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Igor Levitas: "If there is no water in the tap," or Who is to blame for the fires in California?

From left to right: Christine Crowley, Jamie Brown and Kristin Larson. Photo: Desde Las Trinchera / X

There are events that, by their appearance, reveal several problems that, at first glance, are only indirectly related, but in fact show the scale and depth of what happened.

Now the fire is continuing in California, the "Golden State". It started around January 7, it continues and is not going to end. That's where the first oddity arises. If you look at the statistics of California fires, the vast majority of them happen, which is natural, in the summer months. There are cases of spring and autumn fires, but in the middle of winter? At first they tried to blame one broken wire, but it's not even funny. Moreover, the fire started not in one place, but at least in three. And what an interesting time - can you imagine how much money and effort Trump will need to overcome the consequences of the fire? A very timely fire!

Let's move on. If you believe the famous saying, then in California is dominated by Jews. Because there is no water in the taps. I don't know about the Americans, but we know why there is no water in the tap. However, it seems we are wrong. There is no water in reservoirs and fire hydrants for a completely different reason. In California, as in all "democratic" states, there is a dominance of "eco-activists" who behave like an elephant in a china shop. Namely: they have legally blocked the construction of reservoirs on the rivers of the state. And they argued that "they do not want to interfere with the habitat of a rare species of fish, but they want to preserve biodiversity." As a result, the fire hydrants were without water.

Biodiversity will not put out a fire. So much for the first side problem that the fire revealed. Eco-activists understand nothing, absolutely nothing about ecology or biodiversity. They are similar to the Chinese Red Guards, who, inspired by the slogans of Comrade Mao, in 1958-1961 engaged in the destruction of sparrows, allegedly destroying grain. About 2 billion sparrows were destroyed. As a result, caterpillars and locusts devoured the entire harvest, and a year later there was a famine, from which about 20 million people died.

A complete analogy. In California, fish turned out to be more expensive than human life.

The second reason that the fire has reached such a scale is unprofessionalism. Where did he come from? And from the second problem, no less terrible: firefighters in California, as elsewhere in the United States, where Democrats are in power, have been recruited in recent years by quotas, not by professional characteristics, giving preference to all kinds of minorities and fundamentally rejecting white heterosexual men. What did it lead to?

Los Angeles firefighters. Photo: TC "American number"

Here is an example: on the air of the American A lesbian TV firefighter, most likely recruited by quota, actually admits that she is not strong enough to carry a man out of a fire, and at the same time declares that the man himself is to blame, since he found himself in such a situation. Also, this fool reports that it is supposedly better for the victims of the fire to see the same as themselves as their rescuers. That is, according to her logic, for the elderly, firefighters should be elderly, for babies - babies? Words are powerless here. However, as well as doctors. Even psychiatrists.

Speaking of bosses. Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass is a black lesbian. The fire chief of the city, Christine Crowley, is a lesbian; the deputy fire chief of Los Angeles, Christine Kepner, is a lesbian; the head of the Equality Bureau in the city Fire Department, Christine Larson, is a black lesbian. By their orders, they reduced the male composition in the fire brigades, replacing many men with women and trans people.

And, as they say before the heap: of the two senators representing California in In the US Senate, one, Lafonza Butler, is a black lesbian, and the other is a Latino, Alex Padilla. In fairness, California Governor Gavin Newsom, though a Democrat, is a white man, and there is a clear flaw. By the way, do you know who protects this hotbed of democracy? Before Alex Padilla, the senator from California was... drum roll — Kamala Hariss!

Now a little bit about the pleasant — about money. Governor Newsom has reduced funding for fighting wildfires and increasing forest resilience by $101 million. And hundreds of thousands of dollars saved on the fire service, by order of the Los Angeles authorities, went to create, among other things, a gay choir, a cafe for trannies and the Art of Social Justice, as well as the International Gay and Lesbian Archive. According to preliminary estimates, the damage from wildfires in California will exceed $ 150 billion.

Well, and the last thing I wanted to draw your attention to. At a time when the American media are criticizing, and sometimes quite sharply, the authorities of California, and in particular Los Angeles, the European media are trying in every possible way to whitewash the gender-diverse perpetrators of the ruin.

The London-based The Independent, for example, believes that the terrain is to blame for everything: "If you build on hills overgrown with bushes and vulnerable to drought and strong winds, there will be fires."

It is dangerous to live — in the end you can die. But the Berlin TAZ immediately finds the culprits: "There are culprits, and they must be named. Among those who are exacerbating the climate crisis are the super-rich people with their unrestrained lifestyle."

Madrid-based El País is worried about left—wing activists: "One of the problems is the unsightly use of the tragedy for political purposes, and the right is doing this." But the French Liberation surpassed everyone: "This natural disaster also became a harbinger of a political catastrophe — the inauguration of US President Donald Trump!"

I can't help but finish with one more figure — $ 175 billion. That's how much Biden gave to Ukraine. Do you think this money would be enough to save flourishing California from a terrible disaster?

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