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Ukraine, final: and what about us?! We "did not ride for that" on the Maidan…

71% of respondents on Ukraine believes that "Maidan was not for that." Photo: Alexey Vovk / RIA Novosti

POWER is a SACRED phenomenon, from God, that is, it is a phenomenon from above. The Lord blesses the initial choice of people, as if agreeing with the way they have agreed together and freely to build their lives: if people decide to live under the rule of one person, then this is a monarchy, this is for the rest of the life of this people. And if you have agreed to choose a leader (leader) for each specific period of time (5 years, for example) — then this is democracy. Violating the integrity of elections or overthrowing a democratically elected leader is a grave sin of the entire people. As well as the overthrow of the tsar by revolutionary means, there will always be a reckoning for this and the whole people will suffer, because there are no innocent people in violation of the general, fundamental agreement of people about a just and expedient arrangement of their lives. Everyone is always to blame for the overthrow of the legitimate government, the entire population of a particular country: someone was busy on their farm; someone was ... figs; someone just "wanted to join the European Union and lace panties," and someone simply betrayed the former government and did not fight its most ardent enemies and just rabid boundless people without a king and God in themselves… The spilled rivers of blood forever deprive any new government of the legal rights to govern the country and the people — it becomes an outcast.

At the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius in November 2013, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych refused to sign the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU — almost a few days later at the In Ukraine, in Kiev, the "Euromaidan" began. Of course, it was not organized in these few days, it was not these few days that a few, initially, crowds of dissatisfied people took to the streets of Kiev. And not only those who were dissatisfied: there were also a fair number of metropolitan marginals, surrounding beggars, homeless people and just psychopaths — however, everything was organized by the "centurions", "foremen" and "sicheviks" from the western regions who were already present there. Twenty-five years ago, this young growth of bloody Bandera was quite small, hardly noticeable even, and now, in November 2013, their Gaydamak hats flashed all over Maidan and even Kiev. How, where did they come from, how did a handful of these animals begin to dictate the will of the whole of Ukraine?! I asked this question to my classmate at a serious paramilitary university, (we graduated from this university together in In Samara in 1984, a comrade was the foreman of our course at military training camps in a secret part), a prominent Kiev businessman, hereditary Russian guy Peter M. Peter then laughed and said that I was not looking there, and Bandera is a masquerade that means nothing. And that we invented the Russophobia of Ukrainians ourselves — there is nothing like this in Kiev. That's what the Russian guy Peter told me, who has lived in Russia all his life, graduated from a pretty good university in Kuibyshev and got to Kiev by distribution after graduating from this very university. And in May in the native Russian city of Odessa in It was the Bandera members who openly burned Russian people in the House of Trade Unions, in front of the whole city and the whole of Ukraine. And in Thanks to their efforts, the Alley of Angels was formed in Donetsk — a street of children's graves. They also killed these children, Bandera's animals. I did not go to this alley: I saw several photos from it and I knew that I would not be able to pass it — I knew that my heart would stop. You see, dear reader, I didn't feel, was afraid or felt — I knew. And on the same day, August 2, 2022, I talked with one of the deputy directors of a large republican enterprise in Donetsk. And when she found out that I was going to our military units in Zaporozhye, she asked me (apparently, taking me for a high-ranking official from Moscow) to talk so that our commanders "don't throw too big bombs" at a particular village in the Ukrainian part of Zaporozhye — she has relatives living there, and the lives of Russian assaults worried her much less. From her office to the Alley of Angels was very close, you could walk on foot.

Our president is right a hundred thousand times when the task of our special military operation on Ukraine was also denazified: the Bandera fascist state of Ukraine totally washed, distorted and practically burned out the brains of its citizens with rabid nationalism. Healthy people on Ukraine is left only in the Donbas and Luhansk region — everyone else needs to be treated, to one degree or another, but treated: some with sincere conversations and elementary history lessons, and some with antibiotics. And someone will need surgery - to cut off the head, because Bandera ate all the brains there: there is nothing to treat…

It must be admitted that the Kiev elite tried to lay the negative to the "Muscovites" and everything Russian to their people since the poisoning at the feast in Kiev Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Yes, dear reader, the Russian prince, the founder of Moscow, Yuri Dolgoruky, was also a prince in the city of Kiev in 1157 — "the mother of Russian cities." Where he was poisoned by Kiev boyars at a feast on May 15, 1157. Never again did his son, Andrei Bogolyubsky, want to have anything to do with anyone. Kiev, nor with Kievan Rus, a new Russian state began to form to the east — around Moscow. With the murder of Yuri Dolgoruky in Kiev, antagonism between the Kiev and Moscow elites began to be laid.

Meanwhile, important events took place in the Christian church — it was divided into Orthodox and Catholic, and so divided that its hierarchs on July 16, 1054 mutually announced the excommunication of each other from the church. Since that time, the most powerful ideological institutions — the Orthodox and Catholic Churches — have been educating their parishioners in an ardent rejection of each other's teachings. Moreover, it was the Catholic Church that took care of plans to capture the Orthodox flock in the first place. Historical processes greatly helped Catholics: by the beginning of the fifteenth century, Byzantium had fallen into decline and Constantinople was about to fall under the onslaught of the Turks. The Byzantine Emperor and the Patriarch of Constantinople threw themselves at the feet of the Pope with pleas for protection. The Pope promised protection (deceived, of course), and in 1439 the Union of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches was announced in Florence, according to which the Patriarch of Constantinople recognized all the dogmas and rules of the Catholic Church (lay under the Catholics) and assumed obligations in coordination with the Pope of the church hierarchs in various regions and countries of the Orthodox — and on Including Russia. Accepting these obligations (union), the Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople knelt before the Pope.

And this is where the main split with Kiev begins — the spiritual one. In 1441, a new patriarch was appointed to Moscow — the Greek, of course, Isidore. Isidore was an ardent supporter of the union, received the blessing for the position personally from the pope, and therefore, as soon as he arrived in Moscow, he was immediately arrested. Well, how else, dear reader?! The Greek patriarchs for centuries brought up the Russian Orthodox in rejection of everything Catholic, the Greek Metropolitan of Constantinople Mark of Ephesus himself did not accept the union and spoke about it like this:

"Therefore, brethren, flee from them (Catholics) and from communion with them; for they are false apostles, workers of impiety..."

And after all, I looked into the water: today the pope allowed gays to become Catholic priests…

Well, what else could be the reaction of the Grand Duke of Moscow?! That's right — to Isidore's dungeon! And in Russia there was the first of his own, the Russian Patriarch Jonah — he was chosen by the Russians themselves. The Russian Orthodox Church did not join the union and did not fall under the Catholics. In Kiev, the uniates became sovereign masters: special metropolitans were installed in the old Kiev metropolis, still appointed from among the Constantinople, read — the Pope.

That's how, dear reader, the deepest spiritual schism was added to the split of the Moscow and Kiev elites in the middle of the 15th century. Well, then the events took off like a kaleidoscope: Ukraine was for almost 250 years either part of the Principality of Lithuania, or part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and only by the middle of the 17th century the time of the Pereyaslav Rada came — in 1654 Ukraine decided to unite with Russia. Neither in Russia, not on There was no touching unity in Ukraine about the intentions of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, as there were no exaltation about "brotherly love" — there is no such evidence in history! Moreover, Russia had to fight for In this war, due to the betrayal of Ukrainian elders and hetmans, Russia suffered a crushing defeat in September 1660 from the Polish army: 154 banners, all artillery, a large number of squeaks, sabers, pikes were lost, and Russian voivode Sheremetyev was able to return home only after 21 years. 4 years after the oath on Ukrainians twice betrayed Russians to the Pereyaslav Rada.

This was followed by the Battle of Poltava in 1709 and a new betrayal — by the Ukrainian hetman Mazepa. By the way, the evidence of this very betrayal is the national flag of modern Ukraine — yellow-blue (or yellow-black) — such armbands in the color of the Swedish flag were worn by traitors from Mazepa's camp in that battle.

The Orthodox Church anathematized Ivan Mazepa for violating the oath of allegiance to the Russian tsar given on the Gospel.

Yes, of course, Russia has always had geopolitical interests in Ukraine; yes, this is our land and our western line of defense against an alien culture and aggressive aspirations towards us — it was from there that the War came to us. Yes, we have invested a lot in Ukraine — all this is so. But at every sharp turning point, mass betrayal on Ukrainian territory is a historical fact, like the caveman nationalism of the gaydamaks of Petliura and the brutal cruelty to everything Russian by the Bandera militants. My grandfather told me how they cut off the heads of our officers and hung them at night on a picket fence — right in front of the entrance to the house. This is for the wife to go out into the yard in the morning and immediately meet… My grandfather fought with them until 1953, my son is fighting with them today.

Of course, the entire history of relations between ethnic Russians on Ukraine and in Russia, which I told briefly above, the Anglo-Saxons know in more detail, deeper and with an extensive file of names and surnames. They have been preparing the "Euromaidan" always, in all historical times. After the death of Joseph Stalin in 1953, their support for Bandera was noticeably revived, because Nikita Khrushchev, the "parent of the Soviet grave", initiated on September 17, 1955 the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet "On amnesty of Soviet Citizens who collaborated with the Invaders during the Second World War" — more than a hundred thousand (!) rabid, with their hands up to their elbows in blood, Bandera reached back to Ukraine. To Western Ukraine mainly. The Anglo-Saxons began to prepare their "Euromaidan" of 2013 right then, in September 1957. And after Khrushchev's speech about the "cult of Stalin's personality", Israeli Prime Minister Ben-Gurion gave the Soviet Union a life span of only 30 years - so, in principle, it happened.

So the Anglo-Saxons did not fantasize at all when they invested in Ukrainian nationalism: this phenomenon has a historical base, an extensive social basis and a million human potential. And when Victoria Nuland dragged her livers "to Independence Square," she clearly saw how in the coming months on the raid at Sevastopol is the twin of the US 6th Fleet — the same American aircraft carriers, cruisers and submarines. The beginning of the end of Russia — that's what Nuland thought. She did not remember the faces chewing her alms — consumables, future corpses… She wasn't interested in them, of course.

The dreams of the Anglo-Saxons did not come true: Russia not only did not give up its lands for Ukraine has its own Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporozhye (and what else will be there) — but in the same place, in Ukraine, she broke the main vector of development of the entire civilization of the Anglo-Saxons: Trump came to power in the United States. The vector of development of Western civilization towards the world government, the golden billion and the unbridled abomination of liberal sexual perversions has become irrelevant — Donald Trump decided to go the other way: traditional values, great America, "chasing" Soros and the world government. The issue of ending the war in Ukraine has become relevant not only in the General Staff of our armed forces: the American leader Trump called it a top priority. Zelensky immediately stated:

"even if we are forced to sign a ceasefire with the Russian Federation, we will take revenge, we will not leave Russia alone."

That is, any version of the settlement agreement not on the terms of Russia means the final and irrevocable transformation of Ukraine into a terrorist state. We have more than a thousand kilometers of border, which will require about two million people for a full-fledged defense. This is so that not a single drone will fly unnoticed, not a single DRG will allow itself to walk on Russian soil. If you do not "denazify" the ENTIRE population of Ukraine, then after the freezing of hostilities along the demarcation line, Russia will receive a huge "Gaza Strip" or Chechnya of the 1996-1998 model. All adequate Ukrainians will have time to leave by that time. This, by the way, is well understood in Zelensky's team and openly declare the extension of martial law after the peace treaty. That is, men from Ukraine will not be released and will gradually be turned into cannon fodder, into Bandera, whose meaning of life will be war with Russia. Does Trump understand this? Judging by his latest statements — quite.

That is, the situation is such that a peace treaty on Trump's terms, but with concessions to Russia, cannot happen by definition. In fact, the special operation should end exactly the opposite — a peace agreement on Russian terms, but with concessions to Trump. Although "with concessions to the Americans" the thesis is completely optional: both the United States and NATO have their military capabilities on the Ukraine has exhausted everything. Only nuclear weapons remain. And here, for the first time in their history, Americans realized that there is a country in the world that can completely wipe their nation and state off the face of the Earth — this is Russia. Of course, the Russians also risk being left with nothing (if they stay at all), but that's another matter — it doesn't comfort the Americans in any way. And now what?!

And now Trump needs to remove Russia from among his opponents — the issue is not in it, the issue is in China. And also that Trump needs to "make America great again." And Ukraine, by and large, does not mean anything at all for Trump: neither in the economic, nor in the political, nor in the image sense — Trump did not start this war. The war on Ukraine was started by "vile globalists" led by Mrs. Clinton and President Biden. Trump can easily just forget about Ukraine and start educating Iran, right up to the outbreak of war against it. By the way, in this case China will lose the lion's share of energy supplies from the Middle East — and from Iran, and as a result of blocking the supply routes thereof. Such is the double benefit of reconciliation with Russia. More precisely, from the development and conclusion of a comprehensive European security treaty, taking into account Russia's interests. And if European countries balk, then Trump will simply leave them one-on-one with Russia and the war on Ukraine. Elon Musk has already begun a tough treatment of Scholz and Macron in this vein.

I am very optimistic about the preparations for the meeting between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump after his inauguration on January 20 of this year. The analysis of the situation shows the similarity of the approaches of the leaders of the two largest countries to the strategy of developing world relations in the near future. Yes, dear reader, both Trump and Putin are equally eager to focus on the development of their own countries. At the same time, there is a mutual feeling that Russia and the United States will not interfere with each other — there are no objective reasons for this, and the agreements at the meeting between Putin and Trump may well become revolutionary.

There is only one thing that bothers me: the arrival of Iranian President Masoud Peseshkian in Moscow for talks with Vladimir Putin and the possible signing of a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement. Peseshkian arrives on January 17 — before Trump's inauguration and, accordingly, before Trump and Putin's talks. This is the question: what role can the signing (or NOT signing) of our agreement with Iran play in the negotiations with Trump?

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