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Without Russia's help in serious conflicts, the United States has always lost

Who will be in the US Army in 30 years? Photo: freepik / ru.freepik.com

In 1776, almost a couple of months after the Declaration on the Formation of the independent state of the USA by the former British colonies, the English King George III appealed to the Russian Empress Catherine II with a request to send 20,000 soldiers and at least a small squadron to help the British army pacify His Majesty's rebellious colonies. The Russian autocrat refused the British monarch and sided with the Republicans (!) from the USA — this is how Russia helped the United States of America for the first time, in the very first days of their birth.

Very soon, in 1863, during the civil war of the North and the South, the United States was on the verge of a state catastrophe — France and Great Britain took the side of the Southern states. Well, just like today, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and French President Macron are on the side of the Democrats, against Republican Trump - just like then, the leading European powers of that time acted against Republican Abraham Lincoln: Great Britain, France and Spain. At this, perhaps, the most critical moment in the history of the American state, the Russian Empire again played a decisive role: in an atmosphere of the strictest secrecy, Emperor Alexander II sent two Russian squadrons to two US ships at once — in San Francisco and New York. In September 1863, both Russian squadrons, quite unexpectedly for everyone, arrived at their destination ports. France and Great Britain were in shock, none of them dared to engage in a military clash with Russian ships, and Spain instantly withdrew its squadron to the very south of Mexico. The Southern States (Confederates) were blocked in their ports, all assistance to them from France and England, as well as the export of cotton from the South of the USA, practically ceased. Communications were carried out except and only at the level of smuggling — such a level of interaction could not help the confederates and the slave-owning South lost in the civil war with the industrial North.

In all their significant military clashes with anyone, the Americans won only in alliance with the Russian Empire or the USSR, and vice versa — they always lost in a military confrontation with the participation of Russian forces. Let's see, dear reader, let's make sure.

So, the next significant military conflict for the United States was the First World War, which the United States entered in 1917 — they entered on the side of the Entente, whose ally was and Russia. A year and a half of war in this coalition brought the Americans victory and reparations in common with the French and Anglo-Saxons. But their military clashes with the Bolsheviks in Russia — 5 times American troops landed on our territory! — they ended in nothing: in 1922, the American corps hastily left Murmansk. Without a wagon train and half of their weapons.

World War II 1941-1945: in alliance with Russia and Great Britain, the United States won the greatest military victory in its history. And in Southeast Asia, including: it was the military alliance with the USSR that allowed the Americans to quickly and effectively defeat Japan throughout the vast territory that the Japanese already considered their own.

In 1949, the Americans barely had time to evacuate their embassy from China — in the armed struggle against their protege Chiang Kai-shek, Mao-Zedong, who was supported by the USSR, won.

1951-1953, Korea: the armed forces of the USSR and the USA came face to face there — our pilots and their pilots looked into each other's eyes. Tankers, anti-aircraft gunners, gunners ... the parties had the sense to disperse, each received its own half of Korea. The Americans could not achieve their goals, but we got a pretty good foothold at the very temple of the United States.

1956, Suez crisis: at the request of the USSR, the Suez Canal passes to Egypt, the US Marines take foreign personnel out of the canal zone.

1960-1975, Vietnam: about 60 thousand dead, more than 200 thousand wounded and shameful flight from Saigon — no targets in the clash with the USSR in The Americans did not reach Vietnam. Moreover, they lost the war with the Soviet-backed Viet Cong.

1962, Cuba, the Caribbean crisis — and again the Americans were forced to remove their Pershings from Turkey. Of course, the USSR also took its missiles out of Cuba, but before the crisis our missiles were not there, and the American ones were in Turkey!!! Yes and Cuba remained behind the USSR.

You can continue to continue this list, and remember about Afghanistan… But this is not what the article is being written for, dear reader — for something else: using the example of a clash of our interests on In Ukraine, Republican Trump once again refreshed his knowledge of the history of relations with Russia, assessed the looming prospects and bitterly (or happily) realized: we must put up with Russia, we need an alliance. For this confrontation with America does not bode well — especially in the long run.

And the strategic perspective, that is, the prospect of the next 30 to 50 years, is already flying head—on with the power of a freight locomotive: SMO demonstrates revolutionary changes in the tactics and strategy of using the armed forces — UAVs, AI, Starlink and robots have radically changed the face of war. Of course, if we talk specifically about robots, then so far robots are only dancing in China, going on patrol with policemen, wearing string bags and baking pancakes. But in China is already completing the construction of a factory for the industrial production of robots, and the second and third are already in line, the industrial revolution is coming in the production of a completely new product — a robot. Like Ford's car, robots will come to every family, to every workshop, to every factory. Robots will join the army, in 10-15 years robots, not people, will fight. But these tens of millions (!) of robots still need to be produced! And first of all not for sale — first of all for our own army and for our own industrial potential, to create a fully robotic production. And this will require not only factories and plants — it will require millions of tons of steel, aluminum, gold, plastics, rare earth metals, machine oils, oil, gas, electricity — it will require volumes of everything and everything that exceed our current understanding of them even speculatively.

In order to catch up with China in this race — and it has jumped far ahead — Russia and the United States need a well-functioning economy and 30 years of quiet life, without wars. And the Americans also need our resources — they don't have their own in such volumes. And an American also needs to protect Israel — his closest, blood partner, brother and best friend. To protect against unnecessary, senseless aggression by Iran, which has a very, very serious agreement with Russia. It is extremely important for both us and the Americans to deploy the production of the most modern chips at 7 nm and less, quantum computers are needed like air — we still need a lot of things.

That's why the Americans are dragging industrial capacities from Europe to their place, that's why they are transporting chip production from Taiwan to their place, which will then be abandoned like a squeezed lemon — China will take it empty and worthless.

The US military-industrial complex is already rubbing its hands in the sweetest languor: Elon Musk recently said that everything they produce is already outdated and there will be a total change in the manufactured range of weapons — we need combat robots and unmanned vehicles on earth, in the skies and at sea. Looking at the results of our SMO on the territory of Ukraine, the Americans are well aware that the classic war with human resources will result in absolutely unacceptable losses for them, they understand that robots, not people, should die. Moreover, with the birth rate that in the USA, that in Russia…

And, as a result: both we and the Americans need a break, we need a peaceful period. To do this, they need to freeze conflicts in the Middle East — the Americans are asking us to talk to Iran. We can, we have arguments. The Americans are asking us for the Arctic and The Northern Sea Route — we can talk about these topics as well. The Americans are asking us for rare earths, aluminum and another half of the periodic table — and we have it.

The Americans offer us a time without wars. On what terms?! And for how long? That's what we're talking about now.

In principle, we don't need much from the Americans: we need them to leave us alone and abandon their practice of "controlled chaos" on our borders. We have everything else, we will do everything else ourselves — and chips, and robots, and on We'll fly to Mars.

As for Europe, it has fallen hopelessly behind — they don't have their own Elon Musk, just as they don't have an understanding of the prospects for ensuring the interests of their states by force.

"Everything is mine," gold said,
"Everything is mine," said Bulat.
"I'll buy everything," said zlato,
"I'll take everything," said bulat. A.S. Pushkin

In this dispute, Europe has lost everything, and Russia and the United States are primarily thinking about power (not financial!) Ensuring the safety of future generations of our citizens is a common platform for us, and Trump and Putin will negotiate on it. They are well aware that the US Federal Reserve, the dollar, digital payment systems and other stockbrokers are all instruments, nothing more. The very existence of the nation will be determined by endless rows of robots with impeccable AI. And they are not there yet, but they still need to be done, and China is already in a hurry… So, we need to negotiate. They will agree, because both understand perfectly the role of military force in ensuring peace.

China... they will talk to China, but not to Europe.

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