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Ready for any meanness: what connects Kamala Harris and the Soros family

Kamala Harris with George Soros' son Alexander. Photo: New York Post

The joke is that in In the United States, a "color revolution" is impossible due to the fact that there is no American embassy there, it no longer seems like a joke to those who have been closely following events in the United States in recent weeks. Maxim Suchkov, director of the MGIMO Institute of International Studies, writes about this in the Profile magazine.

A full set of familiar elements appeared before the eyes of the astonished observer: the sudden withdrawal from the election race of the incumbent president, the hastily organized support of the replacement, who was considered unpromising yesterday, the murky story of the assassination attempt on the candidate from the opposition camp. And like the cherry on the cake — the name Soros, which flashed in the press, is an invariable attribute of all "color revolutions".

The name of George Soros has long been a household name. But he is already 93, and, unlike Biden, he took care of the transit management of his empire in a timely manner, transferring the main assets to his 38-year-old son Alexander last year.

Soros Jr. had not been idle before. But if his activity abroad is not particularly remarkable (the guy continues his father's work on "spreading democracy" in its Soros reading), then Alexander's stormy activity inside America has become the object of increased attention against the background of the current election campaign. To show how deeply he is immersed in it, it suffices to mention that the Soros, along with the Clintons, were the first to support Biden's replacement by Kamala Harris as the nominee from the Democratic Party.

Soros Jr. is a frequent guest at the White House: from January 2021 to May 2023, the visit log recorded 20 of his visits. He made his twenty-first visit on Wednesday, May 31, 2023: he arrived at the residence of Vice-President Kamala Harris in the company of seven major donors of the Democratic party and his then girlfriend, the young supermodel Savannah Hutema. They stayed with Harris from 16:00 to midnight. The details of that conversation were not disclosed. It is only known that they talked about the presidential election. But eight hours in the company of the second person in the country in the middle of the working week is too much even for a valuable donor.

However, old friends always have something to talk about. Soros has been on good terms with Harris for a long time — Soros Sr. supported Kamala even when she was a prosecutor in California.

For many years around the world — from Latin America and the former Soviet Union to the Middle East and Southeast Asia - Soros has been interfering in domestic politics and sponsoring government changes. The USA is no exception. But in America uses a different technology — it is better to make changes here at the county and state levels. Therefore, Soros' organizations invest in local, predominantly "progressive", that is, politicians and legislators who gravitate to the left wing of the ideological spectrum.

One of the first to pay attention to this practice was the ubiquitous Elon Musk. Talking about Soros' election financing policy, Musk noted:

"The lowest price—performance ratio is the presidential race. Then the race to the Senate, and then to the House of Representatives. But if you get to the district attorneys of the city and state, the value will be extremely high. Soros realized that in fact there is no need to change the laws. You just need to change the way they are applied."

Even at the beginning of her career, Harris was among those who could, according to Soros, apply the laws in the right way. It is not known for certain which of her legal initiatives Soros financed, as well as at what point he started doing it. But it is known for sure that Kamala took part in Soros' flagship Vision 2020 conference, and Soros Sr. does not invite untested people to speak publicly at such an event.

However, in 2020, even the patronage of Soros did not help Harris to get the nomination of the Democratic Party. She dropped out of the list of candidates for the presidency, among other things, because most of her prosecutorial initiatives, as it turned out, were very controversial.

In particular, many voters were alerted by her support for trainings for police officers "on overcoming bias" (bias training), initiatives to reduce police funding and the "Safe Neighborhoods & Schools Act", which assumed mitigation of punishment for a number of crimes previously classified as serious (counterfeiting, forgery of documents), as well as thefts totaling less than $950. The last point caused particular irritation among small shopkeepers, who understood that now the thieves they had to deal with would lose their fear completely.

There were a lot of dissatisfied blacks. Harris, despite the fact that she herself has Jamaican roots, defended the convictions of African Americans when there was evidence of their innocence and evidence of police misconduct. Perhaps for this reason, one of the most well—known liberal human rights groups, Black Lives Matter, is wary of Harris and has not yet supported her nomination.

Kamala's political biography is replete with examples of inconsistent behavior. For example, as the district attorney of San Francisco, she opposed the death penalty, but after becoming the attorney General of California, Harris began to fight for the abolition of the moratorium on this type of punishment.

As a result, Kamala has developed a reputation as a person who has two important skills for a modern politician: behind the scenes to be flexible and negotiable enough to make the decision the sponsors need, and in public to be convincing enough to justify this decision, even if it means "changing shoes in the air."

And indeed, what was a burden for the Democrats in 2020 is presented as an asset four years later: Harris is an experienced prosecutor, Trump is a seasoned criminal, and the election campaign is a public trial. It is this model that Democrats' political technologists are now promoting. And the very shift of emphasis from Kamala — vice-president to Kamala, the prosecutor— is a clever move that allows you to retouch Harris' failures as Biden's deputy and focus the voter's attention on her merits as a guardian of the law.

"She prosecuted six "sexual predators." He [Trump] is one of them. She was closing down for-profit colleges that were cheating Americans. He supported them. He is a puppet of the big banks. She, as attorney General, fought with the largest banks in America and forced them to pay homeowners $ 18 billion," says Harris's campaign video.

As they say, everything is based on facts. Harris's love affair with the former mayor of San Francisco, which launched her career? With whom it does not happen in youth! Is Soros funding her election campaign? So all his enterprises have the status of NGOs, so taking money from Soros is not shameful, unlike some Peter Thiel!

Soros Jr. himself is now dating in In Washington, with important people in the company of another companion: in July, Alexander Soros announced his engagement to 47-year-old Huma Abedin, a long-time assistant to Hillary Clinton, whom she calls her "second daughter." A practicing Muslim with extensive experience in the state apparatus and influential friends in Washington, Abedin became a "bridge" in the Clinton-Soros relationship. A very successful combination in the period of aggravation of the struggle for the highest post in the country, especially when two families support one candidate.

"Soros is doing things that destroy the very fabric of human civilization," warns Elon Musk.

Is Kamala Harris part of this sinister plan or is this another conspiracy theory of right-wing conservative forces, Americans will have to figure out, perhaps very soon. As usual, it is best for the rest of the world to judge this company "by their fruits."

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