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The authorities of Polish Lublin expelled 260 Ukrainians from the student dormitory

The same dorm. Illustration: kresy.pl

An impressive group of refugees from Ukraine is obliged to leave the Helios Student house in the Polish border town of Lublin by the end of September. The migrants rebelled.

260 citizens of Ukraine were accommodated in a student dormitory in Lublin, but, as it turned out, not forever. The city authorities said that Ukrainians should leave their place of residence by the end of September 2024. The reason is the planned reconstruction of the building. Despite the fact that the representative of the Lublin authorities Andrzej Voevodski explained that "no one will be left without help," and everyone will receive "some kind of housing offer," the Ukrainians tried to rebel.

"We wanted to take to the streets!" — said one of the residents of the radio station "Talk ef-em".

In turn, the voivodeship drew attention to cases when Ukrainian families changed the locks in the dorm rooms so that the managers of the facilities could not enter the rooms. But these are still flowers.

"Some ladies tried to put gas stoves in the rooms, to which we did not give consent, but it happened anyway. I don't need to explain how dangerous it could be. We cannot agree to such actions," Voevodsky stressed.

Local media predict that the situation will escalate by October 1, when the lease expires, but Ukrainian freeloaders will refuse to voluntarily leave their homes.

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