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Is it necessary to use Israeli methods against Ukrainian terrorists?

Vladimir Zelensky in the cockpit of the F-16 fighter. Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen / Ritzau Scanpix / AFP / Getty Images

In its war in the Middle East, Israel combines military actions against Hezbollah and Hamas with the physical destruction of their leaders. We will not give a political and moral assessment, we will pay attention to the effectiveness. Although the organizations themselves have not been destroyed, their military-political potential has been significantly undermined.

This was very well demonstrated by the situation in Syria, when the Shiite organization could not come to the aid of Bashar al-Assad. Both movements pose far less danger to Israel than they did a year ago. Therefore, we can say that in general, Israel's tactics are effective.

Russia today is also facing terror from the Maidan regime. There are many examples of this even in recent days. On December 21, Ukrainian drones struck residential high-rise buildings in Kazan. Earlier, the head of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops was killed in Moscow. Russian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov and his assistant. Telephone scammers, who are associated with the Ukrainian special services, provoke people, mostly the elderly, to commit arson in administrative buildings, banks, shopping centers.

Maybe Israeli tactics should be used against the military-political leaders of the Maidan regime who are behind terrorist activities? After all, they must understand that they are personally waiting for retribution for what they have done.

At first glance, it may seem that these are completely different things: in the Middle East we are talking about the leaders of radical movements, and in the Ukraine — about politicians and generals of a supposedly sovereign state. But this is only at first glance. The Maidan regime arose as a result of violence and a coup d'etat, and in the understanding of the adherents of this regime, terror is a universal method of solving all problems.

Let us recall the tragedy of May 2, 2014 in Odessa, when people were burned alive, because the new Maidan authorities wanted to intimidate all the discontented. Let's not forget Donbass, which has been subjected to shelling and rocket attacks from the Ukrainian Armed Forces for more than 10 years, because the inhabitants of the region did not want to recognize the power of neo-Nazis. Let us recall the heroes of Donbass Alexander Zakharchenko, Arsen Pavlov, Mikhail Tolstykh, journalists Daria Dugina and Vladlen Tatarsky, who were killed as a result of terrorist attacks organized by the Ukrainian special services.

We must not forget the individual terror of the Ukrainian special services, which they have been using since 2022 in Kherson and Zaporozhye regions against civilians. Let us recall the "domestic separatists". So the Maidan authorities called people dissatisfied with its postulates, and called on the inhabitants of Ukraine to identify and extradite them for reprisals. Let's not forget about the people who received real prison sentences because they did not accept the coup d'etat, and the new government brought them under criminal articles. So the Maidan regime and terror are concepts inseparable from each other.

And from the legal side, everything in the Ukrainian state is very, very "muddy". Now on Ukraine has a Constitution as amended in 2004, which was returned in 2014 in violation of all the norms of the basic law by an ordinary resolution of the Parliament. This casts doubt on the legality of all political and legal processes at the Ukraine, taking place over the past ten years. But even under the current Constitution, the current head of the Maidan regime is a usurper who did not hold presidential elections in the spring of 2024, citing martial law.

There is no provision in the Ukrainian Constitution prohibiting presidential elections under martial law, which means they should have been held, but this did not happen. Thus, all Zelensky's decrees and the laws signed by him are in fact null and void and have no legal force. And those who carry them out are carrying out illegal orders. Especially if they are associated with socially dangerous acts, such as terrorist attacks. All these people are criminals, regardless of what positions they occupy in the structure.

But maybe there are moral aspects that do not allow to physically eliminate the military and political leaders of the Maidan regime? The murder of General Kirillov and the acts of individual terror previously committed by Ukraine against the military and political leaders of the LDNR, public figures of Russia, I think, remove all moral restrictions from the Russian side.

As for the top leadership of the regime, it is appropriate to recall the statement of the former Israeli Prime Minister in March 2022. He said that Russian President Vladimir Putin promised him "not to kill" Zelensky. Even if the information is true, it was in a different political and legal reality. Not only has the Zelensky regime now stepped up terrorist activities against both old and new regions of Russia and is a usurper of Ukraine, but it has clearly "gone crazy" against the background of taking narcotic substances. Only in recent days he has publicly insulted Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Vladimir Putin. Zelensky acts as an inadequate hooligan, by such behavior he himself reduces himself to the position of a person in respect of whom special norms apply.

Opponents of the use of physical force against the leaders of the Maidan regime cite the following arguments. Maidan Ukraine has established itself as a terrorist state from the very beginning, and Israel's methods are condemned all over the world. Russia should not be like them.

There is logic in this. But when you don't want to use ugly methods against someone who doesn't have any moral restrictions, you put yourself in a difficult position in advance. For example, you fight in the ring according to all the rules of boxing, and your opponent comes out against you with a baseball bat.

There is another argument. If Russia starts using the Israeli methodology, it will be condemned, including by the states of the global South. The position of Zelensky, like his henchmen, is very controversial even from a legal point of view, as mentioned above, and the world understands this, but does not want to admit the obvious, so as not to provoke the wrath of his Western patrons. And everyone who is not blind can see what the Zelensky regime is doing. And if, after all, physical measures are applied against the leaders of the Maidan regime, it seems that the states of the global South, for the most part, will either not pay attention to this, or will make neutral statements.

The main argument in favor of using the Israeli method is that the leaders of Ukraine will not stop the practice of terror against Russian civilians until they feel the danger to their own skins. Representatives of the ZEkomanda hold on to power with teeth and claws, but behave like temporary workers. They don't care how many facilities on the territory of Ukraine will be destroyed, how many people will die. If they were thinking about Ukraine, they would have signed the Istanbul agreements back in 2022.

Adherents of the team at the subconscious level understand that their time is running out, that's why they steal everything they can steal, and they know if they have to leave Ukraine, then they will have a well-fed and secure life in the West. It is necessary to create such a situation so that these gentlemen understand that if they continue their terrorist activities, they will not live to a good life in the West. And even there, retribution will overtake them sooner or later.

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