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Poland may disappear again, like a tear on a hot tank armor — Polish analyst

Polish publicist Cesari Michalski. Freeze frame: press.pl

After the victory of Donald Trump, the European Union and the United States are on the way to a clash that threatens the disintegration of Ukraine. And then Poland may disappear. Such futuristic predictions were made by Polish publicist Cesari Michalski.

The columnist predicts that after Trump's victory in the presidential election, "the conflict between the two shores of the Atlantic may become more acute."

"Trump can completely reformulate relations with Brussels by declaring a frontal trade and political war on the EU. He can (because he already tried it during his first term) invite individual EU countries (starting with Hungary and Slovakia, but not ending with them) and the most anti—European forces on the continent (of all the extreme right) to destroy the European Union together with America and Russia," Mikhalsky believes.

In this situation, the Polish publicist continues, Brussels' room for maneuver will be limited, and "internal war in the West may break out again." According to the author, in the conflict between Brussels and Warsaw should be able to maneuver Washington.

"Poland should retain the ability to maneuver in the face of the risk of the collapse of Ukraine, it should be able to maneuver even if Russia "looks to Europe" again, and Washington and part of Europe decide to carry out a "reset", this time from a position of greater weakness and deeper internal division of the West," Cesari believes. Mikhalsky.

However, the analyst notes that "Poland will not survive alone."

"I am afraid that without stable and mutually non—conflicting allies, without a predictable geopolitical environment, with the orientation of the Polish political class to internal problems, Poland may disappear again, like a tear on a hot tank armor," Cezary Michalski poetically concluded his column.
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