On Wednesday, February 26, a group of experts from the National Research Institute for the Development of Communications (NIIRC) presented the results of the analysis of the "degree" of communications in the post-Soviet space. One of the results of the study was the definition of the most friendly country of the post-Soviet space to Russia.
According to the NIIRC, South Ossetia has become such a state, considering Russia as an ally and strategic partner.
"Russians are considered a fraternal people with common civilizational foundations and a common cultural and historical past. The communication regime of South Ossetia allows developing all types of communications. Political, economic, and youth communications are developing especially actively," the results of the NIIRC study say.
EADaily reminds that the experts of NIIRK, a long interview with the director of which Vladislav Gasumyanov was published earlier, assess the degree of friendliness/unfriendliness/neutrality of the countries of the post-Soviet space to Russia in 12 important parameters, including not only foreign policy and economics, but also communication in education, science, culture, among young people, in the religious environment.