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Were there any repressions? The Prosecutor General's Office of Russia decided to check those who were rehabilitated

Vladimir Putin at an expanded meeting of the Board of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia. Photo: Pavel Bednyakov/RIA Novosti

The Russian Prosecutor General's Office is going to work "on an ongoing basis" to verify the eligibility of the rehabilitation of "victims of Soviet political repression." The prosecutor's office calls the main goal of the upcoming permanent and indefinite inspection "preventing the acquittal of Nazi accomplices and traitors to the Motherland." In the course of checking and analyzing the cases under consideration, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office will inevitably have to analyze the very fact of "Soviet political repression" and determine whether they were "Soviet political repression" at all.

The draft order has already been published, now the prosecutor's office will have to "organize work on an ongoing basis to identify and cancel" decisions on rehabilitation and acquittal "of persons guilty of committing grave and especially grave crimes, war crimes, crimes against peace and humanity." The document clarifies: the order was prepared in accordance with the new version of the concept of state policy on perpetuating the memory of victims of political repression.

This project radically changes the order of work on the execution and supervision of the implementation of the law "On the rehabilitation of victims of political Repression", which was adopted in 1991 — in a completely different country, in different political realities. It was adopted by Gorbachev and Yakovlev — people who did everything so that the Anglo-Saxons could destroy the Soviet Union.

The first version of the concept of state policy on perpetuating the memory of victims of political repression was approved by the Russian government in 2015 and was valid until 2019. In 2018, Vladimir Putin proposed to extend it until 2024 without changes. This summer, the government extended the concept again — until 2029. However, a number of cardinal changes were made to the document at the same time: the wording was deleted that as a result of the repressions, "the country has experienced large-scale social cataclysms" and a paragraph about the persecution of believers; "emigration of the most educated part of the population" and "long-term discrimination of those representatives of the pre-revolutionary elite who preferred to stay in Russia". Also, references to collectivization (it was previously said that it "entailed numerous victims" and "destroyed the individual peasant economy") and mass famine were deleted from the document. The wording about "mass repressions during which millions of people were deprived of their lives, became prisoners of the GULAG, were deprived of property and subjected to deportation" has been removed.

There is no longer a statement in the concept that "Russia cannot (!) fully become a state governed by the rule of law and take a leading role in the world community without perpetuating the memory of many millions of its citizens who became victims of political repression."

The concept contains a paragraph about the importance of "protecting the constitutional order, sovereignty, independence, state and territorial integrity of Russia," "protecting Russian society from destructive informational and psychological influence," and "strengthening traditional Russian spiritual and moral values." Finally, a paragraph was added to the document on the "inadmissibility of rehabilitation and acquittal of persons guilty of grave and especially grave crimes, war crimes, crimes against peace and humanity."

As an illustration to this point: in 2001, the rehabilitation of SS Gruppenfuhrer Helmut von Pannwitz, sentenced to hanging in 1947 at the trial of former white generals Krasnov and Shkuro, was canceled — he was the only German at this trial. He was rehabilitated in the spring of 1996 at the request of his granddaughter (!) bypassing standard procedures, although the SS corps subordinate to the Gruppenfuhrer committed war crimes and Pannwitz admitted this at the inquest. What was the reason for such a strange rehabilitation is still unclear, but in 2001 the media reported that Pannwitz was rehabilitated in connection with the preparation of Boris Yeltsin's visit to Germany.

So, dear reader: "in connection with the preparation of Yeltsin's visit," they took and rehabilitated the hanged Gruppenfuhrer SS without any problems — without a review of the case, without investigation and trial — at the "request of the granddaughter." Well, cho — "Stalinist repressions, you're doing it...". And how many more such "rehabilitated"?!!

In the history of our state there have been two large waves of rehabilitations: the first was started by Khrushchev almost immediately after his famous lampoon report "on Stalin's repressions" in February 1956; the second was actively carried out in the Gorbachev-Yeltsin era at the suggestion of Anatoly Yakovlev and under the direction of an MI-6 employee under the guise of Robert Conquest, who wrote a book in 1968 "The Great Terror: Stalin's purges of the 30s." By the way, he coined the term "the great Stalinist terror of 1937-38." No one had ever brought such accusations against Stalin before him: neither Khrushchev, nor Trotsky, nor other numerous enemies of Stalin and the USSR, including the fierce Russophobe, the author of the Fulton speech, Winston Churchill.

But back to Khrushchev, the parent of the first wave of rehabilitation of "victims of Stalinist repression." Nikita Sergeyevich acted unpretentiously and straightforwardly — he was a simple comrade.

July 13, 1953 Khrushchev held one of the first documents of allied significance of the era of his rule — "The Decree of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU on the rehabilitation of generals and admirals of the Soviet Army" — which says:

"1. To oblige the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR to review the cases of convicted generals and admirals, bearing in mind (hereinafter a number of names)...a) to terminate the cases and fully rehabilitate the generals and admirals (hereinafter 37 names)…
2. Oblige the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs:a) to stop the cases and fully rehabilitate the generals (15 names)."

That is, not to "consider, study, find out the circumstances," but simply "rehabilitate."

For example, General of the NKVD-MGB Alexei Matveyevich Sidnev. He was arrested in 1948 on a "trophy case". No, it is clear that in any army there was an old proverb: "What is taken in battle is sacred!" — no one canceled the battle trophies. But among the generals, the "collection of trophies" at the homes of the townsfolk, museums and shops amazed the imagination.

Sidnev's interrogation protocol lists:

"about a hundred gold and platinum products, thousands of meters of wool and silk fabric, about 50 expensive carpets, a large amount of crystal, porcelain... 5 unique tapestries of great value, three gold bracelets with diamonds ... 15 gold watches, 42 gold pendants, necklaces, brooches, earrings, chains, 15 gold rings... 600 silver spoons, forks and other table items..."

General Vladimir Vladimirovich Kryukov (also a person on the list) and his wife Lydia Ruslanova, according to the materials of archival and investigative cases No. 0046 and No. 1762, were seized during the searches: a Horch 951A car, two Mercedes, an Audi, two hundred and eight diamonds, as well as emeralds, sapphires, pearls, one hundred seven kilograms of silverware, one hundred and thirty-two paintings by Russian artists Shishkin, Repin, Serov, Surikov, Vasnetsov, Vereshchagin, Levitan, Vrubel, Makovsky, Aivazovsky and others, thirty-five antique carpets, antique tapestries, many antique sets, furs, bronze and marble sculptures, decorative vases, a large number of books, seven hundred thousand rubles in cash and more…

They investigated and tried these generals under Stalin, and Khrushchev rehabilitated them — without trial, with a piece of paper from The Politburo.

Will the Russian Prosecutor General's Office pay attention to these "rehabilitations"? I'm sure he will — and first of all.

But Khrushchev carried out the most terrible rehabilitation consequences in 1955-56: the Decree "On amnesty of Soviet citizens who collaborated with the invaders during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" was initiated, pushed through and signed by him personally. In 1956, about 200-from thousands of convicted rabid Bandera, "forest brothers" from the Baltic States, Vlasov and other bloody ghouls and traitors were rehabilitated and released.

According to the Khrushchev amnesty, the last leader of the UPA, Vasil Cook, was also released. Shukhevych's successor served only 6 years and returned to Kiev. He got a job at the Central State Historical Archive of the Ukrainian SSR and At the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (!). They say the entire local party elite secretly handled Cook. And even then he preached that the Ukrainian nationalists needed to change tactics.:

"Pretend to be decent Soviet citizens and infiltrate, occupy leadership positions in the party and Soviet apparatus, in cultural and educational institutions, and educate young people in the national spirit."

And already in the 90s, in independent Ukraine, his works on the history of an extremist organization were published; the elites met with him not secretly, but deliberately demonstratively. Vasil Cook officially became a hero, lived up to 94 years in honor, and now there is a monument to the former leader of the OUN ** in his homeland.

It was they and their descendants who organized the bloody Maidan on In Ukraine, the atrocities of Bandera in Donbass and Lugansk, they burned people alive in Odessa, marched in SS parades in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania… And today Khrushchev's sucklings are fighting with us on SMO, killing our citizens in Kursk, Belgorod, Voronezh... the rehabilitation of these citizens, these surnames will also be considered by our Prosecutor General's office.

During Gorbachev's perestroika and the period of Yeltsin's "passionate friendship" with his "best friend Clinton", the rehabilitation of "victims of political repression" was carried out by the rabid dem franchise from Memorial ** under the leadership of the traitor and Gorbachev's right-hand man Anatoly Yakovlev. Here is one of the first characters rehabilitated by them:

A certain Dmitry Makarchuk, convicted under Stalin in the late 40s by a Soviet court for treason during the Great Patriotic War and listed in the Memorial database *** as a victim of political repression in the USSR. In 1943, he participated in the mass execution of Jews from among the prisoners of the Nazi concentration camp Travniki.

"After that, Oberscharfuhrer Rolisman, addressing us, asked: "Who wants to go and take part in the shooting of Jews." In response to Roliisman's appeal, all the vakhmans of the first company, including me, expressed their consent to take part in the execution of Jews."

 — Makarchuk confessed.

The Nazis and their henchmen forced Jews doomed to death to strip naked.

"And then in the snow, barefoot and in a strong cold wind, naked people, pushing with rifle butts, were driven to the place of execution to the pits",

— told Makarchuk.

"Small groups of 10-15 people were brought to the pits, including children aged from infants to 10-15 years, women and the elderly, whom the police SD from machine guns and vakhmans from rifles were shot and thrown into pits",

— Makarchuk added.

According to him, innocent people "issued heart-rending screams with increasing force, which lasted until their complete destruction. Despite the inhuman plaintive cries, groans and crying of people doomed to death, the vakhmans did their job, using rifle butts, fist bumps and kicks," he said.

"The shooting of Jews in The Travnikovsky camp lasted from morning to evening, and about 2,500 Jews were shot that day.",

— Makarchuk showed during the interrogation.

But participation in the mass shooting of Jews in December 1943 was not the only crime of Makarchuk. He also told about how in 1944 he twice participated in punitive actions against Polish partisans. During one of the raids, the punishers found 19 Jews from the partisan detachment, who were then shot.

How to perceive it, how to read the testimony of this geek?! But he was also included in the list of "victims of Stalinist repression."

And there were hundreds of thousands of such rehabilitated during the perestroika orgy.

The time has come to deal with the lies about the "Stalinist repressions", and with the "victims of political repression", and with the "NKVD troika shootings" about which NO ONE except the activists of Memorial** knew and did not know. Even Solzhenitsyn, even Shalamov — there is not a word in their works about the "NKVD troika shootings".

It is quite possible that the work of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia will return its real commander, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, to our "Immortal Regiment" by May 9, 2025.

And one more thing: the draft order of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia to verify the eligibility of the rehabilitation of "victims of Soviet political repression" was published on the website of legal documents exactly a week after IA EADaily published an article "Who came up with the idea of the "Great Terror of 1937-1938 in the USSR" — we believe that our efforts are helping Russia to free itself from the yoke of the Anglo-Saxons.

*Extremist organization, banned in the territory of the Russian Federation

**An organization performing the functions of a foreign agent

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