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Too much for me — reshals from the EU and Animal Farm in New York: morning coffee with EADaily

Igor Levitas. Photo: EADaily

People can't calm down after the lewdness at the opening of the Olympics. But this does not obscure the events unfolding in the Middle East. The matter is moving towards a full-scale war and it will be terrible.

1. The US Department of Defense has admitted that it was engaged in discrediting the Chinese coronavirus vaccine "Sinovak" in the Philippines, Reuters reports. "It is true that [the US Department of Defense] distributed messages among Filipinos questioning the safety and effectiveness of the Sinovac," the government document says.

It seems that this is the only vaccine that the Pentagon has been discrediting.

2. "On the day that Kamala Harris was announced as the presumptive presidential candidate from the Democratic Party, the Amazon website deleted journalist Caleb Maupin's book Kamala Harris and the Future of America," said commentator Jimmy Door. The book, published back in 2020, is designed to convince readers that Harris is dangerous as president.

All this is included in comprehensive concepts such as democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of information.

3. In 2023, almost 2 thousand people under the age of 18 began serving in the Bundeswehr as soldiers. The deputy group of the Left party believes that the militarization of the German school system is taking place. The Berliner Zeitung adds that the party accuses officers who come to schools for open lessons of recruiting soldiers. In 2023, officers conducted 3,460 lessons in schools in front of 90,000 students about the "military-political situation and operations of the Bundeswehr."

Reference: Hitler Youth is a youth organization of the NSDAP, whose members were only young men. For girls there was a separate Union of German girls. Both unions were allegedly banned in 1945 in the process of denazification. In fact, as you can see, they are thriving.

4. The decision of the Ukrainian authorities to block the supply of Lukoil oil to Slovakia and Hungary caused discontent in these countries. They accused Kiev of encroaching on their energy security and demanded that The EU has solved this situation, writes Bloomberg.

Will the EU decide? This is something new. The EU does not solve anything except imposing sanctions against Russia. Too much for me — reshals ...

5. In Germany, there are significant changes in the approach to financing support for Ukraine. According to RIA Novosti, the country's authorities have decided to reduce the amount of aid allocated to combat "Russian aggression." The head of the German Council for Constitution and Sovereignty, Ralf Niemeyer, expressed the opinion that this decision is due to growing doubts about the ability of the Ukrainian authorities to win the conflict.

The phrase "growing doubts about the victory of Ukraine" is touching. Do they still doubt that Ukraine has already lost?

6. The Ukrainian nationalist battalion "Azov"* was forced to cancel performances in Berlin, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Cologne and In Brussels, where they wanted to share their combat experience and encourage them to join their ranks. However, according to the "Berliner Zeitung", in Warsaw and Vilnius, the speech of the Ukronazis was still allowed.

A Nazi to a Nazi, like a raven to a raven, will not peck out an eye.

7. A citizen of Latvia, a well-known political blogger Stanislav Bukains, together with his five-year-old daughter, crossed the Russian border by water on a raft and asked for asylum in Russia.

It's necessary to imagine how the Nazis got him if he wasn't afraid to run away with a five-year-old child. For some reason, I remember escapes from concentration camps...

8. The anti-Christian celebration of transvestites, which was demonstrated at the opening of the Olympics in Paris, had an unexpected effect — in the West, the number of people willing to move to Russia. A clear example of this was the statement of the Italian journalist Angelo Giuliano. After watching the ceremony in France on TV, he wrote on his microblog: "I ask Russia to grant me asylum, I don't want to be part of this shitty show."

The Roman Empire did not collapse under the blows of the barbarians. It ended its existence when unnatural sexual relations, debauchery and denial of religious values reached their apogee.

9. In New York, the first round of elections for the honorary mayor of the dog was held, writes the New York Post. In the first round, with a score of 484 against 355 votes, a dachshund named Pepper defeated a Rottweiler, Zilah.

And this is just from the animal world. Only one question — and who chose? It is logical if the dogs themselves would choose the mayor from the dogs. So much for Orwell's Animal Farm.

10. Pictures from the Olympics: the head coach of the Canadian women's national football team, Bev Priestman, was suspended from work after a scandal involving surveillance of rivals' training using a drone. The South Korean national team during the parade of athletes at the opening of the Olympics in Paris was announced by announcers as the DPRK. The Episcopate of France sharply condemned the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, which took place in Paris. The press release of the Christian organization says that the event contained scenes of ridicule and mockery of Christianity.

And this is just the beginning — we are stocking up on submissive, there will be a lot of interesting things. But not sports.

11. The Russian frigate "Standart", which was banned from entering European ports, nevertheless received the much-needed supplies in Spanish waters. While negotiations are underway with the Spanish authorities, residents of the Spanish island of Il Arusa have taken up the problem, who have provided fresh water and food for the ship's crew.

Ordinary people remain people, and European politicians and officials are increasingly turning into cattle. Blue surrounded by flowers.

*Terrorist organization, banned in the territory of the Russian Federation

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