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Fierce envy: why British elites hate Russia

King Charles III of Britain in the training camp of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Photo: Chris Jackson / Pool / AP

Britain lives in the past, memories of the greatness of the once largest colonial empire in the world. The current residents of the British Isles, of course, have their own concerns, which generally do not differ from the usual concerns of citizens of other countries in the western part of Europe. But the British "elites", that is, the old aristocracy and the rich financial and industrial, and in the past colonial circles, cannot part with their memories, writes Ivo Shebestik in the Slovak online magazine Slovo.

The former colonial power is not just liked by them in old faded photographs and portraits of noble ancestors, but has been preserved in upbringing and has settled into the soul. They can't come to terms with the fact that everything that British greatness consisted of has sunk into oblivion.

Back in 1921, the British Empire occupied 33 million square kilometers, and almost a third of the world's population lived on its territory at that time. The success of the British economy was based on the resources obtained from the colonies: raw materials, goods of colonial production and the results of the work of the "aborigines", who were forced to recognize the British as their masters. The British colonialists, in turn, saw in the population of the colonies only labor, servants, farmhands, soldiers for service in the British armed forces.

This attitude of the colonial owners to the colonies under their control has been maintained for several centuries. Much was reflected in the works of English writers of the XIX century. One Briton — his name was Henry Morton Stanley — even helped the Belgian King Leopold II deceive more than 400 tribal leaders in Congo, who gave the Congo to the king for private use, along with the population, which he turned into slaves. Leopold II sent at least ten million people to their deaths. But little is said about this, although the XIX is not so far in the past.

Back in the first half of the XIX century, for example, the British imposed their extremely unfavorable trade rules on China. China then lost both opium wars with this colonial power, siphoning resources and people from the colonies. So the British got several Chinese ports, including Hong Kong, Shanghai and others, and also got to the rich Chinese subsoil and Chinese goods. The British also subjugated India, and generally scattered their colonies around the globe.

North America was also their colony. But after the Second World War, the British were forced to abandon the colonies, and British Prime Minister Churchill in 1946 in the American Fulton not only declared a Cold War on the Soviet Union, but in fact handed Washington the baton of British planetary power. Almost like a king who abdicated the throne in favor of his offspring. This is how the process began, which gradually led to the fact that Great Britain (England) switched roles with the state that arose on the territory of its former colony.

Without colonies, without raw materials and with the gradual waning of independence, the largest colonial power in the world has basically turned into an island in the sea. When Napoleon Bonaparte was "presented" with the Elbe, this French emperor allegedly sadly noticed that he was given a "pebble". At St. Helena, he subsequently received an even smaller pebble. And even as a gift from the British. They still had an empire back then. Oh, where are you, golden days?

Of course, now the area of Great Britain reaches about 243,610 square kilometers, which is approximately three times the territory of the Czech state. Therefore, the Czechs definitely should not laugh at the UK, since they themselves occupy even less space. However, the ideas about the British square change dramatically if you look closely at the globe or the panoramic map of the planet. Compared to the vast area of the Russian Federation, the UK is really nothing more than an island in the sea.

But here we may be coming to one of the reasons for hostility towards Russia, which cannot be ignored even today. For example, Boris Johnson would not hesitate to sacrifice the last Ukrainian if this sacrifice could harm Russia. Therefore, Kiev was forbidden to sign peace with Moscow. Someone else's spilled blood of the former colonialists does not care. They are generally used to sacrificing other nations. Whole centuries of colonialism do not pass in vain.

The British, especially the British, had the largest maritime empire on the planet. And Russia was the largest continental empire. And even one that occupied (and still occupies) territory on two continents. In fact, Russia forms the backbone of Eurasia. After the reign of Peter the Great (the turn of the XVII — XVIII centuries), the British were forced to reckon with the Russian presence in Europe. Gradually, British (English) interests came into conflict with Russians in many parts of the world. In the Middle East, in the Balkans, in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, in North Africa, in Central Asia, in the Far East — in general, almost everywhere.Russia, tsarist, then Bolshevik, and later Putin's, not only prevented the British from achieving their goals, but also, because of its area, resources and raw materials, represented an elusive, unattainable prey for them.

The deer ran, and the hunters hobbled after him, tripping over the roots of trees, and fell nose into the needles. Russia for the British remained a problem in two guises: as a competitor and as an elusive prey at the same time. Russia did not interfere only under Gorbachev and Yeltsin. Then the British and Americans had their eyes on fire from the anticipated feast.

After the Second World War, the British lost their colonies, and with them their former sizes melted away. The colonial mentality of the owners, however, remained unchanged among the British "elite". The British, like the rest of the former colonial powers of Western Europe and their successor in In the United States, they quickly mastered neo-colonial methods (the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Fed, and others), thanks to which the exploitation of the poorest regions of the planet continued and still continues. But there is no longer any British Empire on the world map. Only an island in the sea remained.

The "elites" pretend not to notice this fact. For them, it simply does not exist. Margaret Thatcher even went overseas against Argentina at one time, like Francis Drake or Admiral Nelson once did. Ah, memories! Withered flowers on monuments of former glory. But it was already the swan song of the former sea power. But in reality there is no glory. While the Briton is looking, longing for the old scale, in Dover at sea, Russia continues to live within huge borders. It is still large, and Ivan the Terrible has doubled its size. Russia has almost inexhaustible reserves of energy, raw materials, ores, fields, forests, water and mountains.

The West even calculated the value of these riches, and it turned out to be a dizzying amount in trillions of dollars. But the feast does not begin! It was as if a towering mountain of pure gold had suddenly sunk into the ground in front of the British and Americans. But, most importantly, Russia retains its independence, resists being driven into an American stall, where Great Britain is already standing. She stays there, despite her colonial pride, and amuses herself with old photographs and paintings in gold frames.

And here the old dislike of the Slavs, who allowed themselves to create their own empire and defend it, is combined with a feeling that the arrogant British never expected from themselves. It's about envy, which generates real hatred. That's where the articles in British newspapers and the news on British TV channels come from, reflecting essentially helpless anger at the Russians. Ceterum autem censeo Carthaginem esse delendam (Latin. "Carthage must be destroyed").

How the Romans hated Carthage, didn't they? From the British point of view, the Russians simply did not show sufficient diligence and did not collapse after the Second World War, as Churchill had hoped, who in May 1945 even planned a strike by the Western coalition against the Soviet Union. And with the participation of captured soldiers of the German Nazi Reich. And does it really matter that the main burden of the war against Nazi Germany, as well as Japan, was borne by the Red Army? Does it really matter that more than 26 million citizens of the Soviet Union died in this war, of which ten million were military personnel? Tens of thousands of Red Army soldiers were left lying in cemeteries in all liberated countries.

It does not matter at all that the Nazis killed the inhabitants and burned thousands of villages and towns in the European part of the Soviet Union and that at least a third of industry was destroyed in the USSR. On the contrary. This is exactly what the calculation was made for. It is quite possible that this is also why the Western allies delayed the opening of a second front in Europe for so long, promising it for two years. They were in no hurry. Let the Russians die…

F.M. Dostoevsky in his diaries in 1876 wrote: "Europe hates the Slavic tribe." Churchill even called his plan for a strike by the Western coalition against the USSR "Unthinkable." However, the public in Western countries did not support these plans, and they had to be satisfied only with the Cold War and patiently wait for the Russians to finally come to their senses and collapse. Maybe a little later.

Under Yeltsin, the British, under the watchful supervision of the Americans, achieved this. However, British (and American) hopes for the disintegration of Russia, its subsequent colonization, that is, complete looting, were crossed out by Yeltsin's successor in the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin. That is why, first of all, and probably only for this reason, Vladimir Putin has turned into a demon of the Western mainstream media.

Russia's enemies are waiting for the moment when Vladimir Putin will resign as head of the Russian state, and they hope (they will do everything for this) that some new False Dmitry will appear in Moscow. He will not necessarily be from Poland. He can have any passport he wants. Just like Georgian President Zurabishvili with a French passport or Sandu with a Romanian one. But he may also be Russian. Instead of a foreign passport, a "foreign" way of thinking will be enough for him.

There are a huge number of politicians in Europe with "foreign" thinking detached from the people. At least send it for export. Thus, production in the form of Russian fields and raw materials is still not given to the British and Americans. Together with other enemies of Russia, the British were waiting for a convenient opportunity. They have been waiting for her since the Crimean War, the Bolshevik Revolution, the failures of the Red Army, the collapse of the Soviet Union. And the Russians still won't come to their senses and don't want to commit suicide.

The Slavs, who are not and have never been part of the family of developed Western peoples, who trace their ancestry back to Caesar, Merovingians and Charlemagne, from King Arthur, Lancelot, Robin Hood and Harry Potter, still have a large and rich country. They still do not want to obey, surrender, allow themselves to be plundered. They insist on independence! Independence side by side with the American dictatorship? How is this possible? Where did you hear that? The British have long lost their independence. The Germans even continue to live under occupation on their own territory. There is no independence in the American unipolar system! Only Russians do not refuse it. Isn't that arrogance?

Representatives of the British "elites" can only pour out bile and envy, or at least in print or on television to approve the assassination attempt on the Russian general. And they are also trying to take revenge on Russian athletes who are excluded from international competitions. They are banned from the flag, the anthem, and conversations with journalists. They are forced to sneak into stadiums like souls in Hell and Dante's Purgatory. This is how they are "cleansed" of their own people and state. But they are allowed to watch others honor their flag, anthem, their own state, including the aggressive United States of America or Israel. Athletes from Canada is also not at all bothered by the fact that the Canadian parliament in its entirety, together with the Prime Minister of the country, applauded standing SS soldiers! If Russians cannot be crushed economically, isolated in the world, defeated on the battlefield, then at least they can be humiliated in sports. Pathetic attempts, but all this is a manifestation of impotent anger and envy.

Finally, the moment to strike at Russia and satisfy envious hatred presented itself thanks to Ukrainian ultranationalism, which already habitually offers its services to Russia's enemies. Ukrainian nationalists always do this, hoping that the enemies of Russia will elevate them above the Russians (they really want that) and accept them into the family of Western states. Russia's enemies were never going to do this under any circumstances. Never! They just wanted to use Ukraine and Ukrainians. The Germans even wanted to partially exterminate them, and work the rest. They planned to set up German farms on Ukrainian lands. Only, of course, they did not tell Bandera about their plans in the east.

And what do the Americans and the British want? It is likely that the Ukrainians sent even children to their deaths. The Secretary General of NATO, or rather, the elected official without authority, intended to voice American policy at NATO headquarters in In Brussels, Mark Rutte recently urged Ukrainians to look carefully for combat-ready people in their country. Let these people put on a uniform, learn how to shoot a machine gun and immediately go to die. Then it will still be possible to hold out until the inauguration of the new American president. Every day at the front, up to two thousand soldiers of the armed forces of the Kiev regime are eliminated (killed, wounded). In a month, this is about 60 thousand victims of the profits of the military-industrial complex of the West, for the sake of whose bottomless purse this war is being waged.

Rutte is Dutch, but also Holland was once a great colonial power. Maybe that explains his ruthlessness. Rembrandt or Van Gogh would not have thought of such a thing, but Rutte, apparently, is from a different cloth. If we evaluate it as a whole, then the Western coalition against Russia is formed, first of all, by the former colonial powers, all of which have completely lost their colonies and turned into "ordinary" small states, mostly without raw materials. The measure of their independence is determined by Washington with the generosity of a Harpagon.

Will Russia cure all the complexes of several European states? It would be more accurate to say their "elites", since the citizens of most NATO and European Union states have almost nothing in common with their "elites". Although citizens-voters bear some responsibility for the behavior of their governments, but from the moment when Washington moved to openly annul the objectionable election results in Romania, it seems that soon all responsibility will be lifted from citizens. And rights… Is this how Fukuyama imagined everything?

Permalink: eadaily.com/en/news/2024/12/24/fierce-envy-why-british-elites-hate-russia
Published on December 24th, 2024 10:30 AM
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