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Igor Levitas: About the head of the Israeli Foreign Ministry and the local Jewish Banderites

Pieter Brueghel the Elder, "The Blind" (she is also "The Parable of the Blind", 1568). Illustration: wikipedia.org

I am often asked the question — why does Israel support Ukraine? And every time I try to honestly explain that Israel is very multifaceted, that Ukraine is supported only by former Soviet citizens with an old inferiority complex.

Those who lived for the most part in small Ukrainian and Moldovan towns and villages, the so-called "shtetls", and perceived all of Russia as one big Moscow, "which has got everything" and does not give them a good life. This is a parochial concept to They brought Russia here, to Israel. Since my readers are mostly residents of Russia, they are able even to read what is written in Russian on the Internet, and therefore they get the impression that the whole of Israel supports Ukraine.

But in In Israel, more than half of the population are Eastern Jews, "Sephardim" — immigrants from Morocco, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Tunisia, Algeria and other countries, who generally care about everything that happens between Russia and Ukraine, I don't give a damn. Add to this a huge number of ultra—Orthodox Jews who don't give a damn about it even more - they haven't even heard about it.

The bottom line is only 10 percent of very loud, very stupid and poorly educated Jews who need to take out their anger over their failed life on something. So they are the authors of the Israeli Russian—language media - illiterate and stupid. It is they who betray the memory of their ancestors killed by Bandera geeks just because "Jews should be killed."

This, by the way, was clearly stated in the ten commandments of the Ukrainian People's Party back in 1903 (excerpts):

"One, united, indivisible, independent, free, democratic Ukraine from the Carpathians to the Caucasus";
"All people are your brothers, but Muscovites, Poles, Ugrians, Romanians and Jews are the enemies of our people";
"Do not take a wife from strangers, because your children will be your enemies."

Due to their lack of education, they call all this Russian propaganda. And they live with it and with it. But the question is much more important when talking about those who represent the authorities. Therefore, I was not exactly surprised, but outraged by the statement of Israeli Foreign Minister Gideon Saar, who, in response to a correspondent's question about how the Israeli Foreign Ministry relates to the glorification of Bandera, Shukhevych and other fascists, said that he knew nothing about the glorification of Nazi accomplices at the Ukraine, who took an active part in the mass extermination of Jews. Here I will note in parentheses that in the Israeli, Russian-language press I did not find any mention of this episode at all. This was not the case for the Russian-speaking Israeli media.

To be honest, I'm shocked! The Israeli Foreign Minister "knows nothing." He does not know that the Nachtigall battalion, led by Roman Shukhevych, carried out a pogrom in Lviv in July 1941, which claimed the lives of approximately 4,000 Jews. Streets are named after Shukhevych in more than 40 localities on Ukraine. Monuments have been erected to him, stamps have been issued in his honor, and his portrait is emblazoned on a Ukrainian coin. I'm not even talking about Bandera himself. And the whole world knows, but the Saar does not know! That's the kind of foreign minister we have.

Although at first glance he looks like a normal, I would even say, educated, intelligent person. Moreover, his father's surname is Zarechensky. Then she transformed into Sarechensky, and then to the Saarland. Bachelor's degree in Political Science and Law. He worked as a journalist (!). And all the time in politics, he was repeatedly a different minister. And he doesn't know that for the current Ukrainian regime, the leaders of the OUN-UPA* are national heroes?

I can understand if he doesn't know what Ukrainian politician Oleg Tyahnybok said publicly:

"I am proud that there were only 300 Germans in Babyn Yar for 1,400 Ukrainian policemen."

This is the Tyahnybok who in 2002 was included by the Simon Wiesenthal Center in the top 10 anti-Semites and Israel-haters of the whole world. However, this is not the only list in which Ukraine falls. The problem of anti-Semitism in the republic is acute. Its level, according to the ADL Global 100 Index study from 2019, remains one of the highest in Europe. But Saar, as an Israeli politician, could not help but know that in 2016 Reuven Rivlin, the then president of Israel, while in Kiev, said in the Rada:

"About 1.5 million Jews were killed on the territory of modern Ukraine during the Second World War in Babi Yar and many other places... Many accomplices of the crime were Ukrainians. And among them, the OUN fighters who mocked Jews, killed Them, and in many cases betrayed them to the Germans stood out..."

I, an Israeli, am ashamed that the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel, a country created to be a refuge for persecuted Jews, is occupied by such an illiterate politician. A Jew who knows nothing about the Holocaust, about Babi Yar! I understand that Saarland does not read books in Russian. But maybe Saar will read in French? Historical research "The Anti-Semitic Pact. The beginning of the Holocaust in Eastern Galicia" (Le Pacte antisemite. Le debut de la Shoah en Galicie Orientale), published in France, contains new facts about the participation of the OUN* in the massacre of Jews during the Second World War. In particular, it thoroughly describes how the Bandera movement issued a circular on "fighting during the war" in May 1941. It called "Muscovites", Poles and Jews its enemies. Activists of the movement were advised to "eliminate the defenders of the regime, destroying first of all the intelligentsia."

The current Kiev regime systematically continues to fulfill the goals of the late Bandera. And only a blind person can not notice it. And when a blind man leads the blind, it's really bad. Remember the famous painting by Pieter Brueghel "The Blind". With such leadership, this, to my deepest regret, is the way of Israel.

*Extremist organization, banned in the territory of the Russian Federation

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