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RAN: On the night of September 13, a cloud of solar plasma will hit the Earth

A flash in the Sun. Illustration: Depositphotos

On the night of September 13, a cloud of solar plasma will hit the Earth with a 99.9% probability, follows from a message on the website of the Laboratory of Solar Astronomy of the Institute of Space Research and the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ICI and ISPF) of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

"At the moment, calculations show the arrival of solar matter tomorrow at about 22 hours Moscow time. The peak of the storm is expected at 3-4 o'clock in the morning, when the dense core of the cloud reaches the planet, " the report says.

Astronomers noted that the models used this time had almost no chance of error. They assessed the strength of the expected magnetic storm as moderate — level 1-2 on a 5-point scale.

The RAS added that there is a high probability of the northern lights in the middle latitudes.

The previous time, the plasma cloud ejected by the Sun missed the Earth on September 11 — just a few degrees. Then astronomers warned that over the past two or three days the Sun has produced several flashes of "moderate strength", which may still overtake the planet.

Earlier, the Laboratory of Solar Astronomy of ICI and ISZF RAS predicted the collision of a plasma cloud with the Earth, it was supposed to happen "at seven-eight in the evening" on September 10, Moscow time. The release was also supposed to provoke a magnetic storm and aurora on Earth, RBC reminds.

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