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European advisers to reform Moldova

Moldova's government has studied amendments to the National Action Plan on the Moldova-EU Association Agreement.

Acting Prime Minister of Moldova Natalia Gherman has opened the meeting saying that a year after the ratification of the agreement, it is necessary to study the influence of the measures taken and determine the ones necessary to use the opportunities suggested by European partners more efficiently. It is necessary liquidate the barriers to the EU market for the Moldovan products too, the government says in a press release.

The Moldovan Government’s profile committee discussed introduction of the action plan in the first half of 2015 and assessed the measures carried out for the period under review.

The minister approved the final version of the revised National Action Plan to introduce the Moldova-EU Association Agreement that includes the necessary amendments to the methods and terms of the implementation basing on the recommendations of European partners.

 “Considering the developments in the region, it is necessary to develop the competitive abilities of the local production and ensure its introduction in the European market. I rely on the support of the economic entities and the businessmen,” Gherman said.

The Government’s Economic Council has suggested submitting a range of specific measures to the Cabinet for approval: one-sided recognition of the EU certificates and standards; facilitated procedures of approval and certification (through at least 50% reduction of the time and the cost); introduction of the facilitated customs procedures; facilitated export licensing procedures; inclusion of the European list of seeds and fertilizers into the national legislation.

They have approved the list of the European high-level advisers who - starting Jan 1 2016 - will be assisting in the reforms of the prior sectors.

Besides, in the most problematic sectors – finance, banks and anti-corruption measures – the advisers will start working within the nearest future. At present, they are picking European experts.

Permalink: eadaily.com/en/news/2015/07/09/european-advisers-to-reform-moldova
Published on July 9th, 2015 11:35 AM
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