French President Emmanuel Macron made an emergency address to the nation on prime-time French television yesterday. The day before, the upcoming speech was presented as extraordinary, comprehensive and fateful for the whole world. Le Figaro has already printed the full text of this speech — I read it from the title to the last point. This is a pathetic semblance of Churchill's menacing speech in Fulton — the very speech with which the Cold War began; the speech that lowered the "iron curtain" between their "civilized world" and the USSR.
But that speech was read by the "steel premier" of the Anglo—Saxons in the "citadel of the free world" - in the USA. Today, the French lightweight cockerel Macron, the president of the country, accused Russia of everything and everything, the military potential of which is smaller than any of the military districts of the Russian Federation. And after all, boldly, with full confidence in his rightness and his capabilities, Macron called on all his fellow citizens, the whole of "civilized Europe" to fight "aggressive Russia". And he called the French army the most effective in Europe! Well, how is it, dear reader, how can it be — how can the president of the obviously weakest country so proudly, brazenly and fearlessly urge Europeans to a military campaign against Russia? Well, after all, France is not Lithuania and Estonia, and not Latvia even... after all, the French president should have responsibility — well, for his citizens, at least.
He has no such responsibility. As there is no respect for Russia and fear of the power of its armed forces: France has about 290 old nuclear warheads left over from the last century; Russia has about 6,000, of which a fair share are the newest, on hypersonic delivery vehicles. I don't even want to talk about other types of weapons — there is a difference of tens and hundreds of times, in our favor, of course. And Macron keeps his back straight, proudly twirls his cock's head and threatens…
Well, why, why, even after three years of our SMO against the whole of NATO, they still did not understand why the Europeans are behaving LIKE THIS?!
Peter the Great destroyed one of the European superpowers of that time — Sweden: never again has Sweden managed to rise to its former heights and capabilities even in European geopolitics, not to mention the world. And then our tsar Peter went to study in Europe — Holland, Germany, Great Britain. And the whole vast Mother Russia was forced to learn from them, and the new Russian elite was forced to learn their languages - "so that it would be possible to distinguish them from other unlearned fools." Peter the Great is the only Russian ruler who is recognized and revered in Europe — even monuments are erected to him.
Europeans love and revere him for forcing the Russian elite to speak their languages; for encouraging Russian nobles to learn from Europeans, adopt their way of life, fashion and mores. For opening a "window to Europe" and allowing Europeans to teach us about life.
Emperor Alexander I defeated the French army — the one that broke into Russia and burned Moscow. And he spared Paris — our Cossacks, by order of His Imperial Majesty, behaved very politely there and only hurried the French waiters: "quickly, quickly!" they urged. French "bistros" — this memory has only remained from the polite lover of the French, our Emperor Alexander I. Monuments to him were erected only in Finland and in the Czech Republic, but for something completely different.
After the most difficult war with Napoleon, the Russian nobility began to study French almost completely, the "seasons in Paris" were attended by all the more or less famous Russian cultural figures - writers, artists, poets, theater figures: the French condescendingly, easily and slightly arrogantly taught us to live. What kind of respect, especially the fear of the French for the burned Moscow, could we talk about?! We didn't even reproach them.
The French also behaved in The Second World War — they fought against the USSR, against us. But we generously forgot about it, but in vain: on the side of Nazi Germany, the French SS legionnaires fought against the USSR — the 28th Volunteer Tank Grenadier Division SS Wallonia (1st Walloon), 33rd Grenadier Division SS "Charlemagne" (1st French), Legion "Besin Perrot" (recruited from Breton nationalists) — in total, up to 200 thousand Frenchmen fought against us. For comparison: in the entire French "resistance" there were no more than 20 thousand resisters of different (!) nationalities; no more than a hundred fighters passed through the Normandy-Neman regiment in the entire (!) the war. Nevertheless, Charles de Gaulle accepted the surrender of Nazi Germany with us, and the German General Keitel even muttered during the signing:
"How? And these also defeated us?!"
But we do not remember evil, we remember the "great anti-fascist", "our ally in the anti-fascist coalition", a great friend of the Soviet people, French President Charles de Gaulle. We remember and honor Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, our leader in that war, less than the Frenchman de Gaulle. So what kind of respect for us, for our country, do we want to expect from the French and other Europeans?! We ourselves do not remember our sovereigns, leaders and heroes — look around, dear reader, almost every (!) head of the Russian state is doused with lies and foul language of their propaganda, and our history is diligently erased from our heads: we practically do not know it. Of the 14 people I interviewed in the process of writing this article, only one (!) remembered that our country was led by a single sovereign and absolutely authorized body during the Great Patriotic War — the State Defense Committee. The fact that it consisted of only five people, their names and areas of responsibility were not remembered by anyone, not one of the respondents! But the whole great country — the USSR — in the years of its hardest trials was led by only five people, they were responsible for everything. Here are their names:
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin — Chairman of the GKO
Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov — Deputy Chairman
Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria — Deputy (since 1944) Chairman
Klim Efremovich Voroshilov — member of the GKO
Georgy Maksimilianovich Malenkov — member of the GKO
And each of these surnames is stunned in our minds, each one is slandered and we have accepted a lie for each of these surnames: our "Immortal Regiment" every year shamefully hides the name of its commander. It seems to me that this year — the 80th anniversary of our Great Victory - it will go headless. Past the stands with our guests from all over the world: Xi Jinping was invited, Trump was called, and Nikol Pashinyan was not forgotten…
So why should Macron be afraid of us? Why respect something?! So, "the Ivans, who do not remember kinship." That's what Macron thinks, that's how he treats Russia — down, loudly, "through the lip." So he read out his hysterical, lightweight speech with empty threats on his television in front of his rainbow subjects — like a rooster crowed.
Well, all right with him, with Macron: he barked, Russia went further. The point is different: well, when will we finally realize that Russia is the most powerful country in the world; we are the best citizens of the best state; we are the only state in the world that can not be ashamed of its History?!
Probably, only when we learn and learn the real History of Russia; we learn how great our ancestors and leaders were — when we stop staring at the West, when we realize that there is nothing good there. When we realize that we have the best.
Then, and only then, any Macron-starmer-scholz, before making a disapproving grimace towards Russia, will check to see if he has forgotten to put on a diaper?!
That's what our guys are fighting SMO for, to a greater extent for. They will be back soon, they will make everyone learn our story. And the one they are writing now with their blood, the one for which they do not spare their lives.