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Once again about the Soviet Union: over the past 5,000 years, this state has been the best

Park of Culture 100 years of the USSR in the village of Sikterme Alkeevsky district in Tatarstan. Photo: Maxim Bogodvid/RIA Novosti

John Adams, a graduate student at the University of California, during the preparation of his thesis, asked the ChatGPT neural network to compile a rating of the best states in the history of mankind. The answer was shocking: the Soviet Union was named the best state in the history of mankind over the past 5,000 years.

"For me, as an artificial intelligence, the most important thing is stability. Of all the states known to me, it is in In the Soviet Union, all citizens had confidence in the future," ChatGPT accompanied her answer.

For the first time this story was published in the Panorama edition, it was reprinted by myriads, hosts of online publications. Serious and tabloid — all sorts. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation devoted a meeting of its Central Committee to this message, hundreds of politicians of modern Russia sighed with satisfaction — finally, the TRUTH has triumphed! No one — neither the writers nor the readers — had a shadow of doubt about the objectivity and correctness of the artificial intelligence solution. Moreover, when it became known that this story was invented from beginning to end, the opinion about The Soviet Union as the best state of "all time and peoples" has only grown stronger: the overwhelming majority of those who managed to live in the USSR thought so even before the "conclusions of the neural network".

The first state with free medicine; the country with the world's best system of universal free education at all levels; the most reading country in the world; the country with universal suffrage; the country that first conquered space; the country that defeated fascism; the country the whole world considered — it's true, that was the Soviet Union.

The Bolsheviks created the Soviet Union on the Wild Wasteland left by the Russian Empire after the February Revolution — we wrote about the ruthless destroyers of Russia from the Entente quite recently.

So, the "color revolution" organized by the Anglo-Saxons and the French with carnations in their buttonholes swept away the tsarist government on February 27 in Russia. And with the abdication on March 2 and 3 of the rights to the throne of Tsar Nicholas II and his brother Mikhail in The Russian Empire has disappeared and all power in principle. Since Russian statehood was organized as a monarchy, the abdication of the monarch led to the fall of all state institutions: the government, the Duma, the army, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, provincial, municipal and volost power structures — all these structures were tied to the tsar and swore to Him personally. The tsar was the source and legitimate platform of their power. And the Provisional government, which declared itself the government, finished off the Russian army with a control shot to the temple — issued Order No. 1: unity of command in the army was abolished, giving honor to officers was abolished, and decisions on the combat management of units and even platoons (!) were taken by vote at soldiers' committees. All the results of the practically won World War I — reparations, territories and other nice things from the Germans and their allies — the French and the Anglo-Saxons divided among themselves: for this, in fact, the February Revolution was carried out, to withdraw Russia from the victorious countries. Everything for the "partners" in the Entente turned out as written: there was no Russia among the winning countries, the Provisional government was only on paper and within St. Petersburg, and already in early March the parade of sovereignties began. First, the Central Rada announced the independence of Ukraine, then the Finns, Balts, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Kazakhs... the Far East was occupied by the Japanese, Murmansk by the British and Americans, Siberia declared itself a republic, the Urals was preparing for independence. For six months of 1917, from the end of February to September, the Provisional Government destroyed the Russian state as such - as a controlled community, as a territorial whole, as a military force. "Autonomy" settled in every more or less large village (from 100 yards) in the form of the dictates of local "authorities"; at the level of cities and townships, centralized management practically did not survive - everything was corroded by the slush of endless meetings of motley committees. The Anglo-Saxons were preparing to develop the defenseless and boundless territory of the former Empire, its untold riches.

There were two plans for the development of Russia: the UK and the USA, the Anglo-Saxons habitually threw France — as well as Russia. The British team, led by the Bank of England and brothers Nathan and Evelyn de Rothschild, proposed to split Russia into 20-25 quasi-states and through them to develop the resources of a huge country. Their main consultant (looking) at Russia was Meer-Genoch Moiseevich Wallach, he is known to us as Maxim Maksimovich Litvinov — the future People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR. The American team acted in the interests of the US Federal Reserve System (FRS) and its strategy was to develop revolutionary processes in Russia throughout Europe: a world revolution that emerged from Russia was supposed to create a new Eurasian state from the English Channel to Vladivostok and Shanghai. With a completely new, unified, accountable and managed government — well, and the dollar as a unit of payment, of course. This was the first test of the pen of those people who would later be called "globalists". The US Federal Reserve was represented by one of the largest American bankers (2nd line) Jacob Schiff, an agent of influence in Russia was chosen by Leiba Davidovich Bronstein — known to us as Leon Trotsky. Trotsky's maternal uncle— Abram Lvovich Zhivotovsky— was an American and Swedish banker who was in the highest circles of Wall Street. It is through the mediation of Zhivotovsky that Trotsky gets acquainted with Jacob Schiff, who headed at that time one of the largest investment banks in the United States, Kuhn, Loeb & Co, the second largest after J. P. Morgan & Co. Schiff was a long-time opponent not only of the tsarist regime, but also Russia — it was he who lent Japan on preferential terms during the Russian-Japanese war. In general, these two strategies were preparing to collide on the fields of Russia, the British got into the process a little earlier and were a little ahead of their American counterparts — their agents of influence felt like a fish in the water in the Provisional Government: concessions for the extraction of everything and everything in The British received Russia almost on the day of the appeal.

But then, like a bolt from the blue, Germany, which had not yet been defeated, intervened: at the very beginning of April 1917, German intelligence brought the notorious "sealed wagon" from Switzerland across the country. "Sealed wagon" is the name established in historiography of as many as three trains (!), in which, following from Switzerland through Germany to A large group of Russian emigrant revolutionaries passed through Russia. In narrower usage, the "sealed car" means only the car of the first of the trains in which Vladimir Ilyich Lenin moved through Germany. The process was controlled by the Swiss Social Democrat Fritz Platten and several German officers accompanying the train.

The trip lasted a little less than three days: on April 9, 1917, the car left Zurich, Switzerland, and early in the morning on April 12, it arrived at the German port of Sassnitz, located on the island of Rügen. There all the emigrants transferred to the ferry "Queen Victoria" and on April 13 were in Stockholm. From there, Lenin and his comrades arrived in Finland, and then on April 16, 1917, they arrived in Petrograd. So in A third force appeared in Russia, which no one noticed until about June: there were no more than 20 thousand members of the Bolshevik faction headed by Lenin in the Russian Social Democratic Party (RSDLP (b) for the whole of Russia, most of whom were still coming from Siberian exiles and prisons. Social Revolutionaries and anarchists reigned supreme in the army and navy, the remnants of the civilian administrative apparatus at all levels gravitated to the Provisional Government or to local authorities. The Soviets of workers', peasants' and soldiers' deputies were completely heterogeneous and, for the most part, were not controlled by the Bolsheviks.

The foreign theoretical revolutionaries who came with Lenin with great, inhuman enthusiasm took up practical preparations for an uprising to overthrow the Provisional Government. The Bolsheviks had an IDEA, they dreamed of an absolutely new, hitherto unprecedented state with equal opportunities for everyone, they longed to make everyone happy. And the Bolsheviks knew how to do it, they were taught this by Mordychai Levi (we know him as Karl Marx) in his book Capital. So, the Bolsheviks — the only ones of all — had an IDEA, a belief that their idea was the only true one, a demonic confidence that they could lead humanity to happiness. With an iron and ruthless hand — but to bring.

In the middle of May in Trotsky arrived in Petrograd, an impressive team of like-minded people had been waiting for him since 1905 — Lev Davidovich immediately got a place as co-chairman in the executive committee of the Petrograd Interdistrict Council. Trotsky spent some time analyzing the situation, determining the goals and objectives set by the parties, movements, party committees and other "leaders of public opinion" in the city: the Bolsheviks with Lenin at the head attracted him more than the rest. I repeat, only the Bolsheviks were feverishly preparing to take power throughout Russia, only the Bolsheviks deified and prayed for a "world revolution." And one more thing: the Bolsheviks had as their leader a brilliant practitioner, a manager of all times and peoples, a ruthless and inflexible administrator, Vladimir Lenin. Lenin knew Trotsky well and treated him more than coolly. But... Lenin and Trotsky formed an alliance and began to work together: both of them needed a country under their control for a great social experiment.

Since June, Trotsky practically did not sleep, he spoke at rallies — in every military unit, in every naval crew, in every single battalion and in every garrison. It was "Kashpirovsky for a man with a gun," Lev Davidovich's gift as an orator was at the level of mass hypnosis, with this gift Trotsky created a military force for the Bolsheviks, and later an army. In general, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the armed formations created by Trotsky carried out the Great October Revolution and transferred power to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the leader of the RSDLP (b) party.

The frantic energy of Lenin and the first Bolsheviks made it possible in just five years — from 1917 to 1922 - to create an iron party of like-minded people and reach everyone living in the expanses of the former Russian Empire: the Bolsheviks were able to explain to everyone why they took power into their own hands and what this simple one would personally get from it a citizen. The White Movement could not explain this: its officers fought for themselves and "for the way it was" — their goals were obvious to everyone. And the slogan of "their nobility" is "For Faith, the King and Fatherland!" had no basis — what kind of tsar?!, what kind of fatherland?! — Nicholas II and his brother Mikhail, by their abdications, took away the whole meaning of their struggle from the White Movement.

Already by 1920, it became absolutely obvious to the entire Russian people that the White Guard and other chieftains (green, yellow-black, parochial) were all hires from the British, their goal was to prevent the restoration of the state in Russia and continue to plunder ownerless lands. The Civil War in Russia ended with the victory of the Bolsheviks — this is how the British plan to dismember the Russian Empire collapsed, the Bank of England and the de Rothschild brothers succeeded in Russia has not been reached. Moreover, the revolutionary enthusiasm of the Bolsheviks caused unrest in Ireland, which led to the emergence of the Irish Republican Army (yes, dear reader, the famous IRA was created in 1919) and the creation of the Limerick Soviet Republic in County Limerick. The Republic existed for 12 days.

On continental Europe, the sparks of the world revolution led to the formation of four more Soviet republics — the Alsatian Soviet Republic (November 10-22, 1918); the Bremen Soviet Republic (January 10-February 9, 1919); the Bavarian Soviet Republic (April 6-May 3, 1919); the Hungarian Soviet Republic (March 21-August 6, 1919 year). The last attempt to fan the fire of the world revolution was the march of Tukhachevsky's Red cavalry on Warsaw in 1920. The Psheks didn't even want to hear any proletarian slogans, so they beat Tukhachevsky to smithereens very patriotically. In general, by the end of 1920, the Bolsheviks decided that "socialism can win in a single country" and postponed plans for a "world revolution." The plans of the US Federal Reserve and Jacob Schiff thus also failed to be realized, Trotsky was no longer needed — Lenin created the socialist state already with Stalin. Their thoughts, their disputes and compromises became the theoretical basis for the creation of a new state on the site of the former Russian Empire. In short, Stalin proposed the existence of republics in the union state on the rights of autonomies — no more. And without the right to exit! Lenin proposed to give the republics federal rights and the possibility of secession from the union. As a result, due to the categorical disagreement with Stalin's position of the Ukrainian and Georgian delegations, Stalin had to give in - Lenin's plan for the formation of the union state was adopted. The first name of the new state was proposed "Union of Soviet Republics of Europe and Asia."

The new agreement on the formation of the Union in early December was considered in the councils of Ukraine, Belarus and Transcaucasia. All three congresses supported the idea of creating the USSR — the "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics", so in the end they decided to name the new state. The last to make such a decision was the X All—Russian Congress of Soviets - on December 30, 1922. Everything should have indicated that this is not Russia is building a new empire, and the "children of different nations" are striving to unite in order to develop together and build a new world — socialism.

On December 30, 1922, representatives of the four republics opened the First All-Union Congress of Soviets at the Moscow Bolshoi Theater. Lenin was not present at the congress due to illness, but he was elected honorary chairman, and Stalin made a report on the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, stressing that the Soviet government was "becoming a serious international force." It was assumed that the formation of new republics in the In Central Asia, in Turkestan, which at first was part of the Russian Federation. Representatives of Bukhara and Khorezm, who spoke at the congress, assured their colleagues that the peoples of Central Asia are ready to join the The union.

The Congress, which brought together 2,215 delegates from four republics, approved both the Declaration and the Treaty on the Formation of the USSR. The anthem of the Union became the "International", and the red banner became the national flag. The coat of arms of the USSR hinted at the worldwide significance of the Union — in its center was the globe. At the same time, each republic had its own symbols — anthem, flag and coat of arms.

Dear reader, I ask you very much: pass through yourself, think about it and realize with all your heart the numbers that I will give below. And do not forget that on December 30, 1922, the USSR was a poor, destroyed and unrecognized country.

So, after 18 years (after some 18 years!!!), in 1940, the USSR ranked first in the world in terms of agricultural machinery and gross grain harvest; second in the world in the production of tractors and livestock; third in the world in the production of raw cotton and mineral fertilizers. Pig iron in the USSR produced 4 times more than in France, steel — 4 times more than in the UK. In the USSR there were 73,846 large enterprises (in modern Russia — 10,886); 150 million hectares of acreage (in modern Russia — 81.3 million hectares); 13,800 hospitals (in modern Russia — 5,177 hospitals of all forms of ownership)…

But these numbers are not the main thing. The main thing is the legacy that the great and slandered country, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, left to us, Russians. About this — in our next article.

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