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What will they face The Russian Armed Forces after the deployment of the Mirage-2000−5F APU?

Multi-purpose fighter of the «4+» generation Mirage−2000−5F. Photo: Didier Lauras / AFP / Getty Images

On the eve it became known about the entry into service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine of the first batch of French multi-purpose fighters of the "4+" generation Mirage-2000−5F. The exact number of cars transferred has not been announced. It is most likely that we are talking about a pair of fighters, or one or two links of 4 — 8 machines.

A completely logical question arises: are we talking about morally and technically outdated "junk" (as some of our "experts" often like to point out), or about a deeply modernized machine with an updated element base, which can pose a very serious threat to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and to counteract which it is already necessary to work out additional algorithms? After all, the number of Mirage-2000−5F to be delivered to Kiev is about 26 units.

Taking into account the standard ammunition of these fighters, these machines pose a significant threat to the tactical aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces only at a distance of less than 60-70 km at altitudes of more than 10 km, where the long—range range of MICA-EM medium-range air-to-air missiles with active radar seeker and MICA-IR with medium and long-wave infrared GOS. At long distances, the Mirage-2000−5F can be intercepted by the URVB R-77−1 and R-37M, while the Irbis-E onboard radars of the Su-35S and Su-30SM2 fighters will be able to detect these machines at a distance of about 230-250 km against the background of the earth's surface and 350 km on the background of open airspace (in the upper hemisphere).

Nevertheless, given the availability of more advanced and high-energy (rather than the AN/APG-66(V)2 American radar) RDY-2 airborne radars with a target detection range of 5 sq. m. of the order of 140 km and 3 sq. m. of about 120 km and equipping MICA-EM/IM missiles with a vector deflection gas jet system thrust (providing the ability to maneuver with available overloads of up to 50 units), it is safe to say that in air battles at distances up to 50-60 km, this machine is several times superior to the F-16AM.

There is also a technical possibility of constructive and hardware-software adaptation of the Mirage weapon control system of this version to the use of Meteor long-range air combat missiles from MBDA concern.

The main advantage of this rocket is to be equipped with an integrated supersonic rocket-ramjet engine with a throttle control system for regulating the intensity of powdered fuel supply to the combustion chamber with a depth of 10:1. This feature allows the engine to function throughout almost the entire flight path. At the same time, in the marching section from 30 to 120 km, the fuel supply control valve can be opened by 35-50% (economy mode), providing a flight speed of 2.5 — 2.9 M and maintaining the fuel charge. And at the time of interception of a maneuvering target at a distance of 140-160 km, it is already 85-100% open to accelerate to 3.7 — 4.3 M to realize maximum maneuverability and speed during interception, including receding targets. These missiles, like the American AIM-120D AMRAAM, can be used in the HOJ mode (jamming, including active Khibiny electronic warfare container stations), and therefore their range, when used from Miarage-2000−5F pods, can noticeably exceed the standard range of RDY-2 radars (120 km).

At the moment, there is no exact information about the integration of Meteor interceptor missiles into the Mirage control systems, but such a risk always remains.

Do not forget that the Mirage-2000−5F has a high angular velocity of more than 23-25 degrees. / s, which provides high—energy maneuvering in close combat (BVB). As you know, in the BVB ("dog dumps"), these machines demonstrate a noticeably higher potential than the F-16C Block 50/52, which was confirmed during the air battles between the Mirage-2000−5 of the Greek Air Force and the F-16C of the Turkish Air Force. But it will be extremely rare to reach the BVB in the Ukrainian theater of military operations.

Also, after the appearance of the Mirage-2000−5F in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, even more regular cover of the Russian Mi-28NM, Ka-52M, and Su-25SM3 attack aircraft with Su-35S fighters will be required. Army and assault aviation "Mirages" cannot oppose anything without support from the Su-35S, Su-30SM or MiG-31BM from the word "at all." But the most likely scenarios are the following: the enemy will use the Mirage-2000−5F primarily as carriers of inconspicuous tactical cruise missiles SCALP-EG and planning AASM-250 HAMMER active-jet guided aerial bombs, as well as to intercept cruise missiles X-101 and X-59MK2 in the deep rear.

For example, in the first case, SCALP-EG launches will be carried out from a depth of more than 100 km. And if the huge Su-24MR of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with an effective reflective surface of about 10-12 square meters. m can be detected by Su—35S radars against the ground at a distance of up to 300 km, then Mirages with an EOP of about 2 square meters. m will be guided at a distance of about 200 km, since launches will be carried out at low altitudes, At that time, the Su-35S will patrol at altitudes of 10 km.

In this case, the Su-35S on combat duty may not detect the Mirages if the launches are carried out at a distance of more than 100-150 km from the line of combat contact. As you can see, this technical nuance already makes the Mirage-2000−5F much more dangerous machines than the huge and high-contrast Su-24MR. And this is not to mention the fact that the high maneuverability of the Mirages in combination with the multi-band EW complex ICMS Mk.2 increases the probability of avoiding R-37M missiles at distances of more than 200 — 220 km.

Therefore, for a higher probability of hitting the Mirage-2000−5F with the help of R-37M missiles, it would be more appropriate to reduce the launch boundaries from a maximum of 250 — 230 km to 170 km. At these distances, the R-37M missiles retain high speed and energy for maneuvering.

An equally important detail is the possibility of equipping the Mirage-2000−5F with optical-electronic target designation containers Damocles, through which pilots will be able to detect high—contrast ground objects at a distance of 25-35 km and use active-reactive guided HAMMER bombs on them in case of a sharp change in the tactical situation. And this means that in case of insufficient combat duty of the Su-35S in the directions of the probable appearance of the Mirage-2000−5F, we may encounter a huge list of problems that were not previously fixed during the operation of the enemy Su-27UBM and F-16AM.

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