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A secret report on the US strategy for Ukraine: where's the money, Joe?

Joseph Biden. Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images

The Joe Biden administration has submitted to Congress a secret report on the US strategy for Ukraine. About what it is, what funds the United States spends on Ukraine and where taxpayers' money is going, Pravda.Ru said political strategist Sergei Markelov

— The White House, by popular demand, handed over to the US Congress a secret report on the US strategy for Ukraine. What is so secret about it that we don't know about the US strategy for Ukraine?

— Its full title is a secret report on the US strategy towards Ukraine and its allies to ensure Ukraine's victory. The word "allied countries" has been added.

We remember the spring scandals when the Republicans twisted the hands of the Democrats, for 70-80 days the struggle went on to the last. They poured a lot of dirt on each other, earned points. For a year now, America has been living in the mode of internal political struggle during the presidential campaign. According to American analysts, this fight is unpredictable and interesting for the first time in many years.

Therefore, a secret report was requested, and when congressmen at the end of March revealed the figures of the aid that Biden had signed, there turned out to be 175 billion that were planned to be allocated, and Congress waved it off. The last straw was Biden's announcement of another 61 billion in aid. How not to use the trump card that the Democrats gave to the Republicans as part of the election campaign: spending is going on, and it's huge. Republicans issued a communique demanding to report to the American people.

The Democrats were scared and agreed, they wanted to provide documents back in June, but did not provide them. The Republicans started twisting their arms again. Then there was the summer story with Kamala Harris and the departure of Joe Biden. A new epic has begun. And finally, this report was announced. And a new game is about to start around him, the penultimate pre-election episode.

What weaknesses did the Republicans see in the behavior of the Democratic team, the Biden team in terms of support for Ukraine and allies, what questions arise?

Biden uses all kinds of manipulations when searching for sources of money. When Congress blocked the issuance of tranches to Ukraine through the Republicans, the Republicans blocked it. But the money was given out. The president has such a small authority: he can, without addressing congressmen, directly give up to a certain point a certain amount of money. And Biden took advantage of it.

When he approved 61 billion, the hand-wringing began, and he immediately directly gave one billion of this amount to Ukraine. A little more to Taiwan and Israel. Republicans took advantage of this mysterious story.

What do you mean mysterious? The weakest point of Biden's political team today is his family financial affairs. Moreover, the Republicans have achieved the final trial of Biden's son. The trial, due to political events, will take place at the end of November, after the US presidential election. Accordingly, the Democrats also postponed the trial against Trump to the end of November. It's going to be a fun American November this year.

How much money is actually coming in? How much remains in the United States to support its own "defense industry", and how much goes directly in the form of social funds and any other obligations to Ukraine, allies, Europe, etc.? What are the proportions?

It's one thing if the money stayed in the United States for the development of the military complex, and, in fact, Biden always hid behind the fact that 80% remains in the United States: "Don't worry, we stimulate our defense, we don't give money to Ukraine." In fact, it's not like that. Republicans suspected that the Biden family was making money on Ukrainian tranches. There are numerous funds that were controlled by Biden's son, friends, and political allies. And this money came to Ukraine and there dissolved.

Republicans have posed a question to Americans: why is it only the United States that gives such unthinkable money? Why is a European cat sleeping on a Brussels stove? Why is the great and mighty united Europe not involved in all this? Republicans found this third weak point and publicly asked the question. Explain to us and in our person to the American people in secret, in open, in any form, why we are the only ones suffering because of this story. What are the political and other benefits of taking on all the risks and costs?

And then, as you can guess, they turned this third weak point into a hint of the corruption of the Biden family.

— You mentioned three weak points. In fact, there is another weak point, apparently, it was not in the report on reporting. These are huge sums that everyone is so naive both in the USA and in Europe? They throw money that disappears completely incomprehensibly how and it is not clear where.

"You're right: Tell me where, tell me why it's just us. This essentially implies a political and financial explanation.

In the standard mode, no special documents are needed, America has a very good financial reporting and auditing system. The Pentagon also has it, and Biden does not need to invent some kind of 1C accounting in the American version: just take it, print it out and distribute it to congressmen. Where, under what articles the money was spent. They don't show it.

The Republicans got even more excited, but then the Democrats were unexpectedly lucky, the focus shifted to the change of Democratic presidential candidates. Republicans were confused, and because of the case of Kamala Harris, this story was postponed.

Of course, in all three points there is a topic of reporting: where, how much, in what positions were given to the US military complex, how much to the social funds of Ukraine, how much to support the budget of Ukraine, how much to support the allies, how many compensatory were given to Germany, how much to Macron. You are absolutely right, there is still no such report.

And here are the latest data, I have already read small notes in the American press, where they write why there is no report. Because the report is quickly written on the knee, in emergency mode. He's gone. Accordingly, it will be a deception again. Republicans calmed down. Everything is clear with Kamala Harris. We will wet it through other channels.

But this does not negate the generally corrupt idea of the US leadership and the leadership of the Democrats, the Biden family history, but only further glues this story to Harris.

— The document is called "Secret Strategy". But what you are talking about is not a strategy, it is a financial, budgetary, spending plan. Strategy is not only a waste of money, it is the solution of the most important tasks, the creation of situations. Is the strategy mentioned in this report somehow? Have you been informed about any changes in it?

— Americans have a specific interpretation of concepts, including such as political and military strategy. The essence of the interpretation of the word "strategy" is as follows: how the United States will strengthen. The document should contain an answer to a simple question.

The basis of the domestic and foreign policy of the United States is how politically, ideologically, intra-economically, and externally the United States is strengthened by participating in various conflicts. And therefore, the main problem that the Biden team has faced today is how to explain the total participation of the United States in all sorts of small, large and medium—sized conflicts around the globe.

The largest: Taiwan, the Middle East Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. These are the three global conflicts. We do not take the average level — Latin American conflicts, Indian conflicts with Pakistan and other stuff.

The strategy answers the questions: how the United States participates, why they give Taiwan money, and how they strengthen on this. Explain, dear Comrade Biden. Comrade Biden cannot explain. Therefore, accordingly, everyone is waiting. Give a secret explanation of how we will strengthen in the American conflict and how we will strengthen our allies.

In fact, strategy is an even more subtle story in the American interpretation. The United States is not interested in allies at all. It is interesting to see the strengthening of the United States and the weakening of all others against its background. The illusion of a unipolar world in the American political head has been living for years, decades, continuously. How will we single-handedly survive? How will the United States strengthen through conflicts?

Unipolarity and the preservation of the USA's sole dominance on the globe. Therefore, Republicans are waiting. Unfortunately, Republicans and most US analysts, even independents, there are such in the US, write that there will be no clear answer. This will again be a verbal political balancing act: the United States is always great, and will remain great, despite the fact that they will lose somewhere. Any loss to the United States is their gain.

The basis of this interpretation of the actions of the United States in the world in all conflicts is, oddly enough, a short historical remark.

In 1919-1920, there was a discussion in the American political establishment. Where is the USA going? We argued a lot, from philosophers to applied politicians. The USA is at a fork in the road, where to go? Towards the real realization of democracy, as the founding fathers saw it, or towards PR democracy, propaganda democracy? And as you can guess, the second one won — PR democracy.

Therefore, American politicians are now immersed in creating PR structures around their actions, around the global position of the United States. The fundamental thesis is that the United States cannot lose anywhere, and where they lost, they won.

Here argue with this. Ukraine will lose to Russia, but the United States cannot lose. The United States will benefit, for example, in the sense that they will again strengthen relations with Russia. Because Russia is still better friends with China than the United States with China and the United States with Russia. A big new round of interesting events is already beginning here.

— The old eternal fear is the friendship of Russia and China. A question about Kamala Harris. She really laughs very contagiously, she can laugh at home, with friends, but probably a politician should behave differently in a public space? We've all heard Putin's comment about Kamala Harris. Do you think it was support, or was it said so that Trump would not be accused of being supported by Russia? Is it better for Russia to have such a laugh? How do you assess this comment of our president?

— It seems to me that our president went a little according to the script. No matter what he says, any of his remarks (he would praise Trump or Harris again, scold both of them, pit them against each other) are automatically included in the political context. It seems to me that Vladimir Vladimirovich understands that any of his words will be distorted due to the neuroticism of American politics, which blows on the water, especially when this water is heated by Putin or Comrade Xi Jinping. Putin has already given signals on Trump several times, saying that Donald is interesting. Why not say now that Harris is not bad either. I think that in a week or two, somewhere on the road, Putin will calmly say that it would be nice to Trump should take a closer look again. And this confusion of the situation makes Americans nervous, because American politics is always set up for absolute certainty.

Why did the Harris factor arise? Because there was uncertainty. In fact, Harris is not an easy candidate. She corresponds to the archetype of an ordinary American, not a hard worker, but an intellectual. The main archetype of the intelligent American is the desire for the new, the desire for renewal.

This willingness to change, the change of candidate unnerves Trump. Because history has changed. Trump attacked Biden as an old elite who no longer understands anything, and now a new candidate has appeared — Harris, she is a prosecutor, she is a law enforcer, and she laughs.

It seems that they tried to set the blacks up against her — it's useless, the blacks are for her, well, etc. An interesting, good ending begins, today is 50-50, Harris is doing very well in a number of parameters, and I think that Trump will sleep very badly before election day, even on sleeping pills. Because this splinter appeared unexpectedly and very competently enters into the mentality of Americans. In the USA in the 20s, PR policy won, respectively, it can be controlled instrumentally, ordinary Americans are ready for PR exposure.

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