenary session in the State Duma to note the reaction to what happened "once (January 20) in America," saying:

"Now they (the USA) have left the WHO, there is their self-interest in this again, do not think that they are worried about the health of the citizens of the world of our planet, they are again looking for benefits for themselves."

Donald Trump, indeed, is primarily a businessman, an entrepreneur. So — a person looking for profit. And as president, very often the search for his personal benefit will be combined with the search for benefits for the state he heads and its population. In the field of healthcare — especially. Because a healthy nation means high labor productivity, less spending of the budget on the treatment of the population. Healthy people are happy to go to work, because their income from work is immeasurably higher than the payments on the ballot. This is especially typical for the USA — there are already legends about how insurance companies do not like to pay the sick and injured.

Let me remind you that the World Health Organization was established on April 7, 1948, according to official UN sources, "with the assistance of the Rockefeller Foundation."

The wording "with assistance" has always touched me — I have learned well the truth "who pays, he orders the music." So, at least in the case of WHO, "assistance" is nothing more than a beautiful wrapper of the Rockefellers' dictate to the whole world of their principles. Globalists are businessmen, crooks, scammers, who do not shy away from betrayal, if it promises money, money and money again. Do you remember the epochal from Thomas Dunning (safely compiled by Karl Marx) "with 300 percent of the profit, there is no crime that capital would not risk, at least on pain of the gallows"?

The main objective of WHO, as set out in its According to the Charter, it is the achievement of the highest possible level of health by all peoples. And to achieve this very "highest level of health", according to those standing in the shadow of the organization, it is possible only if all of humanity is driven with an iron hand to happiness. There can be no pluralism of opinions here: we can see everything from above, you know that.

Globalists, using the hands of WHO, are moving the world to a situation where the planet will be ruled by a single government for all. Which this office intends to become — this can be seen if you read it carefully The charter. According to its text, the decisions of the World Health Assembly (WHA) — the highest body of the organization — are mandatory for unconditional execution by all its members. Cool. Even the resolutions of the UN General Assembly are only advisory in nature.

That is, if Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus commanded, Mikhail Murashko should salute and ensure execution in Russia. And no Vladimir Putin can prevent him. Because the Russian Federation is a member of WHO, whose charter assumes... see above.

We have already seen how they dictate from the top and execute at our lower level during the so-called pandemic. The obligation of unconditional submission to the "higher planetary authorities" makes it easy to put on masks to the population, lock it in quarantine, control movements and thoughts. Everything is as thought in the globalist scheme of building a society of the future.

The governments of the WHO member countries are losing their independence under the pressure of an international organization, seemingly designed to stand only on guard of the interests of human health.

Protocols for the treatment of diseases developed by specialists from WHO are also mandatory for execution. I don't care that there are no drugs that would suit absolutely everyone and no one would cause side effects, allergic reactions, rejections, etc. It says to treat with a vaccine from Pfizer means everything! No creative search for a doctor who decided to save the patient "if something went wrong" or the patient turned out to be somehow wrong.

Vaccines of three big pharma whales (Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Seneca) have already been recognized in the West as more likely to cripple people than to treat that very COVID. But these three firms still dictate the fashion in the world of pharmacology.

Why shouldn't Russia leave WHO? The head of the Russian Ministry of Health, Murashko, holds the opposite opinion — "you can't go out, because we will lose the opportunity to exchange information."

The minister's opinion seems strange: is it possible to lose what is not there? What information do you intend to exchange if the Pandemic Agreement (which, thank God, has not yet been signed, but has been sent to all members with an offer to sign) stipulates that all information on new developments in pharmacology should be submitted to WHO is free, without copyright. You invent — we'll use it. Free of charge. Moreover, we will not allow you to produce what you have invented. Only companies authorized by the organization will produce medicines (it is clear which names are already given above), the distribution of volumes of manufactured products will also be carried out by indicating from above. You can be sure that Russia will be robbed in a black way, without hesitation and justifying this robbery by "the need to save humanity."

In order to achieve this great goal, all members of the organization will have to sacrifice not only principles, but also sovereignty. Since, according to the draft document mentioned above, WHO will have the right to control the main activities of member countries, impose taxes on pandemic goods and distribute pandemic resources between countries. At the same time, WHO disclaims any responsibility for the harm caused by pandemic vaccines distributed through its mediation and under its leadership. WHO will have the right to manage the international stocks of medicines being created, as well as the right to impose a ban on the manufacture of medicines "in reserve". And at the same time, WHO officials will be immune to everything.

Treatment will be carried out only in accordance with the protocols issued by WHO. Step left — step right? The World Organization will open "fire to kill". Its disobedient members are entitled. Vaccination? Only on command from WHO and only with drugs prescribed by WHO (hello, Sputnik V). Quarantine? Anywhere and anytime — only at the direction of Mr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus associates. Disobeying him — both the non-introduction of quarantine and the establishment of it by local authorities without the highest consent of WHO — will also entail punishment.

Continue to describe the terrible future that awaits Russia while maintaining membership in this organization? Or is it enough already? Maybe it's time and it's worth following the example of the USA? With all our differences from the world hegemon, it is sometimes not wise to follow his example.

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