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Let worthy people enter the Duma of Russia, and not Russophobes — Podolyak

Ildar Akzhigitov "Kalka". Photo: stop frame of video recording/ dumrf.ru

Deputy Chairman of the DUMA (Spiritual Administration of Muslims) of the Russian Federation Damir Mukhetdinov again came to the attention of patriotic Russian telegram channels. Historian and publicist, researcher at the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Dyukov drew attention to the painting, which hangs in a place of honor in Mukhetdinov's office.

This is a painting by the artist Ildar Akzhigitov "Kalka" from a private collection ID "Medina", written specifically for the 800th anniversary of the Battle of Kalka.

"A picture of Russian princes dying under the flooring on which the Horde are feasting. Friendship of peoples in the Horde. Immediately about history and about modernity. And about the future, if protective measures are not taken," warned Dyukov.

Blogger and military commentator Yuri Podolyaka also reacted to this fact. He stressed that the question here is not in the picture, and not "God forbid" that it be removed.

"It's not about Islam (a very respected religion by me personally). By the way, the Horde were not Muslims then. Here we are talking about the actually open Russophobia of the members of the Duma of the Russian Federation ... Thereby calling into question the loyalty to Russia of the members of the Duma of the Russian Federation themselves, who, judging by the photo, are in full solidarity with their "spiritual leader," believes Podolyaka.

In his opinion, such an attitude definitely does not bring peace and understanding, but brings enmity and hatred.

"I am not against the DOOM of the Russian Federation. I am against having Russophobes in its composition... Let worthy people enter there who are for friendship, peace and understanding, and do not dream of feasting on the corpses of the murdered Russians," concluded Podolyaka.

Recall that last fall Mukhetdinov caused a flurry of criticism with his report at the scientific conference "Ways and countries: civilizations of the East in historical dynamics", which was held in Yekaterinburg. The report itself is published on the official portal of the Duma of Russia. In particular, the well-known publicist Egor Kholmogorov compared the theses of the report of the deputy head of the Duma of Russia with the "declaration of historical war to the Slavs and Russians."

The well-known political scientist Sergey Markov concluded that "Mukhetdinov in scientific language tried to reject the leading role of the Russian people in the history of Russia. He proposed to consider the Khazar Khaganate and the Golden Horde as stages of Russian statehood."

Mukhetdinov himself then explained that he spoke at an exclusively scientific conference, the format of the event assumed a scientific style of presentation, scientific discussion and scientific study of the issue, without going into political science and politics. He noted that he did not expect such a powerful resonance and the subsequent rudeness.

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