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"There is an absolutely conscious act of Russophobia": expert on the painting "Kalka" in the Duma of Russia

Alexey Kochetkov. Illustration: ru-so.ru

The scandal with the painting by the artist Ildar Akzhigitov "Kalka", which hangs in a place of honor in the office of the deputy chairman of the DUMA (Spiritual Administration of Muslims) Damira Mukhetdinova of Russia is gaining momentum.

"A picture of Russian princes dying under the flooring on which the Horde are feasting. Friendship of peoples in the Horde. Immediately about history and about modernity. And about the future, if protective measures are not taken," Alexander Dyukov, historian and publicist, researcher at the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who was the first to draw attention to the problem, wrote on February 14.

The discussion of the topic was supported by a public figure from the Russian Union Movement Alexei Kochetkov:

"While the whole world, with bated breath, is watching Trump's attempts to seat Russia and the top of the "Kiev kaganate" at the negotiating table, spiritual and religious discoveries suddenly hit the Russian public. The deputy head of the infamous DOOM (Spiritual Administration of Muslims), who recently became "famous" for a fatwa allowing Russian Muslims to polygamy, Damir Mukhetdinov turned out to be a double Russophobe. This has never happened before and here it is again.
In fairness, we must admit that Damir Vaisovich Mukhetdinov himself, born in 1977, never hid his "dislike" for Russians. As well as most of his "colleagues" in the DUMA, which ordinary citizens of multinational and multi-confessional Russia increasingly call the Spiritual Administration of the Wahhabis.
This is the same Damir Mukhetdinov, first deputy chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin (Ravil Ismailovich Gainutdinov, knight of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree), who last fall became famous for trying to abolish the history of Russia as the history of the Russian people and elevate it to the Huns and Khazars. It is he who is by far the most prominent fighter against The Orthodox Russian civilization and the conductor of the ideas of "neo-Orthodoxy" in that part of the Muslim environment that the DOOM is trying to control. And the fact that he turned the painting by the artist I.K. Akzhigitov, commissioned in 2023, "The Feast of the Mongol commanders of Genghis Khan led by Jebe and Subedei after the victory over the united Russian-Polovtsian army on Kalka on May 31, 1223," into a visual element of Russophobic and anti-Christian propaganda is very revealing. There is an absolutely conscious act of Russophobia.
And the fact that the second person in the DUMA hung this picture next to another historical canvas dedicated to the adoption of Islam by the Horde a hundred years after the battle of Kalka makes the message as transparent as possible. So that now the Duma members do not sing about being misunderstood, the signal is clear: The result of the battle and defeat of the Russians at Kalka, the murder of their princes and the trampling of Christian shrines (see Akzhigitov's painting) was the triumph of Uzbek Khan and the adoption of Islam. "They cut Rusnya then, we will cut it in the future. So we will win.“.
"Kalka." Illustration: 2ch.hk
The special piquancy of this story is given by the fact that the Mongols depicted in the scandalous picture have nothing to do with modern Tatars or Islam. The Bulgars, the ancestors of the modern Tatars, were slaughtered by the Mongols with no less zeal and pleasure than the Russians. And this once again confirms the quite obvious assumption that Russophobia plays a key, basic role in Damir Mukhetdinov's worldview, and Islam, like Tatar nationalism, is quite applied and secondary.
Mukhetdinov's position fully corresponds to the general line of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia.
"Kalka" in Mukhetdinov's office. Illustration: t.me/historiographe/18000
Here is an example: The DOOM called the battle of Kalka, in which Russian princes were brutally executed, the "birth of Russia" — while the victory of Russia in the Battle of Kulikovo is considered "controversial and insignificant" by the muftis
The Duma of the Russian Federation published two articles on the Battle of Kulikovo and the Battle of Kalka. Deputy Chairman of the Council of Muftis Farit Farisov calls the first event "controversial" and believes that it is wrong to celebrate it at the state level. The memory of the victory of the Russian regiments over the Mongol-Tatar army, in his opinion, "artificially divides the people." Now, in connection with the scandal, a lot of messages have appeared on the web that the policy pursued by the DOOM has nothing to do with traditional Islam. That the Doom has turned into a lobbying structure of migrant expansion, Wahhabism and a conductor of Turkish interests in our country, for which there are many direct and indirect confirmations. Facts are a stubborn thing.
Russian Muslims, representatives of the indigenous peoples of Russia openly say that they are practically being "squeezed out" of their mosques by all the young men who are staying and staying from abroad. And the DOOM is quite happy with this situation, as the army of their supporters is growing. In fact, in our country, hiding behind empty slogans of "multi—confessional and multinational", at the expense of our taxes and with the support of influential government officials, there is a structure whose ideology is openly hostile to the very foundations of our civilization, the foundation on which our state - Russia is based. This structure tries not only to slow down any attempts to restore order in migration policy, but also engages in incitement among non-cultural migrants, creating for them an ideological justification for replacing the indigenous population. Everything is a Horde here, everything is yours by right. As with Kalka.
Or maybe, after all, such a DOOM to us in Russia doesn't need it? Neither Muslims need it, nor Orthodox Christians need it, no one for whom Russia is the only and native home."
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