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"Gunther, we have a problem!": the Americans told how WADA finished off Kamila Valieva

Kamila Valieva. Photo: Dmitry Chelyapin / Match TV

We all remember the sad story of the wonderful Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva, whose brilliant, but such a short career, was destroyed by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), passing the harshest and unprecedented sentence.

And how it all started beautifully! But the day after the end of the team tournament of the Beijing Olympics, where neutral Russian athletes with Kamila won gold, it became known: a month and a half before the start of the Games, Valieva passed a doping test with a microscopic content of the banned drug Trimetazidine.

Long and tedious proceedings ended in CAS, whose arbitrators did not believe in the presented version about the accidental ingestion of the drug through the strawberry dessert prepared by grandfather.

The Russian woman was disqualified for four years, and the rest of our participants in the Olympic team tournament were replaced with gold medals for bronze.

As we have done since the time of Karamzin, the public, deputies, experts, and general specialists were embarrassed for a week or two, wrung their hands on the air and safely forgot the story of the brilliant girl.

But then the Americans got into a serious fight with the goats from WADA and got very interesting material in the Associated Press.

Where it is reported in black and white: at least one serious Western specialist in the field of anti-doping, the former director of the Lausanne laboratory, Marcial Soji, conducted a study confirming the possibility of a banned drug entering Valieva's body through the grains of a tablet cut into pieces. Which, in principle, confirmed the version of the Russians.

Moreover, the examination was ordered by the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA), which applied to WADA with a corresponding request. The malicious office recommended the candidacy of the Swiss — and he issued the aforementioned conclusion, which Kamila's lawyers could submit to the court. However, judging by the reaction in the leadership of WADA, the bastards were not ready for such a turn of events, and there was a uniform shucher.

Now watch your hands. The agency publishes the correspondence of the organization's director general Olivier Niggli with the chief of the investigation department, Gunther Junger, where two oddballs with the letter "m" are fighting in a falling:

"Gunther, we have a big problem. Why do we have Soji expressing an opinion on Valiyeva, very favorable for her… If this is the opinion of RUSADA, then we should not participate in this at all. It is a big problem for our side to be involved in this conclusion, which will be used in court. We need to stop this urgently."

According to RIA Novosti Sport, the crooks managed to "stop" the conclusion of the Soji from getting into the CAS materials. There is no mention of this study in the detailed reasoning part of the court verdict. Could an expert opinion from a Swiss specialist have saved Valieva from disqualification?

Of course, no one will give a clear answer to this question. Perhaps the panel of arbitrators would still consider the version of the grandfather's dessert not weighty enough. But the opposite is also possible: Camila's side would have a serious trump card in the case.

Of course, WADA refused a few hours after the publication of "AR":

"During the proceedings, an experiment was conducted by an independent expert commissioned by RUSADA. Thus, it was not for WADA to decide whether its results could be used by the organization that ordered it. The experiment was not part of the WADA investigation, and the WADA leadership did not allow unreasonable interference in the work of the organization (RUSADA), which is operationally independent."

There were no comments from RUSADA. Although, of course, I would very much like to know the answer to the question — were the results of the study of the ex-director of the Lausanne laboratory transferred to the Russian side in principle?

If so, why was the examination of the Soji not submitted to the CAS?

If not, why didn't RUSADA declare to CAS — and indeed publicly to the whole world — about WADA's opposition to an objective review of the case?

And the most important question is: on what basis did RUSADA protest to CAS the initial verdict of its own (RUSSIAN) disciplinary anti-doping committee, fully justifying Valieva?

Scrupulous readers will probably wonder: why did the Americans suddenly stand up for dear Camila with fright, even if her fellow officials did not move their flippers very quickly and did not stick fervently for the pride of the Fatherland?

I answer. I mentioned above about the American-Vad collision. And EADaily reported that the US anti-Doping Agency (USADA), shortly before the Paris Olympics, entered into a tough joint with WADA in the case of an attempt to conceal positive doping tests of 23 Chinese swimmers before the 2021 Games in Tokyo.

The "Asian dolphins" were found to have the same "Trimetazidine" as in Valieva. But if, in the case of Camila, WADA jumped over its head in order to deprive the Russians of gold and roll the career of a brilliant girl into the asphalt, then with the "arguments of the Chinese about accidental contamination of the analyses of two dozen leading athletes at once," the office instantly agreed and put the brakes on. And only the importunity of journalists from ARD and the New York Times revealed the duplicity of the interested parties.

And what do we have in the bottom line? Nothing good. A sad statement of a spiteful attitude towards us, extremely blurred deadlines for returning to the Games and World Championships with a flag, anthem and coat of arms, cynical juggling with "facts and destinies" and categorical rejection of everything Russian on the basis of anti-Russian IOC guidelines and other filthy abbreviations.

It is regrettable that they now believe in the innocence of notorious stoned scoundrels, in the multi-pass hitting of steroids through the hands of a massage therapist in the doping tests of the first racket of the Italian world, Yannick Sinner, in a million wild stories about casual sex on a tram and a syringe shared with a deceased dog. But with a fanatical smile, they "wheel" the princess of world figure skating, who has barely ascended to the throne, for minimal transgression.

For, there is an understanding of the obvious: there will be no answer! Unless the Minister of Sports Mikhail Degtyarev reminds significantly:

"We, as a state, are interested in eradicating the evil, I mean doping. We are allies with WADA, so don't expect any shocks from me."

Mikhail Vladimirovich, what kind of shocks can there be if our Paralympians in Paris were strongly advised not to name their country of residence when communicating with the rest of humanity?! Everything is quiet, everything is calm. Only Valiev is very sorry. Or not?

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