The Germans again began to consume potatoes in large quantities, which was an unexpected return to the popularity of this product, which was once a pillar of traditional German cuisine. After decades of declining consumption, the latest data from the Federal Center for Agricultural Information (BZL) show a significant increase in interest in this staple food. It is reported by Potato News Today.
In the 1950s, the annual consumption of potatoes per capita in Germany reached about 180 kilograms. Although current figures are far from the values of the last century, significant growth is expected in 2024, exceeding 60 kg per capita — a threshold that has not been for more than a decade. In the period from July 2023 to June 2024, consumption increased from 55.7 to 63.5 kg per person, which is the highest figure in the last 12 years.
This growth is mainly due to the consumption of fresh potatoes, which increased by 8.4 kg per capita, reaching 25.5 kg. On the contrary, the consumption of processed potato products, such as French fries, salads or chips, decreased to 38 kg per capita.