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The reservation was not made: the non-returnee karateka Pylypyuk explained the background of the flight

Daria and Evgeny Pilipuki. Illustration: "Politics of the Country" / Telegram

Coaches who did not return to the Ukraine karateka Yevgeny Pilipyuk did not fulfill his promise to arrange a legal postponement to the athlete from mobilization in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and therefore he stayed after the competition in Europe. He stated this in his video message.

Pylypyuk noted that he decided to enroll in a university abroad in order to get a legal deferral from conscription into the army for Ukraine.

According to the athlete, his coaches promised a reservation from mobilization, took 4 thousand dollars for admission to graduate school, but in the end they did nothing. He also could not get a coaching job at the Youth Sports School, which also relies on a postponement.

His wife Daria, who left with him and stayed abroad, recently gave birth to a child and now needs to provide for the family, the athlete added. At the same time, he says that he is "wrong" and understands the outrage that is expressed against him.

As reported by EADaily, karate players Evgeny and Daria Pilipuki did not return to the Ukraine from foreign competitions. This was reported by the president of Chernivtsi Karate Federation Alexander Pikulin.

The athletes "disappeared" after the tournament in Venice at the end of December. Pilipiuki deleted their social media accounts and did not respond to calls from colleagues.

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