Once, wanting to support my Armenian friend, I conciliatingly remarked in the discussion: "Of course, Armenia is your Homeland, so it's unpleasant for you for this Pashinyan..." A friend cut off the discussion that had just begun in an unusually harsh way: "My homeland is the USSR!" — firmly, as a long-decided and realized fact, he said.
This article about the great and slandered Soviet Union is written at the end of the topics about the February Revolution and about the best state in the last 5000 years.
So, on December 30, 1922, the Congress, which brought together 2,215 delegates from four socialist republics — Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian and Transcaucasian — approved the Declaration and The Treaty on the formation of the USSR. The anthem of the Union became the "International", and the red banner became the national flag. The coat of arms of the USSR hinted at the worldwide significance of the Union — in its center was the globe. At the same time, each republic had its own symbols — anthem, flag and coat of arms. The Soviet Union acquired the final set of 15 republics only by 1956.
The formation of the USSR was a strategic paradigm shift in the development of the world revolutionary movement: after failures in the intervention of the communist ideas of Marx and Engels in Europe and on the bayonets of Tukhachevsky in Poland, Lenin and Stalin decided to build socialism in a single country — in Russia, on the territory of the Russian Empire destroyed by the Anglo-Saxons. Trotsky, on the contrary, insisted on a "world revolution" in the interests of the US Federal Reserve. The Soviet Union was born in the conditions of an acute ideological struggle over the meaning of its existence: Trotsky and his associates from The Comintern regarded it as "brushwood for the fire of the world revolution," and Lenin and Stalin regarded it as the world's first socialist state of workers and peasants. After Lenin's death in 1924, the whole burden of building a full-fledged state in the face of the USSR fell on the shoulders of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin and the party of the CPSU (b) led by him — The All-Russian Communist Party of the Bolsheviks (1925).
The fight was desperate, but — and this must be admitted — by 1926, the Soviet Union, with a tough, demanding and ruthless hand, began to successfully build a new state on the site of the Russian Empire destroyed by the Provisional Government.
By this time, the USSR, in terms of economic development, looks like a solid average man who managed to overtake Germany and the UK in terms of industrial recovery rates, and electricity generation doubled the double level and continued to grow at the highest rates in the world (!). The USSR is already integrated into the world trade system and exports 2.5 million tons grains are about the same as the USA, but less than Canada.
In the foreign policy life of the USSR, it participates in the big game on an equal footing with the "great ones": in 1922, the Soviet Union supported Germany in its desire to get rid of reparations under the Versailles Treaty - in exchange for the removal of claims on tsarist debts and the nationalization of German assets in Bolshevik Russia; in February 1924, Mussolini restored diplomatic relations Italy and the USSR, after which a wave of confessions swept around the world.
And most importantly: in 1926, the USSR ceased to threaten the leading capitalist powers with a "world revolution" — the head of the Comintern Grigory Yevseyevich Zinoviev (Ovsey-Gershen Aronovich Radomyslsky), the chairman of the Central Executive Committee Lev Borisovich Kamenev (Leiba Borukhovich Rosenfeld) and the chairman of the Petrograd Soviet Lev Davidovich Trotsky (Leiba Davidovich Bronstein), and the XV conference of the CPSU (b) announced the possibility of building socialism in a "single country" — that's it, the USSR finally, even at the level of strategic objectives, set a course for peaceful and mutually beneficial coexistence with all "civilized countries".
However, the report of the General Staff of the Red Army on December 30, 1926 presented in The Council of Labor and Defense gave its vision of the situation, which ended with a harsh conclusion: neither the Red Army nor the USSR as a whole are ready for a big war, because 85% of the USSR population worked on the land and produced agricultural products, which then almost completely (!) They were exchanged for civilian consumer goods and agricultural equipment from abroad - tractors, seeders, winnowers and other satin—kerosene. The USSR practically had no industrial products of its own, and there was very little left for the development of heavy industry — the basis for the production of modern weapons: "industry is creeping forward a little bit" (Stalin).
With all merciless clarity, the conclusion came: the NEP will not provide the necessary pace of development of industry and the production of armaments, and there are no other resources other than those produced by 85% of the Russian population (peasants). The USSR could be taken with bare hands, it was defenseless and the Anglo-Saxons were clearly preparing to demolish the Soviet government, which had begun quite successfully building a new empire to replace the deceased. A new elite and a new tsar were already emerging in the USSR — to replace the destroyed ones, and if they restore heavy industry…
Stalin understood everything correctly and in December 1927 it was decided to curtail the NEP, organize the peasants into collective farms and state farms, and the result of their labor - grain and other agricultural products — to be purchased without alternative at the state price. That's how the USSR received a huge resource that allowed it to build heavy industry unthinkable in scale and capabilities in just 12 years — by 1941, the USSR was able to create an army equipped with the latest weapons. This army, this industrial potential, could not be overcome by the whole united Europe, led and led by Adolf Hitler.
The industry of the Soviet Union was created on the basis of five—year development plans, which were developed by a specially created body for this purpose - the USSR State Planning Committee. This body linked together the pace and objectives of the country's development throughout its territory — from the western borders of Ukraine and Belarus to Vladivostok, Kushka and Transcaucasia. Without computers, AI and the Internet, Gosplan managed to synchronize the creation of industrial enterprises throughout the country — there were no such integrated development technologies in any country in the world. Stalin and his team managed to literally raise the country, with incredible exertion of all forces, tough and motivated mobilization of the entire Soviet people to achieve their goals. Stalin said very simply about these goals facing the country by the end of the first five-year plan in 1931:
"We are 50-100 years behind the advanced countries. We have to run this distance in 10 years. Either we do it, or we will be crushed."
Stalin said this in 1931, ten years before June 22, 1941.
By 1940, 12 years after the start of the first five-year plan, the USSR had become the largest industrial power and was second only to the USA in terms of the overwhelming set of indicators. During the years of the five-year plans, up to 600-700 factories and plants were put into operation annually (!), hundreds of hydro and thermal power plants were built, entire branches of new industries were created — aviation, automotive, engine building, tank building and much more, which was not in sight before.
In 1940, the USSR practically restored its territory within the borders of the Russian Empire. For History, the name of the authorities ruling on this territory does not matter at all: this Empire was again ruled by the Russians, their leader was called Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.
For example, dear reader, in 1940, the gross output of large—scale industry increased by 7 times in the Uzbek SSR compared to 1913, 20 times in the Kazakh SSR, 27 times in the Georgian SSR, 153 times in the Kyrgyz SSR, 324 times in the Tajik SSR. In these republics today, the USSR is accused of colonialism and oppression of their peoples. I do not know what they have built in the last 30 years by themselves, without Russia — especially Tajikistan.
The unprecedented labor upsurge and enthusiasm of the population of our entire country was accompanied by a tremendous leap in its cultural development. In Soviet schools, literature was based on the study of the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Tolstoy... that is, the noble writers who wrote their works for the nobles instilled culture and moral principles to yesterday's proletarians, peasants, farmhands and other poor people at a rapid pace; brought out of the darkness of tribal relations and slavery the peoples of the same Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan…
Unprecedented, exciting patriotic enthusiasm reigned everywhere: people watched the films "Chapaev", "Maxim's Youth", "Alexander Nevsky", "Member of the government", "Foundling", "Volga-Volga", "Funny Guys", "Battleship Potemkin", "Ticket to Life", "A girl with character", "Children of Captain Grant", "Tractor drivers", "Circus" and a hundred other pictures — a dozen new Soviet film factories are absolutely equal (!) he competed with Hollywood and "their" cinema on our market, he could not break into the brains of Soviet people, Hollywood did not succeed;
the most reading nation in the world — the Soviet one — read world-class prose, books "Chapaev", "How Steel was Tempered", "Days of the Turbins", "The Gloomy River", "Twelve Chairs" and "Golden Calf", "Peter I", "Scarlet Sails", "Amphibian Man", "The Master and Margarita", "The Heart of a Dog", "Raised virgin land", "Two Captains", "Yemelyan Pugachev", the trilogy "Genghis Khan" — "Batu" — "To the last sea", "Razin Stepan" and "Walking people", "Chuk and Gek", "Bumbarash" — dozens and dozens more literary masterpieces were created precisely then, during the first five-year plans and the mass spiritual uplift of the Soviet people;
from each loudspeaker in Soviet cities, "March of enthusiasts", "Oh, it's good to live in the Soviet country", "My native country is wide", "March of aviators", "Katyusha", "Tachanka", "Beloved city", "Steamboat", "March of Soviet tankers", "Grenada" sounded fervently, "Polyushko-field", "I have such a character" — there is not enough space to list the masterpieces and hits of those years, the songs that we sing today. We sing, among other things, because there are only one or two new songs about "my native country is wide" - Chicherina and SHAMAN, and the one with non—Russian letters;
and as in The Soviet Union built cities! Avant—gardists, classics and constructivists from architecture had one common task - to create ideal cities for Soviet citizens. Look at the most iconic sanatoriums of Sochi, the buildings of Moscow State University and The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the textbook image of our major cities is the Stalinist Empire, these are the works of architects Alexei Shchusev, Lev Rudnev and Ivan Fomin, Ivan Zholtovsky, Dmitry Chechulin and Arkady Mordvinov, Parashnikov, Shukhov and Alexander Tamanyan — he was appointed chief architect of Yerevan. Today's appearance of one of the most beautiful cities of Transcaucasia is the work of Tamanyan or his students, who for a long time built Yerevan according to Tamanyan's drawings and sketches.
But there are still countless names of artists, military leaders, leaders, politicians, scientists, designers ... Yes, we are still flying into space on the rockets of Sergei Korolev, who was saved from execution by Lavrentiy Beria! Our airplanes are still called by the names of aircraft designers from the first five-year plans, and the nuclear power industry is still based on the ideas of Kurchatov, Gurevich, Zeldovich and Khariton!
And at the same time, the phenomenal, colossal development of the material base of the industry of the whole country was not the main goal of the leadership of the USSR: the main goal was to create a new person — an educated, cultured person; a person focused on the growth of self-awareness, on flights to the stars and space exploration. A man who is ready to give his life for his beliefs and for his homeland is the USSR.
For the most part, these were our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, citizens of the USSR of that time: their unparalleled heroism, their unyielding love for the Motherland ensured the Soviet Union victory over Hitler-united Europe in May 1945. Almost every European country fought against us, even neutral Switzerland did not stand aside: its banks served as the basis of the economy of Nazi Germany, and Oerlikon rapid—fire guns were the basis of fascist air defense. 200 thousand soldiers from "allied to us" France on a voluntary (!) basis fought against us in SS divisions. For comparison: in the entire French "resistance" there were no more than 20 thousand resisters of different (!) nationalities; no more than a hundred French pilots passed through the Normandy-Neman air regiment in the entire (!) the war. Nevertheless, Charles de Gaulle accepted the surrender of Nazi Germany with us.
In May 1945, 1710 cities of the Soviet Union were largely destroyed, 65,000 villages and villages were practically destroyed, 73,000 collective farms and state farms were ruined and ceased to exist… There were more than 10 million disabled people in the country, 25 million homeless people — and by 1950 we had already surpassed the indicators of the pre-war Soviet economy by 73%! Here, 15 years after the end of the war, Gagarin flew into space!!! We tested the atomic bomb on August 29, 1949 — the USSR created it faster and immeasurably more economically than the USA. During the 18 years of Leonid Brezhnev's rule in the USSR, 163 million people received apartments for free. Oh, and if there had not been that war…
The advantages and results of the work of the economy of the Soviet Union, creative activity, and the enthusiasm of Soviet youth literally discouraged (they wrote about it without exception) the delegates of the first Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow in 1957. Returning after a two-week extravaganza in the capital of the USSR, young people with their stories about the incomparable results and advantages of the Soviet Union literally infected their peers in England, the USA and the rest of the world with emotional sympathy and affection for a country like the Soviet Union. The excitement of genuine interest in the USSR, communism and the Soviet way of life overwhelmed the entire "civilized world" and not only: it was then that the whole of Africa, almost every future leader of it, fell in love with our country — this emotional attachment has remained to this day.
The pace of the post-war revival of the Soviet Union, the attractiveness of the work and lifestyle of its citizens, the effectiveness of the USSR state machine became a headache for the Anglo-Saxons: MI-6 gloomily joked that for another ten years the whole world would become the Soviet Union, and the CIA unsuccessfully racked its brains in search of means to combat the growing influence of the USSR. After the Youth Festival in Moscow, the hysteria inside the Anglo—Saxon headquarters went off scale: they did not see methods of combating the growing influence of the USSR, the effectiveness of its "Stalinist economy" and the achievements of Soviet science and industry - their state systems could not give such results. In their heads, only the war remained as an answer, the Dropshot plans were feverishly drawn one after another and were not executed: the first to hit the Russian bear was scary to the point of hiccups.
This is how the USSR, the last General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, got — huge, powerful, with much greater development potential than the leading capstrans. From problems to In the Soviet Union, there was only a change of the outgoing era of age managers and the modernization of the economy to meet the requirements of the new era. Nothing complicated — these are the natural growth problems of any organism, the Chinese have coped with them easily.
Gorbachev also easily, in 6 years (1984-1990), drowned in lies and destroyed a great country. More precisely, dear reader, it was the Anglo-Saxons who destroyed the country through the traitors Yakovlev, Gorbachev and Shevardnadze during these 6 years. The Great fortress was taken from the inside, by the banal betrayal of an extremely narrow part of its elites.
How they lied to us in Ogonyok, how they started dem franchises at rallies!!! How the "research" of the Memorial Society was deceived**…
Now we have something to compare it with. And in terms of free apartments, and in terms of free education, medicine — in terms of confidence in the future, I don't even want to stutter. They lied about some kind of "totalitarianism" and the lack of democracy — they told us about "democracy"! About how Vysotsky was "clamped down", and at the same time he drove a Mercedes, loved French citizen Marina Vladi and had acting roles at the level (or even more) Vyacheslav Tikhonov. They lied about the dominance of the CPSU, about the dominant ideology — but there was no dominance and "domination of ideology"! It's just that in the USSR the state protected our brains from the frenzied propaganda of their "democracy": liberalism, homosexuality and LGBT values*. And Soviet people have never heard of sex change and pedophilia. Gorbachev and Yakovlev deprived our brains of protection, and the Anglo-Saxons put the words "scoop" and "padded jacket" in them. And they instilled in us myths about the inferiority of the USSR.
Thank God, now the veil is falling from our eyes. We see how it was in the USSR and how it is now. Everything more or less significant, and even more so large and strategic - everything we have from there, from the USSR: the modern Russian Federation stands firmly on the strongest platform created in The Soviet Union. Our energy sector, including nuclear power; heavy and light industry; geological exploration and mining; the Northern Sea Route, the nuclear icebreaker Fleet, the BAM; scientific research centers, cosmonautics and rocket science; health and education systems; the armed forces — everything was laid down in the USSR. This basis is used to this day. Not all of it — we have lost a lot of our heritage from a Great country. Including the pace of development — we don't know how to do that and we don't have a State Plan.
Dear reader, It is necessary to complete — a lot has already been written, but not all. In conclusion, I offer you a list of the most significant enterprises built in the USSR. Look it over and you'll see whose house we live in.
*Extremist organization, banned in the territory of the Russian Federation
**Organization performing the functions of a foreign agent