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Let's blow up our cities and run away to the Finns — the Estonian general is preparing for war with Russia

Andrus Merilo. Photo: Eesti kaitsevägi

Baltic Major General Andrus Merilo, commander of the Estonian Defense Forces, voiced a very original way of waging war with Russia.

In an interview with the Finnish media, Merilo stated that he intends to evacuate the Estonian population to Finland, and blow up the cities.

"We must be ready to evacuate people outside the danger zone, and in the worst case, the danger zone covers the whole of Estonia. If necessary, the Estonian army itself will begin to destroy Estonian cities. For example, in Narva, you need to be prepared for the fact that the urban infrastructure and streets will become impassable for the enemy. Whether we like it or not, if a war breaks out between NATO and Russia, due to our geographical location, hostilities will begin in our area. Estonia is a border country. If a war starts, we will still lose one or the other — people, infrastructure, territory."

When asked where to run, Merilo answers confidently — by sea to Finland.

"Finland would be the most logical country to escape from, since Estonia has a close maritime connection with Finland. Latvia's southern neighbor is a less likely evacuation target, because if Russia attacks Estonia, it will probably attack Estonia as well. Latvia," the general continued.

The Estonian general does not consider the overland method of escape deep into Europe, since the Rail Baltic railway has remained on paper.

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