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"Bastards from the House of horrors": American gay couple raped adopted sons for years

Photo: Daily Mail

A couple of scoundrels from the state of Georgia, by a court decision, will spend hundreds of years in prison for molesting young sons, the Daily Mail reports. The convicts raped boys who were adopted through a Christian agency and filmed the abuse on video.

The court ruled that the spouses* William and Zachary Zulok — once the favorites of the LGBT community in Georgia — will spend 100 years in prison for molesting young sons (the children are now 12 and 10 years old), recording sexual acts and sharing videos with other pedophiles, according to local publication 11Alive.

It is believed that the disgusting abuse took place when the boys were just three years old and five years old respectively.

"The two defendants really created a house of horrors, indulging their utterly disgusting desires and putting them above everything else," said the prosecutor of the Alkovi Judicial District, Randy McGinley, at the announcement of the verdict.
"But the depravity of the accused, although it seems boundless, in any case is inferior to the determination of those who fought for justice and the strength of the victims in this case. The resilience of young victims that I have seen over the past two years is truly inspiring," McGinley added.

The case against the couple began in July, when investigators received a signal from the National Center for Missing Children and Victims of Exploitation about child sexual abuse materials allegedly uploaded to a Google account from an IP address in Walton County. This IP address was associated with Zachary and William Zulokami.

After obtaining the warrant, investigators searched the Zulok home and found more than seven terabytes of digital evidence, home surveillance recordings and data from mobile phones, including explicit images, videos and text messages discussing violence.

The inhumans confessed to what they had done and were found guilty by Judge Jeffrey Foster.

Foster listened to the arguments of the prosecution and defense and sentenced each of the criminals to 100 years in prison without the possibility of parole, followed by life probation.

Due to the seriousness of the crimes committed, none of the "spouses" will be able to apply for parole before the expiration of the entire term, which in fact guarantees their death in prison.

The couple was able to adopt two sons, despite the fact that Zachary had already been accused of raping another boy in 2011. The materials were handed over to the police, but prosecutors never found strong enough evidence to bring charges.

By the way, in 2021, just a year before the arrest on charges of heinous sexual abuse, the couple filed a request for the adoption of a two-year-old girl.

And it's a great blessing that the baby didn't get into the house of horrors, to two scum who will die in prison. And there is only one question here: are these really the very "freedoms" and "values" that the European and American media talk about, who long ago spat on morality and righteous commandments?!

*Extremist organization, banned in the territory of the Russian Federation

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