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"From the point of view of the planets": Negotiations between Russia and Ukraine will begin in the fall

Negotiations between Moscow and Kiev, 2022. Photo: Alexander Kryazhev / RIA Novosti

Negotiations between Russia and the Kiev regime, which have been talked about so much lately, are possible this fall. About this Pravda.Said astronomerologist-psychic Fatima Khaduyeva.

"They could have been several times already — both negotiations and the resolution of issues from the point of view of the planets. The planets created such conditions and configurations, but this did not happen, because there is such a thing — the human factor. And it doesn't matter what level it is — ordinary people or the level of rulers of states. The human factor influenced the change in favorable circumstances created by the Universe itself. At this point in time, the circumstances are perfect, this moment may come in the fall. Autumn moment of preparation. If people transfer the human factor, pride, understanding in the right direction, then in the fall there may be the first results that will be aimed at starting to change the situation," the clairvoyant said.

She admitted that the destined course of events could be hindered by third forces.

"In this situation, we cannot exclude another human factor — the so-called provocations. As a military journalist, I can say the following: I worked during the Chechen operation, and even when they went to negotiate, it was at this point in time that third people, the third human factor, third forces created provocative stories, and this disrupted the course of events," Khaduyeva explained.

In her opinion, a provocation can be arranged either by one of the parties — "for the image undermining of the other side," or by a random lone fanatic.

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